
Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Why The Fight Over The Philadelphi Corridor

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                   

Netanyahu said on Monday, September 2, 2024, that Israel must maintain military control over the Philadelphi corridor (AP photo/Ohad Zwigenberg, Pool)

The Philadelphi corridor is a strip — only 100 meters (yards) wide in some places— that runs the 14-kilometer (8.6-mile) length of the Gaza side of the border with Egypt. It includes the Rafah crossing, which was Gaza’s only outlet to the outside world not controlled by Israel until the army captured the entire corridor in May of 2024.

Israel says Hamas used a vast network of tunnels beneath the border to import arms, allowing it to build up the military machine it deployed on Oct. 7. The military says it has found and destroyed dozens of tunnels since seizing the corridor.

Benny Gantz was an active member of the Labor Party , which is the opposition to Netanyahu's Likud Party, and at one point a possible Knesset candidate. He served as the mapainik (local representative of the Mapai party), a head of the moshav movement, and the community’s baal toke'a, blowing the shofar (ram's horn) on Rosh Hashana.

Knowing this political competition, Israel's own Defense Minister, Benny Gantz, said Israel should relinquish the corridor, at least for a short period of time, in order to secure an agreement to bring back around 100 hostages still held in Gaza, about a third of whom are believed to be dead.  The terrorists did not buy into that ploy at all.  

 Having tangled repeatedly with the prime minister and the hardline nationalist religious parties in his coalition, Gantz has quit, three weeks after laying down a deadline for Netanyahu to come up with a clear postwar strategy for Gaza.

The Hamas terrorists said  "That’s been a nonstarter for Hamas,  and Hamas’s armed wing said on Monday that hostages would return to Israel “inside coffins” if military pressure continued, warning that “new instructions” had been given to the militants guarding the captives if Israeli troops approached.  We now realize ;that the 6 hostages held were shot in the back of their heads as soon as IDF troops were getting closer to their site.  

 Egypt says the Israeli troop presence violates a peace treaty between the two countries. Here’s what to know.  

 Israeli officials say Hamas also uses the corridor as a key conduit for the transfer of weapons and funds to militants. Netanyahu has called it “the lifeline of Hamas by which they arm and rebuild themselves.”  Egypt is in denial about it, for admittance would be against a fragile peace treaty they have.    Arms have been going to Hamas daily with Egypt's knowledge.  

Benjamin Netanyahu has defied protests at home and criticism from Joe Biden by vowing that Israel would not relinquish control over a strategic corridor along the Gaza-Egyptian border.  The remarks came hours after the US president met with his top advisers on the Gaza conflict and told reporters that he did not believe Netanyahu was doing enough to secure a ceasefire deal with Hamas.  

Hamas are terrorists on a mission to drive out all Jews from the Middle Eastern country of Israel and take it over for Iran or themselves.  The Israelis rioting in the streets blame Netanyahu for not releasing the hostages, but they have been trying to do so all along, causing over a thousand injured IDF soldiers.  "On 1 December, around 1,332 Israelis had been killed since 7 October (inclusive), including 395 IDF soldiers, 10 Shin Bet agents and 59 police officers, and at least 1,271 have been wounded."

  1. Hamas affirms that the Oslo Accords and their addenda contravene the governing rules of international law in that they generate commitments that violate the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people. Therefore, the Movement rejects these agreements and all that flows from them, such as the obligations that are detrimental to the interests of our people, especially security coordination (collaboration).                               

  2. Nicki Haley said, "Haley said Tuesday: “1 in 4 of their neighbors were murdered or taken hostage in Gaza. No other country would accept this, Israel should not either.”

    She also reaffirmed her commitment to Israel, saying during the tour, saying “Don’t listen to what is being said in the media. I reassure you: America stands with Israel!”

    During the Memorial Day weekend trip, Haley visited Kibbutz Nir Oz, the site of the Nova festival, and Sderot.

    She reflected in a social media post about a nurse she met whose “life changed forever’ after October 7.

    “When she escaped, she tried to treat victims who were butchered and left to slowly die. Now, she bravely tells her story to bear witness for the hundreds who can’t — raped, tortured, kidnapped, and murdered simply for being Israeli,” she continued.Resource:

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