
Friday, May 31, 2024

The Allusive Philadelphia Corridor

 Nadene Goldfoot                                             

The Philadelphi Route is located along the Egypt-Gaza border

The Philadelphi Corridor, also called Philadelphi Route, is the Israeli code name for a narrow strip of land, 14 km (8.7 miles) in length, situated along the entirety of the border between Gaza Strip and Egypt. 

The cause of much trafficking by terrorists, it is now in the hands of Israelis One purpose of the Philadelphi Route was to prevent the movement of illegal materials (including weapons and ammunition) and people between Egypt and the Gaza Strip.                                            

The 1979 Egypt–Israel peace treaty, in which Israel agreed to withdraw from the Sinai in exchange for peace with Egypt, stipulated that the border with Egypt would follow the border of Mandatory Palestine The Emirate of Transjordan, officially known as the Amirate of Trans-Jordan, was a British protectorate established on 11 April 1921 caused by Prince Abdullah of Arabia who needed a land to rule, which remained as such until achieving formal independence in 1946. Wikipedia

                 The British Mandatory Palestine

 The new border cut across Rafah, dividing the town and leaving families separated on both sides of the border. Rafah would be the main border crossing in Gaza.

 It was agreed that the area near the border (known as Area C) would be demilitarized, with Egypt only permitted to maintain police forces there. Unfortunately, it has been known to Israel that Egypt has been complicit in aiding the Palestinian terrorists who attack Israel. What Egypt thought was their cleverer maneuverings, was kept quiet in Israel not to disrupt their peace deal, no doubt.

Jewish Virtual Library

Thursday, May 30, 2024

Rafah's Kitchen During War

 Nadene Goldfoot                                              

                Palestinian children getting food in Rafah

If Hamas terrorists would stop shooting at Israel in Rafah, Israel wouldn't be defending herself by hitting them in return.  It's so obvious, it makes me cry.

International Cooks for Palestinians discovered probably the hard way that they were in the middle of a war and were not safe in their locale.  Israel has found the terrorists and are busy there since Terrorists have been shooting from there.   The media is busy blaming Israel for disrupting the cook's activity.  Oy vey!  Put your cell phones down and help the cooks move, for Pete's sake.  


Smoke rises following Israeli strikes during an Israeli military operation in Rafah, in the southern Gaza Strip, May 28, 2024. (REUTERS/Hatem Khaled)

Terrorists are known to attack from Mosques, schools, homes, tunnels they have dug near these places and now they can add kitchens to their list.  They use their own people for cover, and then they can blame Israel for the deaths.    

  Israel is now entering in their tanks.  Many of these sites have been booby-trapped.

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

About Yahya Sinwar, a Wanted Man By Israel

 Nadene Goldfoot

                                               Wanted:  By Israel

                                                  Yahya Sinwar


Yahya Sinwar born 29 October 1962), also spelled Yehya Sinwar, is a Palestinian politician who has been leader of Hamas, the Sunni Islamist political and military organization that rules the Gaza Strip, since 2017.He'll be 62 years old by Halloween.  

He was born in the Khan Yunis refugee camp in Egyptian-ruled Gaza in 1962 to a family who had been expelled or fled from Ashkelon during the 1948 Arab–Israeli War. He finished his studies at the Islamic University of Gaza where he received a bachelor's degree in Arabic Studies.

What did he do? 

Wanted:  1.  For orchestrating the abduction and killing of two Israeli soldiers and four Palestinians he considered to be collaborators in 1989, (murder of 6 people)

He was sentenced to four life sentences by Israel, of which he served 22 years until his release among 1,026 others in a 2011 prisoner exchange for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.

 Sinwar was one of the co-founders of the security apparatus of Hamas. In 2017, he was elected the leader of Hamas, and claimed to pursue "peaceful, popular resistance" to the Israeli occupation the following year, a position which was later abandoned.

In February 2017, Sinwar was secretly elected the leader of Hamas in the Gaza Strip, taking over from Ismail Haniyeh. In March, he established a Hamas-controlled administrative committee for the Gaza Strip, opposing power sharing with the Palestinian Authority in Ramallah.

 Sinwar rejects any reconciliation with Israel.

 He has called on militants to capture more Israeli soldiers.

 In September 2017, a new round of negotiations with the Palestinian Authority began in Egypt, and Sinwar agreed to dissolve the Hamas administrative committee for Gaza.

 More recently he has silenced hard-line voices in Gaza, ordering against the use of tunnels that Muhammad Deif wanted to use to sneak fighters into Israel before they were shut down by new classified Israeli technology in 2017.

