
Monday, November 19, 2018

Golan Heights and Why It Must Remain in Israel's Hands

Nadene Goldfoot                              
Lake Ram near Mount Hermon (background), in the northeastern Golan Heights

The Golan Heights are talked about in the Bible in 2 places.  They had wound up in the hands of Syria.This piece of land, 690 sq miles in size, 9,252 feet (1.752273 mile)  at the highest peak and 696 feet at the lowest part, happens to be in a hilly area overlooking the upper Jordan River valley on the west.  This was part of the extreme SW Syria until 1967 when all the surrounding nations and their friends ganged up on Israel in a mass attack which they all happened to lose, much to everyone's surprise.  Their loss became Israel's land and the Golan Heights  found itself under Israeli military occupation by default.
Israel says they had captured 440 sq miles of the Golan Heights.  
 By comparison, Mt. Hood outside of Portland, Oregon is 11,250′ high.    

By December 1981, Israel annexed the part of the Golan it held, a high rocky plateau.   The name came from the famous biblical city of refuge, Golan, that was in Bashan.  You can check it out in Deuteronomy 4:43:(Golan in the Bashan (region of Transjordan-and original people in Abraham's day were the Rephaim, succeeded by the Amorites, then ruled by OG who was defeated and slain by the Israelites, settled by half the tribe of Manasseh)  of the Manassite) {Manasseh-which was the 1st son of Joseph and Asenath} and in Joshua 20:8.  {Golan in the Bashan from the tribe of Manasseh}

Mt. Hermon is in the Golan and has become a favorite skiing area.  About 3 million tourists come each year to the Golan as it includes a Game Reserve Center in Gamla.  The area has a canyon, waterfalls and trails.  One can even run into raptors, even rare ones there.

How did Syria ever come by this land?  The Ottoman Empire held onto Palestine for 400 years, then lost it by siding with Germany in WWI.  The allies divvied up the Empire's holdings among themselves.   "After World War Ithe Golan became part of the French mandate of Syria and in 1941 passed to independent Syria. "

Jews had had a chance to own the Golan before this had happened.  "In 1894 the French-Jewish banker Baron Edmond de Rothschild bought a large tract of land for Jewish settlement in the Golan, but evidently not enough people came since the Ottomans made settling so difficult.  "Jewish colonization was attempted but was frustrated by the hostility of the Arab population and by the Ottoman land laws, which virtually forbade settlement by nonnatives."

After Israel's War of Independence 1947-1949, "Syria fortified the western crest of the Golan Heights, which commands the Ḥula Valley, the Sea of Galilee, and the upper Jordan River valley, all in Israel. In these sections many Israeli civilians were killed by Syrian artillery and sniper fire; agriculture and fishing were rendered difficult, and at times impossible."
Cool summer hiking in Golan
Man taking a biblical hike tour through Mt Hermon in summer

During the 1967 War, "the Syrian defenders and most of the Arab inhabitants fled, and Syria asked for an armistice; fighting ceased on June 10. The Heights were placed under Israeli military administration, and Golan was integrated into the communications and financial framework of Israel. By the late 1970s nearly 30 Jewish settlements had been established on the heights, and in 1981 Israel unilaterally annexed the area."  Israel has held it for the past 37 years.  

The Golan Heights is also populated by about 20,000 Druze, people who also live in Syria in the city of Aleppo. Druze are a religious sect from Islam. They also live in Lebanon and Israel as well.  53,000 lived in Israel by 1992.  They live mostly in 18 villages in the Galilee and on Mt. Carmel.  They have their own religious courts which administer Druze religious law in Israel.   The village of Quneitra in the Golan is only 31 miles from Damascus, Syria. 

 There have been many incidents where injured Syrians crossed over into Israel for aid and of course were taken to the hospital in Safed, Israel, the nearest one.  One time a pregnant Syrian was taken to the hospital and her baby was born in Israel making the baby an Israeli citizen.  She stayed there with the baby.  Another time a 15 year old boy was taken to the hospital in Safed with a missing hand and both his eyes were badly injured.  Both eyeballs were totally shattered.  The hospital trauma center received many casualties from Syria.  
The thousands of missiles in Syria pointed at Israel,
have been like this for many years already.  

"A disengagement agreement between Israel and Syria, signed following the Yom Kippur War of October 1973, established a United Nations buffer zone in the Golan Heights, monitored by a UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF). The UNDOF mandate was renewed every six months thereafter. Negotiations between Syria and Israel, initiated during bilateral talks held in Madrid in 1991, continued intermittently until they broke down in 2000 over the future status of the heights.  
Observation post in Israeli-occupied Golan Heights in May (Reuters)

Now the UN wants Israel to give it up.  Why?  Syria wants it in order to attack Israel, of course. " The US ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, has emphatically said NO to the UN.   Israel cannot put themselves in harm's way. 

Messages From a Syrian Jew Trapped in Egypt by Nadene Goldfoot
Update: 1/10/19

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