
Saturday, November 6, 2021

A Step In Dealing With Raisi of Iran: Summit Meeting in Washington DC October 2021

 Nadene Goldfoot

October 28, 2021                       

The 48th Vice President of the United States, Mike Pence and other political leaders, along with hundreds of Iranian American Community leaders attended the Free Iran 2021 Summit in Washington, DC. The speakers and the Summit called for a decisive Iran policy and demanded Ebrahim Raisi and the regime he represents be held accountable for nuclear defiance, regional meddling and the 1988 massacre of 30,000 political prisoners.

Washington's nuclear summits go back to 2010.  Iran said, then: Iran said it would not be bound by any decision made by the 47 nations at this week's nuclear security summit in Washington. Tehran is preparing to hold its own counter-proliferation summit next weekend."

Evidently a summit meeting was also held in 2019.  It was held in New York City in September.  UANI's annual Iran Policy conference featuring senior government officials and policy experts from the U.S. and around the world.   We have to assume that it takes the many meeting held to let Washington know which way to go and how to act, since they haven't seen eye to eye with these people.   


Mrs. Maryam Rajavi:   to identify Iran with its people and not with its criminal rulers.”                             

 Mr. Mike Pence, former Vice President of USA,  referenced ongoing crimes against humanity in Iran and said Iranian regime president, “Ebrahim Raisi must be removed from office by the people of Iran, and he must be prosecuted for crimes against humanity and genocide.”


 Joseph Lieberman, former Senator, “The greatest threat that the United States faces today is from the regime in Tehran,”  “It has enabled aggression and subversion in the region, and is bringing untold suffering and death to the people of Lebanon, Syria, Yemen, Iraq, and of course in Iran; ” prosecute Iranian regime president Ebrahim Raisi ;  “Instead of occupying the office of the president of a great country like Iran, Raisi should be arrested, taken to The Hague, and put on trial for crimes against humanity and the crime of genocide.” ; how anyone, “in the leadership of our closest allies and the Biden administration,” can “believe that an effective agreement on nuclear weapons or anything else can be achieved with this regime?”

Judge Michael Mukasey, the 81st U.S. Attorney General highlighted clerical regime’s nuclear defiance and terrorism ; “Since [Raisi] took office, we’ve witnessed the escalation of threats of missile launches, attacks by unmanned aerial vehicles and other instruments of destruction.”  “as toying with the concept of a nuclear free Iran, and simply running the clock while work proceeds toward enriching uranium at ever higher levels.” ; the regime’s abysmal human rights record ; international “response should be unrelenting pressure and open willingness to deal with individual members of the regime, including Raisi himself.”                                 

 Robert Torricelli (D-NJ)former Senator ; “The leadership in Tehran has gone from bad to selecting a war criminal, a leader of a genocide, as president.” ; “There is one organization that has never compromised with terror, never sat at a table and divided up your freedoms, never participated in genocide, isn’t responsible for your poverty. There’s one and that one organization has the means, the leadership, the focus, the international support to rejoin the international community. That organization is the MEK, and Madam Rajavi is its leader.”


General James Conway, 34th Commandant of the Marine Corps, urged the European nations to refrain from dealing with Raisi’s regime,will only strengthen the regime. “Iran now has a criminal for a president. Raisi has the blood of 30,000 of your countrymen on his hands. He was one of four members of that infamous Death Commission that oversaw 30,000 executions in 1988,” Evidently not the first conference.  

Ms. Hannane Amanpour, a member of the Iranian American community, whose father was killed by the regime in 1988, and possible relative to Christiane Amanpour of CNN whose father is Iranian; “My father was a good man. He cared deeply about the fate of his homeland, and about preserving human rights and women’s rights. He loved his religion and was repulsed by the idea of fundamental clerics manipulating and distorting it in furtherance of evil.”

The 2021 Free Iran Summit was sponsored by the Organization of Iranian-American Communities. OIAC is a non-profit and non-partisan organization representing the network of Iranian-American organizations nationwide with membership in over 40 states across the United States. OIAC supports the goals of the National Council of Resistance of Iran, and the 10-point plan of Mrs. Maryam Rajavi, the President-elect of the NCRI for a democratic, secular, and non-nuclear republic Iran.

Rajavi was born Maryam Qajar-Azodanlu on 4 December 1953 in TehranIran. She was raised in a middle-class civil servant family descended from a member of the Qajar dynasty. She attended the Sharif University of Technology in Iran, earning a B.S. in metallurgy.  Rajavi has stated that her political activism began when she was 22 after her sister Narges was killed by SAVAK. Then she became a member of the People's Mojahedin of Iran (PMOI/MEK), and began her political career. Rajavi served as deputy commander and MEK Secretary General until 1993. 

Christiane Amapour's interview:  IAEA chief: Nuclear surveillance in Iran has 'been weakened' 

IAEA director general Rafael Grossi speaks with Christiane Amanpour about the Iran nuclear deal and why he believes nuclear energy offers a way out of the climate crisis.


Free Iran 2021 Washington Summit On Iran’s Nuclear Defiance, Terrorism And Ebrahim Raisi’s Role in Genocide and Terrorism

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