
Monday, July 26, 2021

The Palestinian Arab Refugee Situation Involvement of UNRWA's Money

 Nadene Goldfoot                                      

A Syrian tank at Kibbutz Degania Alef from 1948 has a story.  I was told that it was stopped
by a girl and an old man on the kibbutz.  One author claims that the main reason for the Syrian defeat was the Syrian soldiers' low regard for the Israelis who they believed would not stand and fight against the Arab army.

In 1948, the Palestinian Arabs attacked the newly announced state of Israel about 5 minutes afterwards, which was Israel's War of Independence that actually was started in 1947 and lasted until 1949.  The Arabs had responded to the United Nations  resolution on Palestine, and  the fighting lasted until the signing of the Armistice Agreements in 1948.                                                                              

180,000 Arabs who lived within Israel's borders accepted Israel's invitation to choose peace and become Israeli citizens.  Jews at that time numbered about 600,000.  The Arabs elected 3 Israeli-Arabs to the 1st Knesset.  After postwar problems were resolved, they became freer, more educated and more prosperous than average citizens living in all other Arab countries.  By 2010, Israeli- Arabs numbered over 1,250,000 and continue to elect representatives to the Knesset.  

Today, they make up 20% of Israel's population.                                          

Mansour  is from Maghar,  a Druze-majority mixed town in Israel's Northern District with an area of 19,810 dunams. Maghar was given the status of a local council in 1956. In 2019 it has a population of 22,957. Its population consists of 57% Druze, 23% Christians, and 20% Muslims.  He's one of the Muslims.  

 Mansour Abbas is a leading Palestinian.  Abbas's small United Arab List is the first party in an Israeli government to be drawn from Israel's 21% Arab minority - Palestinian by culture and heritage, but Israeli by citizenship. He split with other Arab politicians who prefer to remain outside government and cast aside differences with Bennett and other right-wingers to tip the scales against Netanyahu.  Abbas, 47, is expected to serve as a deputy minister in the prime minister's office. He aims to negotiate a big increase in government spending in Arab towns and villages.

Back in 1948, between 472,000 and 750,000 Palestinian Arabs left what became Israel, following their leaders' directions.  Their governments had promised them they would be able to return and take over Jewish homes.  The leaders thought this move would destroy the new state.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has operated in Syria since 1950. Since the start of the conflict in 2011, UNRWA has stepped up its operations to ensure the needs of Palestine refugees in the country are met. The Agency is the main provider of humanitarian assistance and basic services to 438,000 Palestine refugees who remain in the country -- 91 per cent of whom live in absolute poverty - and who have been among those worst affected by the conflict.

"As a Palestine refugee, you are already born with a tag that says "displaced", said UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini. "If you are a Palestine refugee in Syria, then you are at least doubly displaced and most likely living in extreme hardship."

 Marka Camp
, one of many-Marka camp was established in 1968 is 10 kilometres northeast of Amman, Jordan.. Many camp residents originally came from the Gaza Strip..  It covers an area of 0.92 square kilometres,  The camp is known locally as ‘Schneller’ after the German rehabilitation centre established in the area before the camp was set up. UNRWA installations in the camp also provide services for the refugees in the camp's surroundings....Marka camp. © 2013 UNRWA Photo by Hannington Muyenje  The camp has 10 UNRWA schools running double-shifts.  One health centre provides primary health services to refugees living in the camp

The UN gave special treatment to Palestinian refugees.  In 1949 they set up UNRWA, an agency exclusively serving the Palestinian refugees.  UNRWA's website reported that the agency "is unique in terms of its longstanding commitment to one group of refugees...and to 4 generations of refugees."

All the world's other refugees are served by one UN agency.  UNHCR, and no other group's descendants are also considered refugees and that was said in 2010.  By 2005, UNRWA was serving 4.3 million Palestinians. 

Palestinian refugee camps were set up in the Territories and neighboring Arab countries following the 1948 Arab-Israel War.  The camps now are small rundown cities that the Arab leadership never improved and the inhabitants and their descendants are still considered as refugees.  Most Arab countries still refuse to integrate them and unfortunately use them as pawns in the propaganda war against Israel. This was the condition in 2010. 

More than 871,000 registered refugees live in the West Bank, around a quarter of whom live in 19 refugee camps. Most of the others live in West Bank towns and villages. Some camps are located next to major towns and others are in rural areas. While the West Bank has the largest number of recognized Palestine refugee camps in the five UNRWA fields, the largest of them, Balata, has a population similar to that of the smallest camp in Gaza.( for more info, see  

 After the PA (Palestine Authority) was established, it governed 38% of the Palestinian refugees but did not use its billions of foreign-aid dollars to improve their living conditions or opportunities.  The Palestinian National Authority is the Fatah-controlled, interim self-government body that exercises partial civil control over the Gaza Strip and West Bank areas "A" and "B", established as a consequence of the 1993–1995 Oslo Accords.

Israel even has contributed money to UNRWA, but has no control over UNRWA policies.  When Israel administered the Territories from 1967 to 1994, its efforts to improve refugee housing were denounced by the PLO terrorists run by Arafat and the UN (UN GA Resolutions 2792 in 1971 and 41/69 in 1986).   


