
Sunday, December 26, 2021

Fact: Six Day War Cause Due to Arab Aggression, Changing Legality Issue

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                 

 Is the fact that Israel wasn't the aggressor in the Six Day War of 1967 an issue because of Anti-Semitism or what?  Of course it is.  Professor Avi Schlaim is one of the most critical of Israel's own historians, and even he has had to admit that Israel was the VICTIM of Arab aggression in that amazing War that started from June 5th to the 11th and changed the future of the Middle East.
Avraham "AviShlaim FBA (born 31 October 1945) in Bagdad, Iraq,  is an Israeli-British historianEmeritus Professor of International Relations at the University of Oxford and fellow of the British Academy. He is one of Israel's New Historians, a group of Israeli scholars who put forward critical interpretations of the history of Zionism and Israel.  Usually, no one is harder on Israel than its own people, and he is a hard one.  We Jews seem to have a lot of judgemental personalities.  He married the great-granddaughter of David Lloyd George, who was the British prime minister at the time of the Balfour Declaration. He has lived in the United Kingdom since 1966, and holds dual British and Israeli nationality.
Beit El: Beit El is an Israeli settlement and local council located in the Binyamin Region of the West Bank. The Orthodox Jewish town is located in the hills north of Jerusalem, east of the Palestinian city of al-Bireh, adjacent to Ramallah. In September 1997, Beit El was awarded local council status
Professor Kontorovich is an advocate of Israel and the legal eagle about International law.   He lives in Israel with his family.  

International law is very clear about the issue of Israeli settlements in and sovereignty over JUDEA-SAMARIA (West Bank) and Gaza.  "Had Israel been the aggressor, its occupation of JUDEA-SAMARIA and the Gaza Strip would have been illegal, as would all future expansion of Israeli population into these territories. 

That wasn't the case, though, was it.  Israel was the VICTIM of aggression.  They weren't the one who went out and aggressively attacked these areas.  The AGGRESSORS came to them;  and one country wasn't enough.  They had to gang up on one of the smallest states in the world; They had a coalition:  Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Lebanon with Russia supplying lots of weapons.  Other Arab states were in the mix as well.  And no other nations were helping Israel.  She was alone facing unbearable odds.  The difference is that the people were praying for their higher power in such a situation as this.  They were aware that they had had one in their past history, but it certainly didn't seem like it during the Holocaust when many had lost hope. 


     Roman aggressors taking land

The difference in international law is this:  If Israel had been the AGGRESESORS in this looming war, its occupation of JUDEA-SAMARIA and Gaza Strip would have been illegal as would  ALL FUTURE EXPANSION of Israeli population INTO THOSE TERRITORIES.  


    Winning a battle in 6 days, considered a miracle and allowing these IDF soldiers to see Jerusalem and the wall for the 1st time since Jordan held it since 1948.  Nasser had moved 100,000 men and 1,000 tanks into Sinai while the other Arab states rapidly made their preparations and coordinated their moves for a unified attack on Israel, including an agreement betwen Nasser and King Hussein of Jordan. Could I call Egypt and Jordan narcissists?  The Arab world was seized with war hysteria and in a preemptive move.   

That wasn't the case, now, was it?  As the VICTIM OF AGGRESSION, Israel's legal position is EXACTLY THE OPPOSITE.  Let this be a lesson to any future Nazi-type aggressors looming  and drooling over someone else's land that they've been sitting on for thousands of years.  There should be no more ROMAN  or NAZI-thinking AGRESSORS! 


                 Netanyahu and Obama discussing peace objectives

The legal disposition of territories conquered in a DEFENSIVE WAR can be determined ONLY  by a peace treaty between the belligerents.  No peace treaty cometh?  Well, then, there is allowed the continued sovereignty and economic activities of the VICTIM OF AGGRESSION over its NEWLY WON TERRITORIES.  This is completely legal as long as:  such activity doesn't unfavorably prejudice the indigenous people involved.  

Israel's sovereignty over JUDEA -SAMARIA and Gaza Strip was helpful,...until their administration was turned over to the Palestinian Authority (PA) under the Oslo Agreements. 


Haj Amin al Husseini, the Sherif of Jerusalem who was always stirring up the Arabs against the Jews.  He didn't want to lose his newly given title.  

The problem has always been since 1948 that the Arabs are not interested in creating their own land of a Palestine, which they have never ever experienced in the past. Trotting back and forth across the land were Bedouins on camels or donkeys, and later, Arabs from all the surrounding areas looking for work.  They came from established countries but were the labor force out of work.  They saw a future in sharing the beginning of the Jewish nation.  It didn't take much for people like Haj Amin al-Husseini, who had just received his title from the British mandate of the Sherif of Jerusalem to stir up these workers and use their competitive inclinations to attack the Jews.  

