
Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Conservative and the Liberals of the Supreme Court and the 9th Elected: Kavanaugh

Nadene Goldfoot                                 

Judge Brett Michael Kavanaugh b: February 12, 1965 in Washington, DC. a graduate of Yale,  is about to be elected to be the 9th Judge on the USA Supreme Court filling Anthony Kennedy's shoes, but many Jews who are on the Left side of politics are having a tizzy about it. It's not because he is Catholic, but in a sense, they might fear that this will alter his feelings about abortion.  However, since 2018, there are 4 judges who are Catholics already.  "Progressive groups, such as the Workmen’s Circle, a Jewish organization with roots in the labor movement, denounced Trump’s pick, while the centrist Anti-Defamation League said it was wary that the nominee’s judicial record “does not reflect the demonstrated independence and commitment to fair treatment for all that is necessary to merit a seat on our nation’s highest court.”  " Kavanaugh  clerked for Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy, working alongside his high school classmate Neil Gorsuch and with future-Judge Gary Feinerman,  Kavanaugh with President George W. Bush and other White House staffers in 2001."
Neil Gorsuch b: 1967 Colorado,Oxford, Harvard, Trump 2017, replaced Judge Scalia, Catholic
Roberts b: 1955 New York, Harvard, Bush in 2005, Catholic
Kennedy b: 1936 CA, Harvard, Reagan in 1988, Catholic, retiring end of July 2018
Thomas b: 1948 Georgia, Yale, Bush in 1991, Catholic
Alito b: 1950 New York, Yale, Bush in 2006 Catholic
Ginsburg b: 1933 New York, Columbia, Clinton in 1993, Jewish
Breyer b: 1938 CA, Harvard, Clinton in 1994, Jewish
Sotomayor b: 1954 New York, Yale,, Obama in 2009, Catholic
Kagan b: 1960 New York, Harvard, Obama in 2010,  Jewish
George Herbert Walker Bush was president from 1989 to 1993.

William Jefferson Clinton was president from 1993 to 2001.
George Walker Bush was president from 2001 to 2009.
Barack Hussein Obama II was president from 2009 to 2016.  
Donald John Trump was president January 20, 2017.  He chose Kavanaugh as his choice to take the place of the 9th Judge Kennedy who retired, 

Many American Jews voting on the Democrat ticket also belong to J Street.  That is a competitive group of AIPAC.  They do not endorse any candidate who is not for the 2 state solution, which is not on Israel's agenda at this time after 70 years of trying to promote the idea with the Palestinians.  Therefore, they are not backing Trump's views of anything.  This is including Judge Kavanaugh who has been turned down by Democrats, many of who voiced their opinions the moment Trump announced his name as his selection.  Democrats have been very negative in questioning Kavanaugh in the question period.  

"On Tuesday, Jody Rabhan, who directs NCJW’s Washington operations, said that Kavanaugh, like the other candidates considered by Trump, was “terrible on the issues that we care about.”

“The assumption based on his record and his ruling is that he would further push the court in the direction of using religion as an excuse to discriminate, not to mention the incredible horrors that could be, should he end up on the court, around reproductive health rights and justice,” Rabhan told JTA in a phone interview."

"Many on the left are concerned that a Trump appointee could join a conservative majority in taking away abortion rights and overturn Roe v. Wade, which Trump made a campaign promise. CNN legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin has said that there is “just no doubt” that abortion would be illegal in a significant part of the United States within a year-and-a-half of the confirmation of whomever Trump picked to fill Kennedy’s seat."  No wonder the Left are all talking about ousting Trump from the Presidential seat if they have this in mind.  They want abortions to be legal.
Rabbi Abba Cohen on left;  of Maryland

On the other side of the coin, "Agudath Israel of America, a haredi Orthodox organization, has not yet taken an official position on the nomination, but its Washington director, Rabbi Abba Cohen, called Kavanaugh “ a very impressive candidate.” Cohen was happy about Kavanaugh’s rulings related to religious freedom based on an initial overview of the judge’s record. Agudah and other Orthodox groups favor rulings that would exempt religious groups and individuals from generally applicable laws that clash with their beliefs."

