
Thursday, December 2, 2021

New Dillema of Wimps Comparing a Vaccine and Restrictions to Nazi Germany

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                   

There is no comparison to restrictions some unvaccinated people will face to being a Jew in the Holocaust.  To say such things is a slap in the face for Jews.  

I suppose our unvaccinated who have no excuses must be the worst wimps ever created on the face of the earth if they can't accept facts that to save our population, we must be vaccinated.  It's medicine, not punishment.  Are they that queasy over a little needle?  Can't they tell when their society is trying to keep them alive?  Why can't they see that this is really a do or die situation!  They aught to thank G-d that our country has the intelligence to add restrictions onto certain movements in order to protect the population.  Otherwise we'd all be in our graves!!!

 Their rights have nothing to do with it.  We who want to live have the right to expect others to be as smart and accept this precaution gladly!  Ask the people who have already gone to their grave.  It's not a pretty death, either, fighting for your life to breathe.  Even if you live, you may suffer consequences of having had the virus for the rest of your life.  

There is no intelligent logic to their belief system.  What they are doing is putting the rest of us in jeopardy and actually helping the virus world to create more new strains, each one getting stronger and more apt to be caught than each previous one.  

  The Holocaust, Jewish bodies from gassing, the Nazi agenda of exterminating all Jews in the world.  They almost did it, slaughtering 6,000,000 (six million) Jews.  

Many Americans have surely drunk the Kool-Aid and have lost their minds.  With the news of the Covid 19 mutated Omicron virus from South Africa that has reached our shores which was expected to happen, people have the audacity to say that our American government are acting like Nazis in their added directions in how to deal with it.  By doing this, they are first of all, belittling the inhumane nightmare of the Nazis and what they did to the Jews.  They have no idea of what BAD and SUFFERING REALLY IS.  

Here our government find themselves in a new position dealing with an unknown virus that turned out to be COVID 19.  The world has never been in this position before.  Thank goodness we have had scientists who were up to the challenge and managed to come up with several strains of vaccines.  They are protecting us with the vaccines for free using our already paid tax money.  They're even helping the rest of the world, for we'll never be free of it until all people are protected, they have realized.

Facebook  is selling ads saying such harmful lies about our government's way of handling the pandemic.  Dr. Fauci is being called a Nazi.  They are comparing this to the Holocaust.  These ads are anti-vaccine messages, comparing the US government's response to Covid-19 to Nazi Germany, casting doubt on the result of the 2020 election, and even pushing political violence.

These wimps must have never been in the service.  How many of our men in the past have had to line up and have a serious of shots when they were known to have to go into jungles or places where they would catch certain diseases?  They didn't cry.  What have we raised in this era of peace?  

I'm 87 and totally disgusted with these wimps and the wimpy Republican Party who are aiding and abetting such nonsense.  I withdraw my vote this time around for anyone who can't manage to sell the only sensible deliverance we need;  to get everyone to accept the vaccine and do it quickly.  


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