                                   The Hebron massacre of Jews by Arabs          

1929 was not only bad economically for the USA, but bad in Palestine with the Arabs attacking Jews in Hebron, where Abraham had bought the Cave of Machpelah and surrounding land from the Hittite to bury Sarah, and later he and his family, Judah's ancient city only 18 miles south of Jerusalem.  The Arabs massacred many Jews of this town of 700, and the Jews who survived the attack had fled.  30 Jewish families returned in 1931.  Then there were Arab riots again in 1936.  The population in 1967 was 38,310.  After the Six Day War of 1967, a number of Jews again settled there, as was their right. They established the Kiryat Arba quarter east of the city.  This numbered 3,700 in 1988. It was Haj Amin al-Husseini who caused this riot.    


Following the 1995 Oslo Agreement and subsequent 1997 Hebron Agreement, Palestinian cities were placed under the exclusive jurisdiction of the Palestinian Authority, with the exception of Hebron,which was split into two sectors: H1 is controlled by the Palestinian Authority and H2 – which includes the Old City of Hebron – remained under the military control of Israel.  Around 120,000 Palestinians live in H1, while around 30,000 Palestinians along with around 700 Israelis remain under Israeli military control in H2. 

                   Cave of Machpalah, now cave of our fathers

As of 2009, a total of 86 Jewish families lived in Hebron. The IDF (Israel Defense Forces) may not enter H1 unless under Palestinian escort. Palestinians cannot approach areas where settlers live without special permits from the IDF. The Jewish settlement is widely considered to be illegal by the international community, although the Israeli government disputes this knowing the facts as explained above.

                          Moses and the 10 Commandments

What is amazing is that Jews and Israel have been a land of law.  Judaism contains 613 points of law to be followed, like the first 10 Commandments.  Israel was under the rule of Judges in its beginning stages like Deborah, a judge of the people AND a leader-fighter.  Not even Golda Meir went that far to actually lead a unit and fight.  

(a woman, by the way), Gideon, Samson with each judge governing their own tribe or an alliance of tribes.  Jews are known to go into the law profession in profusion, as it is so natural for them, and many Jews have become judges in their diaspora countries. Yet the international world can't wipe away their anti-Semitism  to see the fact; that International law has advanced; changed since Germany first entered Poland in 1939.  
World War II began in Europe on September 1, 1939, when Germany invaded Poland. Great Britain and France responded by declaring war on Germany on September 3.

Gus Jerome Solomon (1906-1987)  was a United States District Judge of the United States District Court for the District of Oregon. He was a Jewish lawyer who became a judge and sat as the longest serving federal judge in the state.  Born in PortlandOregon, Solomon was the child of immigrant Jewish parents, his father having been born in Romania and his mother in Russia. Solomon received a Bachelor of Philosophy degree from the University of Chicago in 1926 and a Bachelor of Laws from Stanford Law School in 1929. He was in private practice in Portland from 1929 to 1949, first individually and then in partnership with Raymond M. Kell. The Portland law firm of Kell, Alterman & Runstein traces its origin to his practice. Laws seem to be a part of our thinking.  it's a natural.  


     Israel has always fought alone, but their women fight with them.   

Where was the international community for Israel?  This was the 3rd war that Israel was fighting Arabs.  Each one was a defensive war, actually due to anti-Semitism.  Funny, since Arabs are also Semites, and DNA is showing us that they really are our very very distant cousins.  We should coin a new term in this case.  Greed, unwilling to share, that was really the cause, to do so with Jews was beyond grief for them since Jews living in Arab lands were always treated as 2nd class people, living under a list of predudicial laws because they weren't Muslims.  They simply could not allow 2nd classers into their social strata at that time.  It was like the untouchables and the Brahmas social class of India.  We were the untouchables.  Untouchables with high IQs.  They were afraid Jews would show them up.  Jews had mixed in with the West, and these Easterners couldn't handle this new breed of people coming in with new ideas and old Middle Eastern DNA.               

Israel is the only country in the world to be born again via legal and beneficial land development as opposed to history's conquests like the  Roman Empire, Ottoman Empire  and Hitler, who came close to owning the whole world, east and west.  Did this happen in the Age of Aquarius or what?  It should be the dawning of a great age now that our calendar has a 2 for starters such as 2001-and now we're about to be in 2022. Judaism, Christianity and Islam all expect the Mochiach to be arriving at any time.  The Abraham Accords are the best thing developed so far, and it's hopefully going to grow.  


Big Lies: Demolishing the myths of the propaganda war against Israel by David Meir-Levi from David Horowitz Freedom Center

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