
Wednesday, October 3, 2018


Nadene Goldfoot                                       
Husseini, an Arab and the Nazis of World War II
Hajj Mohammed Amin El-Husseini (1893-1974 and born in Jerusalem, son of a mufti of Jerusalem) was appointed mufti of Jerusalem in 1921.  His clan were rich landowners.  Palestinian nationalist leaders, including the grandfather of the PLO’s current top official in Jerusalem, sold land to Jews in the years before Israel’s founding.
Husseini was also head of the Supreme Moslem Council.  He may have been responsible for the 1929
attacks on Jews in Jerusalem. 
 "The riots took the form, in the most part, of attacks by Arabs on Jews accompanied by destruction of Jewish property. During the week of riots from 23 to 29 August, 133 Jews were killed and between 198–241 others were injured, a large majority of whom were unarmed and were murdered in their homes by Arabs."  What they did
was a massacre.

 In 1936 he organized the Palestine
disturbances attacking Jews.  The British with the 30 year mandate exiled him in 1937 so
he moved to Lebanon.  During WWII he participated in the Axis coup in Iraq, then went to Germany
and met with Hitler.  He was responsible for the liquidation of the Jews in the Muslim
parts of Bosnia.  After 1948 when Israel was born (May 14, 1948) he set up a short-lived "Palestine
Government" in Gaza, then later moved it to Cairo.
"Husseini opposed both the 1947 UN Partition Plan and King Abdullah's designs to annex the Arab part of British Mandatory Palestine to Jordan."
The Nazis slaughtered 6 million Jews until Germany was stopped by the
Allies on September 2,1945.

The history of Arabs in Palestine starts after Mohammad died.
Let's look first at the Israelites who lived here for over 3,000 years
who came with Moses on the Exodus
before the Arabs came along.  

Aaron, brother of Moses:
Aaron's Descendants, the Cohens, who served in the Temple-as
the Priests  They were from the tribe of Levi, 3rd son of
Jacob and Leah.  The first born son of each  family served as a priest but after
the Golden Calf episode, Levites replaced the 1st born and Aaron's descendants
worked on Temple duties and taught about the 5 books of Moses.  Levites
were not given any land, but as teachers lived with all 12 tribes teaching.
Thus, many were taken away with the 10 Lost Tribes.  Today we
find they have the J1 and J2 (Y haplogroup) of DNA.
Many Arabs also carry this J1 haplogroup, believed to be from
our common ancestor, Abraham. 

Over 3,000 years ago, Israel was the birthplace of the Israelites which included the tribal land of Judea after King Solomon's death in 920 BCE who were later called the Jews.  King Saul had been Israel's ruler in about 1020 BCE, then King David ruled from 1004 -965 BCE, and then King Solomon, his son, from 965-930 BCE.  This is when the kingdom split into the northern kingdom of Israel and the southern kingdom of Judah.
By 721 BCE, the northern 10 Tribes of Israel were taken by the Assyrians leaving the southern tribe of Judah with some of Benjamin and one other tribal remnants.
Nabataean trade routes before Islam started in Arabia
This is the Arabian Peninsula.  Nabateans were people of Arab extraction who lived in Edom in 6th century BCE and had their capital at Petra (Jordan).  They originally were nomads and had a caravan route.  

The Arabian Peninsula, simplified Arabia, is a peninsula of Western Asia situated northeast of Africa on the Arabian plate. From a geographical perspective, it is considered a subcontinent of Asia. It is the largest peninsula in the world, at 3,237,500 km². Wikipedia
"The earliest documented use of the word "Arab" to refer to a people appears in the Kurkh Monoliths, an Akkadian language record of the ninth century BCE Assyrian conquest of Aram, which referred to Bedouins of the Arabian Peninsula under King Gindibu, who fought as part of a coalition opposed to Assyria."  Remember, Assyrians attacked Israel in 721 BCE.  Aram was SYRIA.  Syria including Damascus goes back to the name, ARAM-DAMMESEK, originally an Aramean kingdom in Syria in the 10th to 8th centuries BCE with the capital being Damascus.  The kings of Israel, Judah and Syria had joined together in fighting against the Assyrians in 853, 848 and 845 BCE. 