NBC News joined an Israeli unit this month in a tunnel below Khan Younis, the city in southern Gaza that abuts the refugee camp where Sinwar was born in 1962 and raised.    

After entering the shaft through the remains of what was once a house, the air became hot and damp below ground.   

But after several minutes, the tunnel opened into a wider space with tiled walls, a kitchen and fixtures for televisions. 

Brig. Gen. Dan Goldfus, commander of Israeli forces in Khan Younis, said (on Feb 24 2024)  the space in a tunnel below Khan Younis had been recently used by Sinwar and other Hamas leaders. The presence of beds indicated that senior figures had been there, he said. 

 Yahya was re-elected as the leader of Hamas in 2021, and was subject to an assassination attempt by Israel that year.

 Sinwar is regarded as the mastermind behind the 2023 Hamas-led attack on Israel on 7 October 2023.

Attn:  Goldfus is original spelling for Goldfoot; a distant relative of mine.  

Israel's Being Attacked On All Fronts

 Nadene Goldfoot                                              

                                      Hamas terrorists

Israel has been fighting against so many fronts at one time, that I'm not sure I can count them all.

There is Hamas in Gaza; West Bank (Judea and Samaria) 

Hezbollah from Lebanon

Houthis from Yemen


                 Hezbollah Terrorists

To the south, Israel faced threats from terrorist organizations including Hamas, Palestine Islamic Jihad (PIJ), and ISIS-Sinai.

Israel faced threats from the north from Hizballah and along the northeastern frontier from Hizballah and other Iran-backed groups, including about 150,000 rockets aimed at Israel.  Israeli officials expressed concern that Iran was supplying Hizballah with advanced weapons systems and technologies, as well as assisting the group in creating infrastructure that would permit it to indigenously produce rockets, missiles, and drones to threaten Israel from Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, or Yemen.

The latest rocket was launched from Iraq.  d

Doesn't anyone realize that Israel is fighting for its life?

Hamas hasn't changed their 1967 charter of the destruction of Israel.  The world thinks Hamas would be a great neighbor and should take over more of Israel's skinny patch of land designated Area C in Judea/Samaria.

I'm all for letting Palestinian terrorists live in Ireland 's land.   They have not earned the right to live next door to Israel, the land they want to destroy.   

World-Wide Protests Against Israel

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                

A Palestinian Protest in London occurred today as well as all over the world with Nazi slogans (Heil....)  being shouted. making one think that it was internationally instigated, as such protests were happening all over.  (I saw and heard this on the News video.)

Around 5,000 protesters descended on Number 10 with placards from the Socialist Worker and the Palestinian Forum in Britain, which reportedly has links to Hamas. Signs included those saying 'all eyes on Rafah' and others with the genocidal phrase 'from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free'.

Video taken at 10.30pm showed sprawling crowds of protesters yelling as they came face to face with Met Police officers - on the same that has also seen dramatic protests erupt across France, Poland and Italy.

The protest was organized by a coalition of groups, including the Palestine Solidarity Group, which began at around 6pm yesterday and was required to end at 8pm, police said.

The majority of the crowd, which was between 8,000 and 10,000 people, left Whitehall without there being any problem. However, a group of around 500 people remained and police began making a number of arrests for failing to comply.

40 people were known to be arrested.  They were arrested following a demonstration by around 10,000 people outside Downing Street, the home of the prime minister.

World War III ?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                            

                 Iran showing their nuclear reactor facility among others

As of February 2024, Iran has one active nuclear power plant, Bushehr-1, which has a capacity of 915 megawatts (MWe) and began operating in 2013 with Russian assistance. Iran is also building four more nuclear power plants in the port town of Sirik, in the southern coastal province of Hormozgan, which are expected to have a total capacity of 5,000 MWe. Construction on these plants is expected to take about nine years and cost $20 billion. 

World Wars I and II were fought by the Allies and the Axis sides.  In both cases, the Allies won, of which England and the USA were Allies.

We could be in WWIII right now, but with Israel forging ahead as a country, and the USA being its big brother in defense. This nucleus of an Allied  force has been marred with Ireland joining the Palestinian side I name as the Axis side.  Norway and Spain have joined them as well.  These 3 countries have always been quite negative towards Israel compared to other countries.

Nikki Haley includes Iran, China and Russia as enemies of our states of the USA and Israel as well.  

"Visiting southern Israel, Nikki Haley blames Iran, Russia and China for October 7:  Hamas massacre ‘was orchestrated by Iran. It was helped with Russian intelligence. And it was fueled by money from China,’ former American UN envoy tells reporters in Sderot."

