
Tuesday, December 7, 2021

UN Against Anything Pertaining To History of Jews In Jerusalem

 Nadene Goldfoot                                              

Telling IDF of Israel the UN pronouncement, as they prepare to defend their tiny country

On December 1, the UN Adopted 3 Middle East drafts, and the General Assembly called for launching credible talks on the final status issues, while respecting historic status quo of Jerusalem holy sites.

Adopting three resolutions by recorded vote on the questions of Palestine and the Middle East, the General Assembly today called for respect for the historic status quo at the holy places of Jerusalem and stressed the need to urgently exert collective efforts to launch credible negotiations on all final status issues in the Middle East peace process. 

The representative of the United States said Israelis and Palestinians deserve equal measures of freedom, dignity, security and prosperity both as an end and a means to advance toward a negotiated two‑State solution.  Stressing that the practice of voting year after year on the same resolutions does nothing to bring the international community closer to that goal, he said most of those texts are unbalanced and undermine the prospect of dialogue and cooperation.


Through all the hatred from Palestinians, RAMALLAH, West Bank (AP) — At the construction site in Tel Aviv, Jamal Salman and the other Palestinian workers wore gloves and masks, and their employer provided apartments for them to stay overnight.  But his wife, alarmed by the news about the coronavirus outbreak in Israel, called him every night from the West Bank, begging him to come home. He came back early this week.  Now he sits alone in his basement all day, quarantined from his wife and five children and wondering how he’ll make ends meet. In Tel Aviv he earned $1,500 a month, enough to support his family. Now he’s unemployed.  The point is, Israel has been hiring Palestinians from Judea and Samaria (WB) and the coronavirus is hurting everyone's employment throughout the whole world, even those who employ them.  Everyone needs to get the complete set of vaccines, and a booster.  

Oh yes, absolutely.  After all, the Palestinians were in their own homeland when they heard that Jews were returning and building, and that they might be able to get jobs from them since their own countries weren't doing so well. This was after 1881 when the 1st aliyah of Jewish people returned from eastern Europe after suffering  from pogroms and such.  Those Palestinians who were there were selling their land at ungodly prices to the Jews who would pay it, for it was holy land to them.  Most Palestinians left as they couldn't pay the taxes to the Ottoman empire anyway; being so high.  And then the workers came in, with more than one wife and many children.  Jews had given up plural wives a good 700 years before.                              

Among Muslims, the Mount is the site of one of the three Sacred Mosques, the holiest sites in Islam.  Amongst Sunni Muslims, it is considered the third holiest site in Islam
Oh oh, a Jewish man is caught praying!  The Palestinians do not allow that!

The Temple Mount is the holiest site in Judaism, which regards it as the place where God's divine presence is manifested more than in any other place, and is the place Jews turn towards during prayer. Due to its extreme sanctity, many Jews will not walk on the Mount itself, to avoid unintentionally entering the area where the Holy of Holies stood, since according to Rabbinical law, some aspect of the divine presence is still present at the site. It was from the Holy of Holies that the High Priest communicated directly with God.
Below Haram al-Sharif with the golden dome, is where Jews pray; at the wall, Wailing Wall or Kotel, the remains of Herod's wall.  Herod (73 BCE-4 BCE), made King of Judea by the Roman Senate,  was a terrible man but he did see to it that certain building was kept in repair.  He had the Temple in Jerusalem rebuilt on a magnificent scale which the Romans then burned down in 70 CE.  

Highlighting an issue regarding the reference to holy sites, he said that “L.16” on Jerusalem only references Haram al-Sharif rather than “Haram al-Sharif/Temple Mount”, which is agreed terminology and recognizes the shared and diverse history of the holy site.  It is morally, historically and politically wrong for members of the General Assembly to support language that denies both the Jewish and Muslim connections to the Temple Mount and Haram al-Sharif.  As such, he said his country votes against those three resolutions and encourages others to join them in supporting constructive measures to help achieve peace.                                             

The start of a beautiful relationship...Abdullah el-Tell and Moshe Dayan reach cease-fire agreement, Jerusalem, 30 November 1948.  Abdullah El Tell served in the Transjordanian Arab Legion during the 1948 war in Palestine rising from the rank of company commander to become Military Governor of the Old City of Jerusalem.  

