
Sunday, October 17, 2021

Apartheid: Not In Israel

 Nadene Goldfoot                                            

       Sign from South Africa Days of Apartheid:  Translated from the Afrikaans meaning 'apartness', apartheid was the ideology supported by the National Party (NP) government and was introduced in South Africa in 1948. Apartheid called for the separate development of the different racial groups in South Africa. On paper it appeared to call for equal development and freedom of cultural expression, but the way it was implemented made this impossible. Apartheid- made -laws forced the different racial groups to live separately and develop separately, and grossly unequally too. It tried to stop all inter-marriage and social integration between racial groups

The biggest lie ever came from those who accused Israel of practicing Apartheid.  Every once in a while this accusation comes up.  There's always someone who can't put it to bed.                                            

Palestinians view the Jewish nation-state law as another instrument of apartheid.

The Nation-State Law is simply stating that Israel is a Jewish State, in case anyone didn't 

remember that this was the reason it was created in the first place on May 14, 1948.  Jews

have gone without their own state since 70 CE, and have needed their own badly. With

all the discourse about a 2 state solution or a 1 state for all, the new group in office 

decided it was time to remind people of just why Israel was created.  If you hadn't 

guessed, Hebrew is that language of the state as well and has been for ages and ages.

Israeli security forces on a street during clashes with Palestinian youth in Hebron

 on April 25.Hazem Bader/AFP via Getty Images. They're doing their job. This 

happens to be something happening in all USA cities; police have

to keep the peace and stop antagonists.   

April 2021:  In what it calls its most comprehensive report to date on Israel's treatment of Palestinians, Human Rights Watch on Tuesday accused Israel of committing "crimes against humanity" and said the U.S. and the international community have "turned a blind eye." It advocated an international commission of inquiry and sanctions, including travel bans and asset freezes, against "officials and entities credibly implicated." They had accused Israel of Apartheid Crimes.  


A crowd in Jerusalem, Israel waiting to board their bus; men, women, old, middle one shopped with children.  They were probably all at the supermarket;  few people own cars.  
Blacks waiting in one crowd and Whites in another for the bus, a forced, expected division in South Africa, not Israel..    

Apartheid was a system in South Africa under which a small minority of whites ruled over the larger black majority population.  Apartheid subjected blacks to severe political, economic and social discrimination and segregation.  They could not be citizens, vote, participate in the government or fraternize with whites.

Israel, a democracy like the U.S., gives equal rights, liberties and protections to all its citizens.  Israeli Arab participate as full and equal members in Israeli society.  While Israel, like all multiethnic democracies, struggles with the disadvantages that its minorities experience, its laws try to eradicate----not endorse----discrimination.


Hamas said it wouldn't nominate a presidential candidate for Palestinian elections.  They haven't agreed with each other since they divided with Hamas in Gaza and the PA in the West Bank (Judea and Samaria).  Palestinians are scattered, surrounding Israel;  In Israel, especially Jerusalem East quarter, Judea and Samaria and Gaza.  That would not be a unified state, but and is not being considered at the moment by either Israel or the Palestinians, only by the bed-side Europeans and Americans.  Abbas is a year younger than me!  I know how I feel when I wake up in the morning....The Palestinian Charter said it would only allow Muslims in their state----NO JEWS !!! Now tell me, who has an apartheid mind ???  No, they're completely Separatists, like Saudi Arabia.  
Government of the State of Palestine: 
The current Government was sworn in by the President of the State of Palestine, Mr. Mahmoud Abbas, on 2 June 2014.

Israel never formally annexed the West Bank or Gaza, and the Palestinians are not Israeli citizens and wish to have their own state.  Today, Palestinians have their own government, the Palestinian Authority (PA). Of course, there are stipulations in having a state, and that would be-expecting the new state to be peaceful and not attack their neighbor, Israel.  It does not look this will happen even in the near future.  Israel has been waiting since 1967 for a change in their charters and hearts.


The Abrahamic Accords will no doubt affect the hearts and minds of all Middle East Peoples. It's the one bright star in a totally inky-black sky. 


Magazine: Israel 101, page 38

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