
Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Divided Palestinians Refuse Peace

 Nadene Goldfoot                                            

If I were to ask G-d if he would help me in uniting the Palestinians to accept Israel and not continue hating her.... if I could find 10 Palestinians who would do so, the answer would be no.  The majority, not just 10, would  have to want to accept Israel.  Right now it looks pretty hopeless in even finding 10.  Since the Kartoum Conference in Africa in 1967, the Palestinian Arabs have not budged from their position of hatred, whereas several Muslim majority states have turned around as we see in the Abraham Accords. The resolution is famous for containing (in the third paragraph) what became known as the "Three Nos": "no peace with Israel, no recognition of Israel, no negotiations with it...."   

  • "Referring to the peace process with Israel, 68% of the Palestinians said that they oppose a return to negotiations with Israel led by the US under the Biden administration."    Rockets keep falling into Israel daily from across the border with Gaza.  The hospital in Ashkelon, so close to it and who treats all people, has had to go underground in caring for the sick and injured.                  

    President Mahmoud   Abbas of Fatah's PA  and Prime Minister Ismail Haniyeh of Hamas  are at a party. At the moment all is well, but they rarely agree on anything.     Hamas grew out of Fatah as the active terrorist element of Fatah, which started with Chairman Arafat who created Fatah.                        

  • Arafat is the father of modern terrorism.  Arafat's formative years were thus spent in a milieu of sectarian violence, annealed in a hatred for Jews that, far from ever subsiding, propelled him. 

  • As an engineering student in Cairo during World War II, he was powerfully influenced by Haj Amin el-Husseini, the Islamic mufti of Jerusalem who was closely aligned with Hitler and schemed from Berlin to import the Fuhrer's genocidal program to Palestine. 

  • Indeed, as the New York Sun observed in an editorial last week, one of el-Husseini's biographers relates that Arafat was a blood relative of the mufti, who preferred him to another up-and-comer, George Habash (al-Hakim), among the fiercest of Israel's Nasserite enemies who eventually founded the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP), a frequent Arafat ally.  And who admired Arafat?  Hillary Clinton.                                  


Palestinians and Europeans and the US at the moment plan on creating a state within the state of Israel.  Is there another place where an enemy state lies inside another ? There is only the Holy See where the Vatican lies.  It is in Italy, surrounded by a Catholic population that is adoring.  It is the world's smallest independent 'country' with a population of about 800 people and an area of 0.44 km² (0.17 sq mi). 

Does anybody study the map?  What happened in the UN where there were once standards that a state had to uphold to be an accepted state?  One of the standards was to be peaceful.  It seems like the Palestinians are being armed by Iran, but if they were a real state, they probably would be able to get more arms, and for what?  Why,  to fulfill their mission and destroy Israel, no doubt.  

The Palestinians themselves are divided into the PA (Palestinian Authority) ruled by Abbas in Judea and Samaria, and Hamas-the terrorist organization ruling in Gaza.  They have been planning for a Palestinian State, but where they live in not in one area, and they are not a people of one mind or mind-set.  The only thing they may be in agreement with is to destroy Israel.  
The Palestine Liberation Organization is an organization founded in 1964 with the purpose of the "liberation of Palestine" through armed struggle. It's leader today is the one and only Mahmoud Abbas, leader of the PA. It is recognized as the "sole legitimate representative" of the Palestinian people by over 100 states with which it holds diplomatic relations, and, as the official government of the State of Palestine, has enjoyed observer status at the United Nations since 1974.  

In February 2020, CAIRO (Reuters) - The Palestinian Authority has cut all ties with the United States and Israel, including those relating to security, after rejecting a Middle East peace plan presented by U.S. President Donald Trump, Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Saturday. The Arab League backed them.  

Yet Biden is talking about the Two State Solution. President Joe Biden is still committed to a two-state solution between Israel and the Palestinians, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said Sunday, May 23, 2021, adding that repairing the structural damage in Gaza and dealing with the humanitarian crisis stemming from the recent outbreak of violence is most important to the administration. It does interfere with talks with Iran over nuclear advancement in Iran.  
                  Breaking up a cell of 50 PFLP Terrorists

A branch of the PLO that has been active again is the PFLP (Popular Front For the Liberation of Palestine), created in 1967. They're active in the West Bank (Judea,Samaria) Gaza, Syria and Lebanon.  They've been involved in plane hijackings, shootings, bombing and suicide attacks.  They assassinated the Israeli Tourism Minister, Rechavam Ze'evi  in 2001 and committed 8 suicide bombings from 2000-2005 as well as being responsible for 14 suicide bombers that were stopped and arrested in 2005. 

In December of 2019, Shin Bet (Israeli security Forces)  arrested 50 PFLP, thwarting an upcoming attack  by arresting  PFLP terror cell members in the Ramallah area.  

 This was before the May-June 1967 Six Day War's escalation leading up to the war.  The army Israel faced in that war in Sinai was 90,000 men and 900 tanks for starters.  Even the UN Emergency Force left because of the UN's appeasement.  They didn't have the stomach or reasoning to face such a spectacle.  There was no barrier between Egypt and Israel.  They had what it takes to change their attitude towards Israel, but not the Arab Palestinians.                    

 Once upon a time in the 1920s, England was given a 30 year mandate over Palestine, a much larger area.  First, England gave away 80% to Prince Abdullah of Saudi Arabia, then dickered with the 20% left where Gaza and Judea and Samaria were, leaving 10%, mainly desert land, for the Jews. While it was Palestine, Jews and Arabs were called Palestinians.   

The Arab Palestinians seem to be as stiff-necked as we Jews are.  This must come from Abraham, only the Arab Palestinians would be so much better off if they would make peace.  73 years of fighting against a people who are not leaving has just bought them a tall wall in many places that they don't like,  as well as a lot of tunnels that they have dug and that Israel has to keep on destroying. 

Israel already has 20% of the Arab population as Israeli citizens, and must keep it at that %, or it will become another Lebanon. There are 48 or more Muslim majority states in the world without a Palestine, and only one teeny Jewish state.  I can't even count all the Christian majority states there are, there are so many.  Jews make up only 0.02% of the world population.   

ISRAEL 101, Produced by StandWithUs, 2010

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