Moshe Dayan, General of the Israeli army, had allowed Jordan to have rule over the Temple Mount due to the mosques there already.  He was being kind, understanding, fair, but they haven't been.  They police the area and arrest a Jew whose lips were seen moving in prayer.  Jews are not allowed to pray there.  Even a few of our rabbis agree being the HOLY OF HOLIES of Solomon's Temple had been there and this was not okay.  Jews can just look.  

Adopting 3 resolutions by recorded vote on the questions of Palestine and the Middle East, the General Assembly today called for respect for the historic status quo at the holy places of Jerusalem and stressed the need to urgently exert collective efforts to launch credible negotiations on all final status issues in the Middle East peace process.

Also adopted was a resolution titled “Jerusalem”, in which the Assembly reiterated its determination that any actions taken by Israel, the occupying Power, to impose its laws, jurisdiction and administration on the Holy City of Jerusalem are illegal.  Recalling the 2015 Security Council press statement on Jerusalem, in which the Council called for upholding unchanged the historic status quo at the Haram al‑Sharif, the Assembly stressed that a comprehensive, just and lasting solution to the question of the City of Jerusalem should take into account the legitimate concerns of both the Palestinian and Israeli sides.              

Oh yes, by all means!  The Muslim connection is that there is the story that Mohammad (570-632) who lived in Mecca and Medina,  rode his flying horse, Buraq, to Jerusalem and back again to Arabia. As the Quran has it, Prophet Muhammad took a night trip to heaven aboard a trusty winged pony-horse-mule-ish creature called Buraq. It's an episode that's inspired Islamic art ever since, because few artists can resist a theologically sound reason to draw a winged horse.  A mosque was  built over the site that the Romans had built their Temple, which was supposedly over the Jewish Temple.  It's the Mosque of Omar.  That's surely as important as the Jews creating Jerusalem; that it was their capital of Israel, and because of this is the center of our Judaism. I always thought the center of Islam was in Mecca. 

     The Kaaba in Mecca.   

"The representative of Iran said that despite calls by the international community, the Israeli regime continues to violate the human rights and dignity of the Palestinian people.  As a result, Palestinians are not only deprived of their land and property, but also subject to terror and intimidation." 

     Here, 3 rockets were fired from Gaza into Israel.  By 22 September 2005, Israel's withdrawal from the entire Gaza Strip to the 1967 Green Line, and the eviction of the four settlements in Samaria, was completed. ... In June 2007 Hamas took over the Gaza Strip from the Palestinian Authority.  Since then they have been shooting mortars, rockets and missiles into Israel; probably feeling it was not worth the hope for a peace.  They will not be repeating such mistakes again.  Rockets have continued to fall daily.  

From May 10 to May 20th, more than 4,369 rockets were launched toward Sderot, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Jerusalem and neighboring communities. Ten Israelis were killed. More than 90 percent of projectiles heading toward populated areas were intercepted by Iron Dome. Roughly a third of the rockets landed inside the Gaza Strip. Most of the others landed in open fields. The country came to a standstill and had to live in their bomb shelters.  Since then a little boy was killed in his own bomb-shelter as a rocket pierced it.  

(Palestinian Arabs take facts and twist them to suit themselves.  It is the Palestinians who are daily shooting at Israel.  It is the Israelis who gave Gaza to the Palestinians in the name of peace, meaning it should bring peace.  Any property an Arab ever had was paid for, willingly sold to Jews in the first place.  Who's subjected to terror and intimidation?  Jews who are shot at by missiles, mortars and rockets, and even by torched kites burning up wheat fields and forests.)  This declaration of the Palestinians is false, and sickening.  This only shows how the European angst against Jews still controls their minds.  Anti-Semitism prevails in the minds of the UN.)                                         

                   Iran's Ambassador to the United Nations Majid Takht Ravanchi delivers a speech in June 2020 during a U.N. Security Council meeting.

