
Wednesday, September 22, 2021

The Growing Squad Against Israel With Bill To Block An Arms Sale

 Nadene Goldfoot                                              

A good reason to dislike the Democrat's "The Squad", is the bill trying to get passed against Israel's survival abilities.  The Squad was originally made up of  four women elected in the 2018 United States House of Representatives elections: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts, and Rashida Tlaib of Michigan.  They are continuously against Israel.   They are going against the stand that the USA had taken before their arrival, of being a good friend of Israel. They are representatives with their own agendas of hatreds, not ones that supposedly are to work with the USA.  

                                        Pamela Jayapal                 

 Cori Bush
                             Betty McCollum with friends

                                    Mark Pocan

  The Squad, all 4 reelected by their neighborhoods. They've added 5 Democrats to this anti-Israel bill.     

A group of progressive House Democrats led by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) introduced a resolution  on a Wednesday, May 19, 2021,  aimed at blocking a $735 million arms sale to Israel.  In addition to Ocasio-Cortez, the effort is being led by Reps. Mark Pocan (D-Wis.) and Rashida Tlaib (D-Mich.). Other co-sponsors include Democratic Reps. Cori Bush (Mo.), Betty McCollum (Minn.), Ayanna Pressley (Mass.), Ilhan Omar (Minn.), Pramila Jayapal (Wash.) and André Carson (Ind.).
All 4 of the squad members are involved in this bill along with added others. 

A day before a cease-fire was declared on May 20, Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (N.Y.), Mark Pocan (Wis.), and Rashida Tlaib (Mich.) introduced a House joint resolution of disapproval for the sale. “Approving this sale now, while failing to even try to use it as leverage for a ceasefire, sends a clear message to the world—the U.S. is not interested in peace, and does not care about the human rights and lives of Palestinians,” Ocasio-Cortez said in a press statement.  This sounds like a statement from  an enemy from Iraq, not an American Representative.  

The next day, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) introduced a similar resolution in the Senate. It marked the end of a 15-day review period during which lawmakers could take action to block the administration from issuing licenses for the deals.  Bernie, our own self-hating Jew, taking his usual stand against Israel to be on the Palestinian side for G-d knows why, considering who he is. He's been consistent, that's for sure. He stepped outside his faith and education a long time ago, certainly unschooled in the history of Israel and all they have tried to do to help Palestinians from the time of working with Emir Feisal in the 1920s  or even before. It was the Sherif of Jerusalem, otherwise known as Haj Amin al-Husseini, who turned the Palestinians against Jews so much with riots in 1929, etc. Since then, it's been a hard row to hoe. 
State House of Representatives   

According to news reports, the State Department issued those licenses on May 21. No vote is now expected on these particular resolutions. But at any point until delivery, expected to Israel next year, Congress could pass legislation blocking arms salesWhen told on May 21 that the sales had already been licensed, Sanders put a hold on all State Department nominees. He lifted the hold after the administration committed to providing humanitarian aid for Gaza. Sanders’ office told Arms Control Today on May 25 that Sanders and his colleagues “would continue to push for greater debate to make sure that U.S. arms sales do not support human rights abuses.” 

Sanders, it is wrong in your mind to defend yourself when attacked?  That's the situation with Israel.  They are always on the defensive; not the offensive.  Can you not see the difference?  It's only now that 4 nations have made peace with Israel of late with the Abraham Accords, that give us hope and see light at the end of the tunnel.  They see the difference, and they are Arab States.  Let us not forget Egypt and Jordan who also keep peace with Israel since 1973's war, Egypt leading with Syria.  The ones being abused here is Israel !  Israel is now 73 years old.  It's time Palestinians accept her return to the neighborhood.  

 September 15th, 2020, leaders from Bahrain, Israel, the United Arab Emirates signed the Abraham Accords. A few months later, on December 10th, Israel and Morocco also signed a normalization agreement. They are celebrating their 1 year anniversary.                          

  Bennett invited Biden to visit Israel.  The USA teams have criticized Israel for its heavy handiness in defending themselves against the Palestinians.  They haven't stopped to consider the heavy handiness of the Palestinians against Israel because they have been the ones without a state.  The Palestinians are always the ones attacking Jews or Israel first and have been since 1967's meeting in Africa with the other Muslim states when they all swore No No No! Others have seen this was futile and unfair but not them.  To this day, they are still shooting rockets into Israel across the border.     

Public statements from the White House on calls between President Biden and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu have become increasingly more stern, with a statement Wednesday saying Biden told Netanyahu he expects a “significant de-escalation” in the violence between Israel and Hamas by Wednesday to put the two sides "on the path to a cease-fire.”  This from June 2021, and Biden's still blaming Netanyahu. In June 2021, after Naftali Bennett formed a government with Yair Lapid, Netanyahu was removed from the premiership, becoming Leader of the Opposition for the third time. 

11 Days of a rocket Attack by Hamas Terrorists

An outbreak of violence in the ongoing Israeli–Palestinian conflict commenced on 10 May 2021, though disturbances took place earlier, and continued until a ceasefire came into effect on 21 May. It was marked by protests and police riot controlrocket attacks on Israel by Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and Israeli airstrikes targeting the Gaza Strip. The crisis was triggered on 6 May, when Palestinians began protests in East Jerusalem over an anticipated decision of the Supreme Court of Israel on the eviction of six Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah. Under international law, the area, effectively annexed by Israel, is a part of the occupied Palestinian territories. Israel applies its laws there. Jerusalem is unified as one city, all under the same rules.  On 7 May, according to Israel's Channel 12Palestinians threw stones at Israeli police forces, who then stormed the compound of the al-Aqsa Mosque using tear gasrubber bullets and stun grenades. The crisis prompted protests around the world and reactions from world leaders.

Aug. 5, 2021, at 9:48 a.m. TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Israel on Thursday escalated its response to rocket attacks the previous day from Lebanon by launching rare airstrikes on its northern neighbor, the army and Lebanese officials said. ... The United States swiftly condemned the attacks on Israel   The overnight airstrikes in southern Lebanon were a marked escalation at a politically sensitive time. Israel's new eight-party governing coalition is trying to keep peace under a fragile cease-fire that ended an 11-day war with Hamas' militant rulers in Gaza in May. Several incidents leading up to this week's rocket fire from Lebanon have focused attention on Israel's northern border. The United States swiftly condemned the attacks on Israel.

But progressive Democrats have been looking for a more explicit demand from Biden for a cease-fire.

Update: 8pm EST: The squad did it.  A bill was in the way of giving Israel funds for the Iron Dome.  During the 11 day attack, 1,500 rockets rained down on Israel but the Iron Dome stopped 1,400 of them.  Ortega is against Israeli survival, I suppose.  from Watchman on TV, WASHINGTON ― Senate Democrats are discussing whether to pair new funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system with aid for the Palestinians after $1 billon for the system was cut from a stopgap spending patch that passed the House on Tuesday.

    Update 1 hr ago: House approves $1 billion for iron dome defense system in Israel after it was removed from a separate bill to prevent a government shutdown and suspend the nation's borrowing limit.  from CNN. from Jerusalem.


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