
Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Today's "Persia" Inspired By Haman-Inspired Ayatollas

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                 

        Jewish captives in Nebuchadnezzar's court-problems started here.

This was a  terrible event since the other 10 tribes had most of their population taken away by Shalmaneser and then Sargon of the Assyrians in 721 BCE, just 144 years earlier.  It was when the Assyrians who had been attacked by the Babylonians had gained their land.  Now the Babylonians were all-powerful.  Sargon had taken 27,290 Israelites to Assyria and Media, and then replaced them with Syrian and Babylonian prisoners.  At least they didn't waste life, they just traded prisoners for better prisoners. THEY TOOK ISRAEL'S BEST. 

 Nebuchadnezzar was a warrior-king, often described as the greatest military leader of the Neo-Babylonian empire, known as Kasdim or land of Shinar(Chaldees). He ruled from 605 – 562 BCE in the area around the Tigris-Euphrates basin. Nebuchadnezzar had inherited the Assyrian empire. He had Jews in Babylon alreadyNow there was quite a large population of Jews in Babylon.

Persia was once a powerful empire.  Jews first locked horns with them when the Babylonian Empire was then  conquered  by  King Cyrus of Persia in 538  BCE, and it had been Nebuchadnezzar of the Babylonians who had overcome the Jews and taken them to his land as slaves. So Cyrus did the Babylonians in, and freed the Jews. 

Cyrus not only had overrun Persia but that also included Judah which was included in the package being Nebuchadnezzar had taken that land.  Now Cyrus had both.  Being Cyrus was so kind to the Jews, it was thought that perhaps he was the son of Esther and Ahasueros.  


  For the next 2 centuries, both the mass of Jews in Exile in Mesopotamia and in the homeland in Judah were under Persian rule.  It was under Cyrus that there took place the return from the exile to Judah which, however, continued to be a Persian province with some degree of local autonomy.  

Cyrus II died in 529 BCE. He had had an enlightened policy towards his subject peoples and in 538 had granted permission to the exiles of Judah living in Babylon to return to their homeland and rebuild the Temple as told in (Ezra 1:1-44) and (II Chron. 36:22-3).  The Jewish exiles regarded Cyrus as a dlvine agent.   

                   Haman expected everyone to bow, but Mordecai didn't

Haman, chief minister of Ahasuerus, king of Persia as told about in (Esther. 3-9 in the Bible/Tanakh.)is the evil element in our history.  His resentment of the independent attitude of Mordecai, the Jewish minister, led him to detest all Jews and he planned their annihilation.  He may have found out that Queen Esther was not only Jewish but the niece of Mordecai.  His scheme to kill all the Jews in the kingdom  was ended by Esther who spoke with her husband about it.  Haman's sons were hung along with him for plotting the slaughter of the king's citizens. This event was most important to the Jews as his plot actually started and Jews had been killed.  They remember it with Purim, which comes in the Spring.


                      King Solomon, son of King David

This is how the Empire of Israel was slowly sliced off;  the empire of former Egyptian slaves who became the most famous literate and wise kingdom in the Middle East, known of far and wide, even by Ethiopia whose queen had come to investigate for herself and became pregnant by King Solomon, left with his child to become king of Ethiopia later on.


     Back in the days with the Shah of Iran and his family.  His fault with the reactionaries is that he was doing away with so much of Islamic practices.  He was becoming very Western.  He moved too fast for his people who held a revolution and won.  Wallah !-enter Ayatollas.  


 Persia has taken back their Persian name of Iran and find themselves in competition as the most powerful Islamic state which they have had to  prove to other Muslims by warring with Iraq in the 1980's to the point where they were using boys as soldiers, which Iraq was also forced to do.  Iran follows a different Islamic path than the other Moslem state do.  They are Shi'as and the others are Sunnis.  So they have several horses in the race for being the leader of Islam.  Saudi Arabia is their biggest contender.  Iran is run by an Ayatollah, a religious leader who dictates to their president, and the Ayatollah is very aware of Israel's rebirth and is full of hate for the tiny country.  It's the old saw come to life;  wanting to destroy Israel and its Jewish people.  Has Haman been reincarnated this way?  His goal sure has.  

           #1  Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini 17 May 1900 – 3 June 1989)

A "firestorm started when Nazila Fathi, then the Tehran correspondent of The New York Times, reported on October 5, 2011,  a story almost six years previous, (in 2005)  that was headlined: “Wipe Israel ‘off the map’ Iranian says.” The article attributed newly elected Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s remarks to a report by the ISNA press agency. Ahmadinejad is the puppet under the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.  

The article sparked outrage around the globe, with then-President George W. Bush and other world leaders condemning Ahmadinejad’s statement. The original New York Times article noted that Ahmadinejad said he was quoting Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic revolution, but that aspect was largely overlooked". On February 1, 1979, the Ayatollah Khomeini returns to Iran in triumph after 15 years of exile. The shah and his family had fled the country two weeks before, and jubilant Iranian revolutionaries were eager to establish a fundamentalist Islamic government under Khomeini’s leadership.