Atilgan Ozdil/Anadolu Agency/Getty Images

Continuing, the Iranian said, " Despite the numerous initiatives taken by concerned countries and regional organizations, as well as the adoption of various resolutions and the establishment of fact‑finding commissions, Israel’s non‑compliance with international law has prevented the international community from finding a just solution to the crisis.  Expressing support for the Palestinian people and the realization of their right to self‑determination, he said Iran will vote in favour of the resolutions."

By a recorded vote of 148 in favour to 9 against (Australia, Canada, Hungary, Israel, Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, United States), with 14 abstentions, the Assembly then adopted “L.14” on the “Peaceful settlement of the question of Palestine”.  148 countries voting against Israel! 

 Those that voted against were six of the then seven members of the Arab League (Egypt, Iraq, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Syria and Yemen) as well as Afghanistan, Burma, Ethiopia, India, Iran and Pakistan. I am shocked and very disappointed that India voted against Israel.  Those abstaining were: Belgium, Brazil, Denmark, El Salvador, Greece, Siam, Sweden, Turkey and United Kingdom.  UK is no surprise.  But Greece?  Denmark?  Why didn't they stand with the USA?  

Prior to action, the representative of Israel said that by voting in favour of these resolutions, the international community is directly contributing to prolonging the conflict.  Stressing that the three resolutions have only one purpose, which is to demonize his country, he called it the only vibrant democracy in the Middle East and a beacon of human rights.  The Abraham Accords have created real people‑to‑people peace but instead of seizing the opportunity, Palestinian leadership opposed it, he said.  The resolution on Jerusalem calls to maintain the status quo in Jerusalem but does the exact opposite by referring to the holiest site in Judaism, the Temple Mount, only by its Muslim name, he said.  But the bond between the Jewish people and their capital would never be erased, he stressed.     

        If King David heard this UN outcome,.....

The truth is validated in the Bible.  King David, who reigned from 1000 BCE to 960 BCE, armor-bearer of King Saul,  and was also his son-in-law. David had made Hebron his capitol when he became King of Judah.  Then he captured the Jebusite stronghold in his 8th year as king which he proclaimed his new capital.  He had the Ark moved there.  

The Jebusites were one of the many Canaanite people who settled in Canaan prior to the Israelite conquest.  They lived in the hill-region around Jerusalem which they called Jebus.  Joshua had defeated a Jebusite-led coalition.  Jerusalem was occupied only in the reign of David, as told in II Sam. 5: 6-7).  The last Jebusite king was Araunah as told in II Sam. 24:15).  The Jebusites remained in the city under David and became tributary under Solomon.  In the course of time, they appear to have been assimilated into the tribe of Judah.  Our ancient DNA could show in some Jews a segment or two of DNA belonging to them. 


      A Jerusalem shopping area
                    Sun setting over the city of Jerusalem
                       Tower of David
City of David written in stone in Hebrew and English 

Therefore, we have history living in Jerusalem 3,000 years ago which lasted until the Romans burned down the Temple and the city in 70 CE and took away so many of our population to Rome.  Any Jews they may have missed were banned from entering Jerusalem, but Jews did manage to stay in other parts of Judah and have never left.  

This was the crucial period, as our religion was built upon these facts.  Jerusalem is not a city like Washington DC or London or Paris, it is Jerusalem, the city of David, and David plays an important part of our religion as does Jerusalem.  

A third our population is made up of descendants of David who was a descendant of Abraham.  His genealogy is: Nahor, Terah, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Judah, Boaz, Obed, Jesse, Ephraim, and David.  David was from the tribe of Ephraim. They would be in the group of the Israelites.   Two-thirds of our population are from the tribe of Levi, the Levites from which are the direct descendants of Moses's brother, Aaron, called the Cohens or priests, and the rest of the Levites not directly descended, making up the other third.

       Moses with Aaron, his older brother, talking to the Pharaoh about the snake 

 Moses did not leave sons, as the 2 he had were killed during the Exodus.  40 years it took to get from Egypt to Canaan, and two generations grew up during that time while older died. Moses himself was 80 when he started out from Midian, a land thought to be in NW Arabia,  just to reach Egypt.  His wife, Zipporah and her father, Jethro, a Beduin, must have traveled with him.  


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