
Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Letter To Biden From A 90 Year Old Jewish Woman

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                     

                             Today's Middle East
                         c. 475 BCE Persian Empire of Queen Esther's Day

You have to understand, President Biden, that Jews learned quite a lesson from Haman, Chief Minister of a king of Iran long ago when it was called Persia.  Haman expected all people to bow to him because he was 2nd in line to ruling Persia, a vast swatch of land, even in those days.                                               

Along came a lesser Minister of the country of Persia named Mordecai, and he wouldn't bow down to Haman.  He happened to be one of the many Jewish people of that land, and Jews didn't bow down to anybody.  As it was to be, they didn't even bow down to their G-d!  Jews today stand and sway to and fro when praying together.   Haman plotted a Jewish annihilation of all in the land and it started in several places.  

Now Mordecai's niece was Esther, a most beautiful girl, who had been selected in a beauty contest as the wife of the king.   She could have kept quiet about being Jewish.  After all, if Haman felt this way toward Jews, perhaps her husband did, also!

No, she was brave enough to speak to her husband and tell him she was Jewish and might also be killed.  The king was so shocked and angry about Haman's decision that he had him hung along with his many sons as well.  

What was our lesson?  Mordecai did not appease Haman.  He stood his ground, refusing to bow down.  You cannot appease bullies.  You must face them!  They only respect strength!  Even Esther  refused to appease Haman and told on him to the king!  That was the first time anyone dared to slaughter a whole people, and this time it was the Jewish people, just for someone's arrogance who thought themselves as better than anyone else.  

That anti-Semitism still exists.  The late President of Iran, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad,  called Jews every name under the sun.  
                                       Young Benjamin Netanyahu, a strong soldier

President Biden, Netanyahu's grandfather was a rabbi.  His father was a learned scholar of his people, the Jews.  We don't just select our religion, we are born to our religion.  Our ancestors were also Jews.  The religion is in our blood.  Netanyahu was a soldier at a young age and belonged to the strongest unit of all of IDF.  The men were all spectacular!   He does not bow down!  He uses his sechel, his k0p, his mind and intelligence.  He knows when to duck and when not to duck.   If he feels the time is right, then it's right.  He is not about to call for a cease fire now !                           

 David (Israel) fighting against Goliath (Iran) with a slingshot

Backing up my supposition was the recent report this morning that many generals in the USA and maybe others are in agreement with his decision.  Besides that, dear Biden, we feel that G-d is on our side and will also be in agreement.  Israel is not out to take lives but to put an end to them taking ours!  Whose side are you on???  Why the hold-up with the ammunition?  How do you expect them to protect themselves without the proper ammunition?  With a slingshot?  Well, we already gave David's Sling to the world now.  


                             David's Sling Stunner missile launch during tests, 2015

 In order to enable Israel to make use of the financial aid provided by the United States to further develop the system and to produce it, a partnership was established with Raytheon which developed the missile firing unit and overall logistic system and assisted Rafael with developing the interceptor.   In 2006 Rafael was awarded a contract to develop a defense system to counter the threat of medium- to long-range rockets with ranges between 70 and 250 km (43 and 155 mi).  Thus the partnership !  Still there?,to%20exterminate%20the%20Jewish%20people.

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