"Norway and Spain have also announced that they will recognise a Palestinian state. In a statement on Tuesday, the Irish government said it recognised "Palestine as a sovereign and independent state and agreed to establish full diplomatic relations between Dublin and Ramallah".

As far as anti-Semitic beliefs, I know how people are urged to turn against Jews.  However, look at this:

God Promises Abraham Land (Israel) 

Abraham is the Father of Judaism  and was the father of Isaac.  Yes, he was also the father of Ishmael who had a different mother than Isaac, Hagar, and Ishmael had turned against the family by leaving it to join the OTHERS, others in adjoining lands.  Abraham was the Jewish Patriarch.  However, many Arab tribes also trace their ancestry to him as well.  

The first part of God’s promise to Abraham was land. Today the land is called Israel. This promise is repeated in Genesis 15:18-21 and 17:8. Exodus 23:28-31 describes the boundary of the land as extending from the Red Sea to the wilderness of the Euphrates River. A more detailed description of the Promised Land is given in Numbers 34:1-13.  

Today you hear Palestinians quoting this as if it were meant only for them, when it comes from the writing of Moses called the Torah.  .

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Israel At War: Day 235 onLine

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                 

                                            Hamas (Terrorist Organization) in Uniform

An honest review of what just happened in Rafah causing this terrible fire and loss of life is on ISRAEL AT WAR, DAY 235 from i24.  I get it on you-tube.  This is what Netanyahu described as a tragic error.

It was explained that their rocket meant to hit (in error) a site devoid of civilians which had (not known to Israel) included some sort of Hamas weaponry that caught fire, causing this huge fire. Terrorists had been shooting from this site.   The weapons were stashed, not showing up by eyesight or radar  The drop by Israel had been delayed by checking the area to make sure no civilians were there.   It's being investigated right now.

Like Israel said, the war is against the terrorists, Hamas; not their civilians.  Try to get this video.

Nadene    excellent coverage

Monday, May 27, 2024

Israel's Fighting A Non-Existent Country Known For It's NO NO No's That Others Praise

 Nadene Goldfoot                                         

                                                        Palestinian Rage Against Israel

                                                 Lebanon's Hezbollah Terrorists

What do you think of countries who praise a state that has committed the most vile of atrocities on Israel

and commends it by rewarding them statehood status among others?  

Since 1967, Hamas has had the opportunity to become a state of worth and admiration by Israel, but they belched up their three No's;  no to recognizing Israel as a legitimate state that was born again in 1948,  No to peace with her, no to any plans of sharing the land.  Instead, they've intended to wipe Israel off the face of the earth;  people included.

They came to Palestine, a land named by the ancient Romans who took the Philistines-worst enemy of Israel-as people to honor and follow and also called themselves the Palestinians-a name companion of the Philistines-along with the Jews living there who were also called Palestinians.  

They came looking for jobs, hoping  to  be hired by the Jews who were building, like creating Tel Aviv.

Arab Palestinians and Jews do not share the same culture.  Jews are praising life and looking forward to living long lives. L' Chaim (to life) is our wish.   Palestinian Arabs look forward to a different religion where 73 virgins reward men dying in battle. As the battles have grown between them, we see people protecting Hamas soldiers with the bodies of live citizens who are in mosques, schools, etc.  

Can such a people live next door to each other?

Now it's my turn to say NO! No! No!

It's been tried with Gaza.  Israel gave Gaza to the Palestinians and what did they do with it?  Shoot Israelis from the land.

The rest of the world behave like sheep without a brain to think with.  There never been a statehood/country/state called Palestine.  There has only been the land of Israel renamed by the Romans as Palestine.  The last people owning the land was the Ottoman Empire (Turkey).  They lost it in the gamble of fighting on the side of Germany in World War I to England and the other Allies.  This group of people calling themselves judges of world behavior have no common sense, no thought of right or wrong in battle;  only appeasing the Arabs because of their potential wares they control like oil.  d

There has never been a country named Palestine;  only land previously called Israel.  

All other countries usually fought against another established country.

  No shortage of Arab countries in this world..  Arab Palestinians came from other Arab lands.  

Hitting Tel Aviv called for teaching terrorists a lesson.  

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Love Bill Maher-Among the Wisest



I was absolutely amazed by Bill Maher who was a guest speaker on the VIEW today He defended Israel after listening to one of the ladies so well, so intelligently,  that I was in shock.  I didn't know he had so much knowledge and understanding.  Hoorah!  If only if could be played on all the stations.

