
Wednesday, May 29, 2024

World War III ?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                            

                 Iran showing their nuclear reactor facility among others

As of February 2024, Iran has one active nuclear power plant, Bushehr-1, which has a capacity of 915 megawatts (MWe) and began operating in 2013 with Russian assistance. Iran is also building four more nuclear power plants in the port town of Sirik, in the southern coastal province of Hormozgan, which are expected to have a total capacity of 5,000 MWe. Construction on these plants is expected to take about nine years and cost $20 billion. 

World Wars I and II were fought by the Allies and the Axis sides.  In both cases, the Allies won, of which England and the USA were Allies.

We could be in WWIII right now, but with Israel forging ahead as a country, and the USA being its big brother in defense. This nucleus of an Allied  force has been marred with Ireland joining the Palestinian side I name as the Axis side.  Norway and Spain have joined them as well.  These 3 countries have always been quite negative towards Israel compared to other countries.

Nikki Haley includes Iran, China and Russia as enemies of our states of the USA and Israel as well.  

"Visiting southern Israel, Nikki Haley blames Iran, Russia and China for October 7:  Hamas massacre ‘was orchestrated by Iran. It was helped with Russian intelligence. And it was fueled by money from China,’ former American UN envoy tells reporters in Sderot."

"Norway and Spain have also announced that they will recognise a Palestinian state. In a statement on Tuesday, the Irish government said it recognised "Palestine as a sovereign and independent state and agreed to establish full diplomatic relations between Dublin and Ramallah".

As far as anti-Semitic beliefs, I know how people are urged to turn against Jews.  However, look at this:

God Promises Abraham Land (Israel) 

Abraham is the Father of Judaism  and was the father of Isaac.  Yes, he was also the father of Ishmael who had a different mother than Isaac, Hagar, and Ishmael had turned against the family by leaving it to join the OTHERS, others in adjoining lands.  Abraham was the Jewish Patriarch.  However, many Arab tribes also trace their ancestry to him as well.  

The first part of God’s promise to Abraham was land. Today the land is called Israel. This promise is repeated in Genesis 15:18-21 and 17:8. Exodus 23:28-31 describes the boundary of the land as extending from the Red Sea to the wilderness of the Euphrates River. A more detailed description of the Promised Land is given in Numbers 34:1-13.  

Today you hear Palestinians quoting this as if it were meant only for them, when it comes from the writing of Moses called the Torah.  .

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