The 1st Arabs arrived as conquerors and proselytizers of Islam in the 7th Century, 2,500 years after Israelites had settled there.  No other country or people claimed this Palestine.
Burning of Jerusalem, 2nd Temple in 70 CE by the Romans. 
Roman Soldiers killing civilians of Jerusalem
The Romans conquered the area in 70 CE and renamed the land PALESTINE for the enemy of Israel, the Philistines.  It was a name they made up, for there never was any country called Palestine.  Some of the population had never left and had continued to call the land ERETZ ISRAEL (the land of Israel).  With the king and some of the population gone, the land became decimated.  The missing population died in the destruction of Jerusalem and the burning of the Temple and all the starvation that was part of the results.  All this, but there always remained a Jewish population living on the land. People referred to it as Palestine, knowing it was just a wasted land.

                                                    MOHAMMAD  (570-632)                                                                                                                    
1.  Arabs invaded Palestine from Arabia from 661 AD to 750 AD by Umayyad Caliphs, and were then replaced by the Abbasids.  The 7th century was when the land came under the rule of nomadic Arabs, but it wasn't a country with a ruler.  These nomads let the land erode.  It was exposed to water erosion and destruction.  They were not part of the farmers who spread through other parts of the world.

2. In 969, the secessionist Fatimids of Egypt took control of Palestine by replacing the Abbasids.

3. Fights between Fatimids, their enemies and local Bedouins continued to fight each other.

4. Seljuk Turks invaded the wasteland of Palestine in 1071 and captured Jerusalem.  Then they marched south to Egypt.

5. Fatimids recaptured Jerusalem in 1096.
1st Crusade

6. 1096: Christian Crusaders came to Jerusalem, in a country divided between Fatimids and Selijuks.  Jews were on the side of  the Arabs.  All Middle Easterners looked alike to Crusaders.  They were warring Christians during the Middle Ages who had come to win Palestine from the Muslim control.
   1st Crusade:  (1096-9) attacks on Jews in N. France and Rhineland of Germany, massacring Jews in cities (Mainz, Worms, Speyer, Cologne, etc), then in Prague, later in Salonica. By 1099 Jews and Karaites were massacred.
  2nd Crusade:  (1147-9) more massacres in France and Rhineland caused by Rudolf, a Monk.  The Pope urged that the debt of crusaders to the Jews should be remitted.
3rd Crusade
  3rd Crusade:  (1189-92)  England joined the Crusaders, attacking Jews in York in 1190.
  4th Crusade 1320 called the Shepherds' Crusade with results of widespread attacks on  the Jews of S France and N Spain.

The Crusades started the age of unmitigated suffering for medieval Jewry living outside the land and inside the land of Israel.  Crusaders and their killings caused the displacement of Jewish merchants from their former favored position and thus stimulated the economic decline of the Jews.

A surprising outcome was that this caused the demand for credit on the part of the participants which stimulated Jewish financial operations in some countries of Europe.

After the Crusades
Arabs arabized Palestine in the ethnic and religious sense.  Jewish landowners were displaced by Arab settlers.  Arabs took over the Jewish holy places and excluded Jews entirely.

The demented Caliph Al-Hakim persecuted both Christians and Jews.

By 1517, the Ottoman Empire took control of the land of Palestine.  The held it for 400 years until 1917.  It remained practically uninhabited, a wasteland, made of swamps and desert.  No one did anything with it.  No farming existed.  It was as if it was waiting for the Jews to return and do something with it.

1880 was a year that many Russian Jews returned to their original land.  They had been suffering under pogroms in Russia against Jews.  Anti-Semitism had been growing in France and Russia and was spreading to other countries.  Arabs without jobs in their own lands followed Jews to get jobs in building.  Otherwise, there were very few living in Palestine under the harsh Turkish laws who taxed them very heavily.
   Jews created kibbutzim to live in.  Other Jews who came bought land from Arabs, drained the swamps, fought the mosquitoes and malaria, and started villages such as Tel Aviv.  They wanted their ancient land back as a country.


1917 WORLD WAR I ENDED, AND THE AXIS LOST THE WAR.  THIS MEANT THAT THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE WAS LOST.  These Turks kept their small part of the empire as Turkey.  The Ottoman Empire was now in the hands of the Allies who gave a 30 year mandate to Britain to control Palestine for them.  France was given the mandate over Syria, Lebanon and Iraq.  Abdullah over in Arabia was a prince who had no land to rule over and wanted one.  He made a deal with England and got 80% of Palestine, which was to go to the Jews for a much needed Jewish Homeland.
 So the British actually went back on their job of preparing the land for the Jews, leaving them mostly desert land. Jordan, populated by Arabs brought in by Abdullah, and now many so called "Palestinians," have a country across the river Jordan called Jordan, first designated to be the Jewish Homeland which is 80% of Palestine.

Resource:  Jewish Encyclopedia
My speech: June 15, 2006

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