William Maher (/mɑːr/; born January 20, 1956)[2] is an American comedian, writer, producer, political commentator, actor, and television host. He is popularly known for the HBO political talk show Real Time with Bill Maher (2003–present) and the similar late-night show called Politically Incorrect (1993–2002), originally on Comedy Central and later on ABC. In 2022, Maher started the podcast Club Random.[3] 

Maher was born in New York City. His father, William Aloysius Maher Jr.,[1] was a network news editor and radio announcer, and his mother, Julie Maher (née Berman), was a nurse.[2] He was raised in his Irish-American father's Roman Catholic religion. Until his early teens, he was unaware that his mother, whose family was from Hungary, was Jewish. from Wikipedia..

Appeasement to Evil

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                       

Beating the drums for a Palestinian state is what the world has been doing for a long time now, with the Palestinians getting farther away from the stated needed conditions to form such a state.

Even now, Biden and his friends want a state formed which would be seen as a reward for bad behavior.

Golda Meir said that it would be the day when her enemies felt the love for their own children than they do for the hatred of Jews.  "

 We will only have peace with the Arabs when they love their children more than they hate us”  In other words.   peace must come first. 

In the past, Britain has taken more and more of our Promised Land  till Israel is barely seen on maps.  The West Bank is Judah and Samaria, our original land..  

Monday, May 20, 2024

A Jew's Morality

 Nadene Goldfoot                                               

                                        Time and again, Netanyahu  has defended Israel

As a Jew, I have chosen to follow our laws of kashrut;  that is;  to follow our law of eating kosher foods.

They were created to remind us of keeping our morals.  We do not eat meat and milk products together like a hamburger and a milkshake..  The idea of a cow giving us milk and then having to see her child eaten to give us meat is repulsive. This teaches us to understand that animals have feelings,, which is transferred to knowing that people have feelings.   Such thoughts come from Moses through a special way, a belief in a higher power, G-d, that came to him, 4,000 years ago at least.  If we practice a way of believing that animals have emotional feelings, we certainly consider our fellow man, even in battle.  Until October 8, most countries have recognized the steps Israel takes to continue strict laws of humanity towards our enemy.  

So let's take Netanyahu, a man following such dietary laws all his life.  Hamas does not have any morality with evidence of their practice on October 8th.  And the world's judges have come to say that their morality is the same as Israel's?  Israel is the country with 613 laws, and plenty of lawyers,  who begged the civilians to get out of the way of their counter-punches with phone calls, notices raining down on the people. 

I note that Christianity dropped such 613 laws as being too much!   Israelis  were themselves so threatened with their survival that they made the decision not to sacrifice their own people but to protect them. Arrest Netanyahu?  Arrest people in favor of such a thing.  

From Israel Pundit:  

T. Belman. I decided to repost this important article because the title was right then and is right now.  The UNGA recently recognized the State of Palestine contrary to the Montevideo Convention which sets out the legal requirements for statehood:

The state as a person of international law should possess the following qualifications: (a) a permanent population; (b) a defined territory; (c) government; and (d) capacity to enter into relations with the other states.

At a minimum, “Palestine” does not have a “defined territory.”

Another example of the UN ignoring the law. The UN backed Oslo Accords clearly gives Israel full control of Area C.  Nevertheless the UN and its member states are financing Arab construction in Area C in total disregard of the Oslo Accords. 

John Mearsheimer: Always Negative Towards Israel

 Nadene Goldfoot                                 

                          Buchenwald survivors defending Israel in 1947-48

In his 2007 book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, Mearsheimer argues that the Israel lobby wields disproportionate influence over U.S. foreign policy. His more recent work focuses on relations between the United States and China and the West's involvement in the war in Ukraine.

John Joseph Mearsheimer (/ˈmɪərʃmər/; born December 14, 1947) is an American political scientist and international relations scholar of the U. of Chicago who belongs to the realist school of thought. Mearsheimer is one of those who would  have bet against Israel ever becoming  a state or seeing a return of Jews from all corners of the earth to Israel which has already happed and continues to happen.  

John continues his negativity by stating that Israel is practicing genocide of the Palestinians.  I remind everyone that it is they who started this war on October 7, 2023 and have had the opportunity to end this war bur haven't.  It's a war meaning Israel's survival or not.  

Nadene Goldfoot

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

BDS and College Students

Nadene Goldfoot                                               

    BDS affects all Jews negatively;  and especially Israel.  Here we are celebrating a wedding having bought food.  High prices from inflation, taxes are enough;  don't let BDS step in, too.  They are trying.  

