
Sunday, September 30, 2018

After 3,000 Years; the 12 Tribes of Israel Meeting Each Other Again

Nadene Goldfoot                            

Pashtuns of Afghanistan and Pakistan Visit Jerusalem
a revered City of David, King of Israel (1010-970 BCE) son of Jesse of
the tribe of Judah.
It was some 200 years later when the ancestors of Pashtuns were taken away
by the Assyrians in 722-721 BCE.  The 1st king they knew was Saul, Israel's
first king, son of Kish of the tribe of Benjamin
They lived in Israel with King Solomon (961-920 BCE) who was
David's son.  The Pashtuns were the 10 Northern Tribes comprising
Jacob's descendants of his 12 sons as we understand today.   

How big do you think Israel is?  President Bush was shocked that it was so small, saying it could fit into a part of his Texas ranch. 

"Prairie Chapel Ranch is a 1,583-acre (6.4 km²) ranch in unincorporated McLennan County, Texas, located 7 miles (11 km) northwest of Crawford (about 25 miles(40 km) from Waco). The property was acquired by George W. Bush in 1999 and was known as the Western White House during his presidency."   Actually, the ranch is as big as 2.473438 sq miles big, 1/4 the size of Israel.  The state of Texas is made of 268,597 sq miles.  
Afghanistan is made of 252,072 sq miles.
Pakistan is made of 307,374 sq miles.  
USA is made of 3.797 million sq miles.  

The USA has gained Alaska and Hawaii, making 50 United States.  The lower 48 is shown above.  

It was slightly smaller than the American state of New Jersey ( shown on the map as a piece of the coastline to the east of Pennsylvania-the yellow state), but with its territories gained back since 1967's ultimate attack by all the surrounding Arab nations it now has 10,762 sq. miles.

Their population in 2006 was 7,026,000.  According to the CIA of the USA, Israel's population was 6,353,117 including 187,000 new residents in Judea-Samaria (West Bank) and 20,000 in the Golan Heights and then the 177,000 in East Jerusalem which would be an Arab population.  Of these Jews, 76.4% were Israeli born Jews
22.6% European-born Jews
5.9% African-born Jews
4.7% Asian born Jews
23.6% non-Jews (Gentiles) which again would be the Arab population (mixed Christian, Muslims)

When Israel was created on May 14, 1948, they had 600,000 Jews, the very same number that Moses had brought to the Promised Land he had brought his Jews of the Exodus to live.  Ironically, Jews lost 6,000,000 (million) Jews in the WWII's Holocaust.  

As of on September 22, 2018, Israel's population was 8,485,501 and the area covers 20,770 sq km or 8,019 sq miles; 8 thousand sq miles is not very big.  

Compare this population with Mexico City which had 8,720,916 that same year in the inner part of their city proper.  Actually Greater Mexico City had the population of 19.2 million people.  The total area of Israel was 20,770 sq km which includes 440 sq m of water, or 8,000 some sq miles that makes up Israel, almost divided in half.  
Moses and the 10 Commandments

Why must Jews live in their ancient of Israel today?  Why there?  Because their blood-line is from the Middle East, not from Bush's ranch in the USA.  Their original ancestors came from the area around the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers and had moved Westward in an Exodus to Ur, of today's Iraq as the group that Terah and his son, Abram had belonged to.  From Ur and Abram we get the command through Moses from G-d that we were to return to Canaan and live there, a place Jacob, Abram's grandson, had been living.  Jacob is the one who, after wrestling with an angel, was named ISRAEL.  
The Bible is our compass, the Tanakh, that is, comprised of the 5 Books of Moses and the prophets, the Old Testament to Christians.  This is our story and our destiny.  Moses is our teacher.  With him, our ancestors traveled for 40 years learning about themselves and what their job was to do.  It included teaching their descendants, and here we are, a pared-down group of descendants of which less than half, 6 million,  are now living in Israel with another 6 million in the USA and 2 million still scattered in other parts of the world.  Jews as a group kept their faith, their belief in one G-d, even after losing 6 million people to those who hated them for being different.  
Husseini with the Nazis, plotting against Jews in Palestine

At this time of finally, through blood and tears and much fighting, we have gained back our ancient land-enough to claim it to be Israel, and still we are now in the in-gathering stage of finding our lost 10 tribes, lost to us in 720 BCE by the Assyrian attacks.  The ugly head of anti-Semitism still exists, driving some of those not yet into Israel heading that way and wondering where they could live in this tiny space.  
Fatah of Judea-Samaria and Hamas of Gaza,
leaders who can't get along with each other,
vying for power.

Now the nations that are leaders on this planet, including Trump's very recent decision,  are planning on the 2 STATE SOLUTION, something the Arabs really do not want as they view their own solution; taking over all the land for themselves their goal.                      

Out of this some 10,000 sq miles making up Israel today, where on earth are they plotting to cut land to make a Palestinian state?  There are many possibilities online, and this shows how impossible it is.  Remember, the Arabs are not willing partners of peace.  They swore to destroy Israel in 1967 at the Kartoum Conference.  Continued Peace has always been Israel's goal.  There are talks about land swaps.   

Some rabbis and our prophecy says that we will never see the Moshiach (Messiah) until we are united again with out lost 10 tribes.  This is a vastly huge group of Pashtuns, mostly living in Pakistan and Afghanistan,  who are very happy living where they are, of course.  Pashtuns are thought to number 50 million.  They have about 13,750,117 in Afghanistan and 30,699,037 in Pakistan.  

As it stands right now, 801,000 people live in Jerusalem, the coveted city that the Arabs want to make over as theirs but which is the capital of Israel; from David's time onto today.
West Jerusalem, populated by Jews, has 400,000.  

The fact that the Palestinian Arabs have no history in this land other than riding through on their camels or at one time owning some land that they gladly sold at extremely high prices to incoming Jews, makes no difference, it seems.  They have no ancient claims like the Jews do.  There was never a country of Palestine.  1.7 million Arabs are already full citizens of tiny Israel, so the ratio is 1.7 million to 6 million, and must be kept at this ratio to keep Israel's claim of ownership.  
Muslims in the world 

Israel is the only scrap of land in the world that is a Jewish country. You can barely visualize it on the map above.   There are 44 Muslim states with 1 billion people in an area 672 times the size of Israel.  22  of the 44 are sovereign Arab states right in the Middle East including oil rich Saudi Arabia and Kuwait, who steadfastly refuse to absorb the so-called "Palestinian refugees, preferring to keep them as political pawns in order to blame Israel for their plight.  The Arab world boasts at least 21 states with an area greater than that of the USA.  None of these states are a democracy, except now, possibly Iraq can become one, but that won't happen if ISIS has their way.  All these Muslim countries outnumber Israel, yet Israel had to win all the wars thrust upon her since 1948, no matter if the odds were ridiculous.  
This is a Druze IDF soldier. Druze consider themselves to be Arabs in Syria and Lebanon, but not in Israel, except for a part of the Golan Heights Druze, who consider themselves to be Arabs.  They are wonderful
citizens of Israel, a population of 130,600.  They decided on their own
to serve in Israel's army.  Arabs are not expected to do this.  

Note that Israel has taken its Arabs who remained there in 1948 as full citizens along with the Jews, now totaling 1.7 million.  

Resource: My speech of June 15, 2006,+pictures&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwj5-vezvOPdAhUM8IMKHTiVCPIQ7Al6BAgFEBs&biw=1687&bih=872#imgrc=C19M8CJp9C6Q6M:  Bush Ranch Victor Sharpe article on 2 state solution-use Jordan.  

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