"Iran’s 2nd supreme leader has called Israel a “cancerous tumor” that “will undoubtedly be uprooted and destroyed” in an annual speech in support of the Palestinians."  Iran wants to be the Muslim country freeing them.  That will put them in the lead, the best of all the other Muslim countries.  Said in 2020, Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei's speech marked a subdued Quds Day for Iran, which typically sees government-encouraged mass demonstrations in Tehran and elsewhere in the Islamic Republic, as well as Iranian-allied nations. “Al-Quds” is the Arabic name for Jerusalem.

TEHRAN — On May 8, 2021, Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Friday called Israel “not a country, but a terrorist base” during a speech on Al-Quds Day, an annual show of solidarity with the Palestinians.  Thousands massed for rallies across several Muslim-majority countries including Iraq, Yemen and Pakistan for the day, seen in Israel as an expression of hatred and anti-Semitism.

We've gone through 2 Ayatollahs behind the scenes of threatening Israel to the maximum of being destroyed.  There is no love lost between the two countries.  Iran started building a nuclear power plant in which to make a nuclear bomb they will use to destroy Israel.  


Operation Opera (Hebrew: מבצע אופרה‎), also known as Operation Babylon, was a surprise airstrike conducted by the Israeli Air Force on 7 June 1981, which destroyed an unfinished Iraqi nuclear reactor located 17 kilometres (11 miles) southeast of Baghdad, Iraq.


Claiming responsibility. On 22 March 2018, the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) officially took responsibility for destroying a nuclear reactor built in the northeastern Syrian province of Deir al-Zor in 2007 after a decade of ambiguity.                                 
   Amadinejad on his "horse" guiding it to hit Israel. 
   Here we see a long distance Iranian rocket aiming at Netanyahu whose shield is a Mogen David.

The Ayatolla could have started the plan of a nuclear plant by 1981, after Iraq's was ended by Israel.   The Iran nuclear agreement, formally known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), is a landmark accord reached between Iran and several world powers, including the United States, in July 2015. Under its terms, 
Iran agreed to dismantle much of its nuclear program and open its facilities to more extensive international inspections in exchange for billions of dollars’ worth of sanctions relief.  A lot of good that did. They didn't stick to their part of the bargain, so, Trump walked away.  

Israel has learned through the ages, that the only people who will stand up for them and help in defense are themselves, which is why it was up to them to destroy the other two nuclear sites.  They were being built to take down Israel.
Countries in a very hot climate needed nuclear power like Oregon needs palm trees.  A nuclear power plant can give one thing;  powerful weapons of destruction.                                      
                                  Vienna meeting in 2016  
Iran lied and covered up their work in 2016.  Countries still think this can be salvaged, all but Iran, who wants all sanctions ended against them;  and Israel, who knows them too well.  No Pollyanna thoughts from Israel but reality.  Iran has placed their army  around  Israel in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, in order to reach their target in easier ways.  Israel is surrounded enough so has that as a worry besides the state of Iran being far-enough away in 2000, but not now.  

Who was it who didn't understand that Germany was invading a European country?  In the infamous 1938 Munich Agreement, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain agreed to Hitler's annexation of the Sudetenland, portions of of Czechoslovakia with ethnic-German majorities (Czechoslovakia itself was excluded from the negotiations). Chamberlain claimed that the deal had averted another massive European war, but it only delayed the conflict while making Hitler more powerful when the war finally came.  That's a move Israel will never forget, being they suffered the most from it.  

AND IRAN STILL HAS THE CHUTZPAH TO GET  UP AND SAY THAT IT IS ISRAEL WHO IS ATTACKING THEM !!!.  Well, Israel is not blind, They see what Iran is up to.  They will protect themselves from harm.  They know who is supplyiing Gaza with rockets, missiles and mortars.  Iran!  iran wants to be the BIG SHOT AMONG HIS PEERS.  

“Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei responded to all Israeli threats in 2013, saying, ‘Sometimes the leaders of the Zionist regime even threaten us; they are threatening to strike militarily, but I think they know it, and if they do not know it, they must know that if they make a mistake, the Islamic Republic will destroy Tel Aviv and Haifa.’”

Yair Zivan, an advisor to Foreign Minister Yair Lapid, tweeted, “Front page of the Iranian regime newspaper, Tehran Times, is a direct threat to indiscriminately attack Israeli civilians. Now just imagine what would happen if this fundamentalist regime was allowed to develop a nuclear weapon.”


The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia,Claiming%20responsibility,after%20a%20decade%20of%20ambiguity.,)%20southeast%20of%20Baghdad%2C%20Iraq.


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