"Both the ADL (Anti-Defamation League) and NCJW (National Council of Jewish Women)  urged the Senate Judiciary Committee to carefully review the nomination of Kavanaugh and probe him to ensure that he will respect principles of equality, civil and social rights. The two organizations vowed to further their efforts towards promoting such values of their own accords." 

Most of the questioning done by the Democrats were not  of the high quality of the man they they were reproaching, however.  Much was downright crude and rude.  He will become the 9th by the votes of the Republicans, unless they become swayed by many false accusations made.  

"Most Republicans senators have quickly lined up behind Kavanaugh, who would surely swing the Court’s ideology to the right. They have either endorsed him outright or heaped praise on Trump’s nominee, while noting that they take their judicial confirmation responsibility seriously. Even moderates Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME) — the Republicans most likely on the fence — have spoken favorably of the Kavanaugh."

9/17/18 Update: Kavenaugh is said to be the 17 yr old drunk kid at a party in about 1982 Maryland, who tried to rape the now professor of clinical psychology. Another teen is said to have joined him on the bed and he has been found and also denies ever being there.   Kavenaugh denies ever being at such a party.  She is remembering through help in repressed memories.  The timing comes at the crucial moment of causing doubt in voters to be in a few days.  Feinstein, Democrat,  held the information since July; not coming out with it at appropriate dates.  Throwing in this monkey wrench of sexual misconduct is causing his old high school friends to back Kavenaugh.  Kavenaugh was born in Washington DC, Feb 12th (Abe's birthday).  Abe could not tell a lie and Kavenaugh is strongly denying this possible mistaken identity.  
"As a teenager he attended Georgetown Preparatory School, where he was two years senior to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch. After prep school, Kavanaugh went to Yale University and majored in history." Georgetown Preparatory School is a Jesuit university-preparatory school in North Bethesda, Maryland for boys grades 9 through 12. It is among the most selective prep schools. The only Jesuit boarding school in the United States, it is located in the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington on 93 acres. Wikipedia

Accuser: Dr. Christine Blasey Ford:  "actress Julia Louis-Dreyfus has signed a letter of support being circulated among alumnae of a private Maryland high school to show support for Christine Blasey Ford, a sister graduate, who has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of trying to sexually assault her when she was a student there.
In a tweet Monday, “Veep” and “Seinfeld” star Louis-Dreyfus said she was in the class of 1979 at Holton-Arms, a private girls school in Bethesda, Maryland. Ford, a professor of psychology who teaches at Palo Alto University and Stanford University, graduated from the school in 1984, according to He attended  He attended Georgetown Prep,      The women’s letter also said Ford’s allegations that Kavanaugh, 53, was intoxicated and tried to assault her at a high school party are “all too consistent with stories we heard and lived while attending Holton. Many of us are survivors ourselves.”     Holton-Arms is an independent college-preparatory school for girls in grades 3–12, located in Bethesda, Maryland. As of the 2013-14 school year, there were 655 students and 94 faculty. Since 2007, Susanna Jones has been Head of School. The school has three divisions, Lower School, Middle School, and Upper School. Wikipedia
My comment:  Kavenauagh and Ford did not attend the same schools.  This one encounter that he denies and she remembers only through psychological help and she remembers a boy's name that took her into a room?  I would have problems remembering good friends from 35 some years ago.  The timing is certainly interesting, coming up at the last moment before voting.  The time to reveal such revelations was weeks ago.  Now the doctor has changed her mind several times as to speaking or not about it to Senators.  The FBI has already done their job checking Kavenaugh thoroughly, except possibly for what he did at age 17 at a party.  Good grief!  If this becomes true, I'd say at least it shows he is a red-blooded male; not a man without at least one fault he corrected since he was 17 because if he were any more perfect he'd be very unusual.  

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