Biden quietly ramping up funding to Palestinians; has long said he would reverse freeze put in place by Trump:  Palestinian school children chant slogans and raise the victory gesture over a UN flag during a protest at a United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) school, financed by US aid, in the Arroub refugee camp near Hebron in the West Bank on September 5, 2018. (AFP PHOTO / HAZEM BADER)

The United States announced today that it is contributing US $150 million to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA), restoring its role as a decades-long friend and supporter of the UN agency. What agency is making sure where the money goes to, and keeping it from Hamas and Fatah terrorists who will use it on ammunition to buy rockets to use against Israel? I doubt if there is one.   

The % of Palestinian refugee population by Country/Location in 2005 was:

Gaza.....          22%. 

West Bank......16%

Lebanon.....      9%

Syria.....          10 %

Jordan....       .42%.

Jordan's comment was "Since 1948, Arab leaders...have used the Palestine people for selfish political purposes.  This is...criminal"  King Hussein of Jordan, 1960.  

2021 population of Israel was 8,799,290.  It has quickly risen to 9,291,000 this year.

Israel’s population now numbers nearly 9.3 million, the Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS) announced Thursday, hours before the end of 2020 and the start of the new year.  According to the CBS, Israel’s population grew by 151,000 people, or 1.7 percent, since last year and now stands at 2.91 million people.There are currently 6.870 million Jews, accounting for 74% of the population, while the 1.956 million Arabs in Israel make up 21% of the population. Another 456,000 people defined as “others” make the remaining 5%.There are now more refugees in the world other than Palestinian refugees, that UNRWA has handled since 1948.                                  

Jordan is one of the countries most affected by the Syrian crisis, now in its eighth year. A country of fewer than 10 million, Jordan hosts more than 750,000 registered refugees. The vast majority are from Syria, but Jordan also hosts tens of thousands of refugees from other countries, including Iraq, Yemen, and Sudan, and many more who are not registered. King Abdullah II's Jordan, a country of fewer than 10 million inhabitants, hosts more than 750,000 registered refugees, of whom upward of 660,000 are from Syria. Tens of thousands of refugees from other countries – mainly Iraq, Yemen, and Sudan – also live in Jordan, as well as more than 2 million Palestinian refugees, most of whom have acquired Jordanian citizenship. Jordan has a long history of welcoming refugees, and it has the second highest number of refugees per capita in the world.

The 10s of millions of refugees from other war-torn areas in the world during this period resettled in other countries, but neighboring Arab states, with the exception of Jordan, would not resettle the Palestinian Arabs despite their shared history, language and religion. Instead, Arab governments confined them in refugee neighborhoods, refused them citizenship and then used their plight as a propaganda weapon against Israel.

View of the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) building in Rafah in the southern Gaza Strip. (Abed Rahim Khatib/Flash90/JNS)

Group raises alarm over UNRWA's anti-Israel incitement within its Jerusalem schools. Perhaps unbeknown to many Israelis is the shocking fact that only 12 minutes from downtown Jerusalem by light rail, a neighborhood exists within the city’s jurisdiction in which Arab children are being taught that they will one day destroy Israel and replace it with a Palestinian state. This hate education is on full display in a new video released earlier this month by the Center for Near East Policy Research titled “UNRWA in Jerusalem: Anatomy of Chaos,” including disturbing footage from inside Jerusalem’s Shuafat neighborhood, which serves as a Palestinian refugee camp under the jurisdiction of UNRWA, the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian refugees.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) has operated in Syria since 1950. Since the start of the conflict in 2011, UNRWA has stepped up its operations to ensure the needs of Palestine refugees in the country are met. The Agency is the main provider of humanitarian assistance and basic services to 438,000 Palestine refugees who remain in the country -- 91 per cent of whom live in absolute poverty - and who have been among those worst affected by the conflict. "As a Palestine refugee, you are already born with a tag that says "displaced", said UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini. "If you are a Palestine refugee in Syria, then you are at least doubly displaced and most likely living in extreme hardship."

"The Arab states do not want to solve the refugee problem. They want to keep it an open sore, as an affront to the UN and as a weapon against Israel".....Ralph Galloway, former Director of UNRWA, August 1958.

"All the Arab countries want to keep this problem looking like an open wound."...Ana Little-French, regional representative in Cairo for the UN High Commissioner for Refugees, 2003.  

Palestinian refugees in camps are not citizens of the state they live in. Mostly they are not working or receiving education or skills. Probably they are just simmering, believing all the hype against Israel.  They've been born in camps.  The 1948 adults are deceased by now.   A baby born in 1948 is now 73 years old and has spent his whole life in a refugee camp.  

2020 Pledges to UNRWA's Programmes (Cash and In-kind) - TOP 20 Donors as 31 December 2020 In USD  were Germany as the highest, then EU, UK, Sweden, Japan, Switzerland, Saudi Arabia, Norway, CERF (The Central Emergency Response Fund is a humanitarian fund established by the United Nations General Assembly on December 15, 2005 and launched in March 2006.), Canada,  France, Netherlands, Turkey, Italy, Denmark, Spain, Belgium, Finland, Ireland and Australia.  


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