It must be the well-established BDS instigators, started in the Middle East that hit the USA of boycotting, with divestment and sanctions against Israel who are, doing the instigating of Divesting from Boeing, an American business  with Israel as a customer.  These young questionable students without the guided thought of investigation and reading are being taken for sure.  We older people are very familiar with the cry against Israel of BDS.  

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Samson And Other Notables: Lost in the Frey

Nadene Goldfoot                                                

Samson, from the tribe of Dan with father named Manoah, is lost to us.  His tribe was taken along with 9 other northern tribe of Jacob, as slaves by Assyria in  722-721 BCE. 

         Samson had been one of the Israelite judges as he grew older.  His mother made him a Nazirite from birth.  He didn't cut his hair, was extremely strong and had great courage, inherited from his ancestors. Going back to the 1st Dan-the namesake, he was the 5th son of Jacob and his mother was Bilhah, handmaid of Rachel.  They lived in what became the Southern part of  Jaffa, then forced to live in the hill country by the Amorites.  Part of the tribe was able to live along the coastal region.  The rest were forced to migrate north into Phoenician-held land and made a settlement there around Laish.   Then the Philistines arrived.  That's when Samson lived and showed his heroism.  The period of King Saul and David was yet to come.                                              
            King Hoshea (reigning from 732 to724 BCE)  He had conspired against PEKAH, assassinated him, and seized the throne with Assyrian help, Assyrians have related.  His kingdom was small, confined to the m5. Ephraim area.  Finally he rebelled against the Assyrians and was then put in prison by the new Assyrian ruler, Shalmaneser who then besieged and captured Samaria.  

Before this attack, King Hoshea (730-721 BCE)  of Israel had tried to throw off the yoke  which led to Shalmaneser V's siege of Samaria, and it's capture in 721 by his successor, SARGON.  Sargon then annexed the country, deported 27,290 Israelites to Assyria and Media and replaced them with Syrian and Babylonian prisoners.  A bottleneck was being created as far as who lives and who is forgotten about.  That was the end of our Jewish Kings of Israel.  It had been created by the 1st king, Saul in the 11th century BCE (1100s- 1000s)  Example:  King David ruled from 1010 to 970 BCE).  David ruled after Saul was killed in battle.   

What happened to the tribe of Dan in the 721 siege?  

Friday, May 3, 2024

Lebanon's Connection With Israel

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                 

                                                  Ancient city of Tyre of Lebanon

There has been a Lebanon ever since before Solomon(reigned 961-920 BCE)  was born. This means Solomon sat on his throne 2,985 years ago, almost three thousand years ago. He was a lover.  It is said he had 1,000 wives and also concubines as well.  

   Solomon had help building the Temple in Jerusalem from Hiram (10th century BCE)  of Tyre (King of Tyre-which was in Lebanon.  Tyre was founded in the 3rd millennium BCE on an island 1.5 miles off the shore of Phoenecia.  It had a double harbor and was the rival of Sidon.                                    

Hiram sent artisans and cedar wood to Solomon.  The two kings both contributed to the commerce between Elath and Ophir via the Red Sea.                                       

                    Jezebel and husband, King Ahab (876-853 BCE)

The Tyrian Princess Jezebel married King Ahab, causing a religious and  cultural influence of Tyre to penetrate the land of Israel and even Judah.  Tyre was denounced by Ezekiel, the prophet.  This city, Tyre, suffered many sieges and in 332 BCE was captured by Alexander the Great.                

Jezebel had been the daughter of Ethbaal, king of Sidon.  She was very strong minded, forceful and vindictive;  and ruled over Ahab in every way.  He was putty in her palm. It was she who introduced her native religion of the cult of Baal into Israel, and how they were caught and spellbound by is beyond my imagination  just like I cannot fathom by our youth goes for their present music that I detest, either.  To me it's just dissident noise.  Baal is so non-Jewish!  The Canaanites believed in Baal, in many gods, and Baal was represented by a bull, worshipped as a god of fertility of the field and of the womb.   In times of great turbulence human sacrifices, particularly children, were made to this father of the gods!

Under the Romans, Tyre, which had been endowed with a temple by Herod, became a center of commerce with all their purple dying process and had a large Jewish population that included rabbis.  

The Jewish Palestinian Gaonate (body of intellectual leaders)  was transferred to Tyre after 1071.Benjmin Tudela, a traveling historian, in 1170 found 500 scholarly Jews still living there.  Some of these Jews owned ships while others had jobs in manufacturing glass.  Tyre was held by the Crusaders of Europe (1124-1291) and then the city declined from there on.  It's now known as a small Lebanese port with a population of 10,000 as of 1992.  


The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia