
Monday, June 7, 2021

Who Are the Two Leaders of the Tenuous Coalition, Yair Lapid and Naftali Bennett?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                

Yair Lapid, 58 years old, born November 5, 1963 in Tel Aviv, is an Israeli politician and former journalist serving as chairman of the Yesh Atid and opposition leader in the Knesset. He served as minister of Finance from 2013 to 2014. Before entering politics in 2012, Lapid was an author, TV presenter and news anchor.  Lapid ranked first on the list of the "Most Influential Jews in the World" by The Jerusalem Post. He was also recognized in 2013 as one of the leading Foreign Policy Global Thinkers, and ranked as one of Time magazine's 100 "Most Influential People in the World".  An amateur boxer and martial artist who has also published a dozen books, Lapid was a newspaper columnist before becoming a presenter on Channel 2 TV, a role that boosted his stardom, and he once featured on lists of Israel's most desirable men.

Lapid grew up in Tel Aviv and London. His childhood home in Tel Aviv was in the Yad Eliyahu neighborhood, in a residential building known as the Journalists' Residence, as several prominent journalists lived there. He attended high school at the Herzliya Hebrew Gymnasium, but struggled with learning disabilities and dropped out without earning a bagrut certificate.  He is married to journalist Lihi Lapid, and lives in the Ramat Aviv Gimel neighborhood of Tel Aviv. He and his wife have two children, and he has another son, Yoav (born 1987), from his first marriage. He attends the Daniels Centers for Progressive Judaism, a Reform synagogue in Tel Aviv.

He began his mandatory military service in the Israel Defense Forces in the 500th Brigade of the Armored Corps. During the 1982 Lebanon War, Lapid suffered an asthma attack after inhaling dust kicked up by a helicopter, and was pulled from the Corps. He then served as a military correspondent for the IDF's weekly newspaper, Bamahane ("In the base camp"). After completing his military service, he began working as a reporter for Maariv and published poetry in literary journals. Maariv is associated with Israel's political center and has been critical of Benjamin Netanyahu's center-right government.  He also had a career as an amateur boxer.

 Yair is the son of journalist and politician Yosef "Tommy" Lapid, who also served as Justice Minister, and novelist and playwright Shulamit (Giladi) Lapid. His father was born in Novi Sad, Yugoslavia, now Serbia, and his maternal grandfather was from Transylvania, Romania. These places are outside the Pale of Settlement, where so many Jews have been from.  He has a sister, Merav, who is a clinical psychologist. Another sister, Michal, died in a car accident in 1984] Both of his grandmothers were alive when his parents moved to Israel. His great-grandmother Hermione Lampel was arrested in Serbia and sent to Auschwitz, where she was murdered in a gas chamber.  

On 17 May 2020, Lapid became the Leader of the Opposition, after the thirty-fifth government of Israel was sworn in. Lapid serves on the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee, and the Sub-Committee on Intelligence and the Security Services. 

Since 5 May 2021, he is in the midst of talks with other parties to try to form a coalition government.  On 2 June 2021, Lapid informed Israeli President Reuven Rivlin that he had formed a new governing coalition with Naftali Bennett and was prepared to replace the incumbent prime minister, Benjamin Netanyahu.


Naftali Bennett, 49 years old,  was born in Haifa, Israel, on 25 March 1972. He is the youngest of three sons born to Jim and Myrna (Lefko) Bennett, American Jewish immigrants who moved to Israel from San Francisco in 1967, a month after the Six-Day War. His father's Jewish roots come from Poland, Germany, and the Netherlands. His maternal grandparents moved to San Francisco from Poland 20 years before the outbreak of World War II, and relocated to Israel as seniors, settling on Vitkin Street in Haifa. Through his paternal grandmother, Bennett is a descendant of the Rappaport rabbinic family and of the Medieval Biblical commentator Rashi. Some of his mother's other family members who remained in Poland were murdered in the Holocaust.  That, we have in common.  My father's line also claims Rashi as being on our tree.  Bennett has two brothers. One, Asher, is a businessman now based in the United Kingdom. The other, Daniel, is an accountant for Zim Integrated Shipping Services.  Bennett's wife, Gilat, is a professional pastry chef. She was secular, but now observes the Jewish Sabbath and religious Jewish kosher laws regarding food. The couple have four children, and live in Ra'anana, a city 20 kilometres (12 mi) north of Tel Aviv. Like his brothers, Bennett adheres to Modern Orthodox Judaism.

Naftali Bennett attended Yavne Yeshiva High School in Haifa, and became a youth leader ("Madrich") with the religious Zionist youth organization Bnei Akiva.

Bennett was drafted into the Israel Defense Forces in 1990. He served in the Sayeret Matkal and Maglan commando units as a company commander. Bennett was discharged from active service after six years, but continued to serve in the reserves and attained the rank of major. Bennett served during the First Intifada and in the Israeli security zone in Lebanon during the 1982–2000 South Lebanon conflict. He took part in many operations, including Operation Grapes of Wrath.

After his regular IDF service, Bennett received a law degree from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.  During the Second Intifada, he participated in Operation Defensive Shield. He was called up as a reservist in the Maglan special forces unit during the 2006 Lebanon War and participated in a search and destroy mission behind enemy lines, operating against Hezbollah rocket launchers.

After moving on from software entrepreneurship, Bennett returned to Israel from the USA and embarked on a career in politics. After taking part in the 2006 Lebanon War, Bennett joined the Leader of the Opposition, Benjamin Netanyahu, and served as his Chief of Staff from 2006 to 2008. He led a team that developed Netanyahu's educational reform plan. He also ran Netanyahu's primary campaign to lead the Likud party in August 2007. On 31 January 2010 Bennett was appointed director-general of the Yesha Council and he led the struggle against the settlement freeze in 2010. He served in this position until January 2012.

Following his election to the Knesset, Bennett had to renounce his U.S. citizenship, which he held as the son of American parents, before he could take his seat. He was appointed Minister of the Economy and Minister of Religious Services in March 2013. In April 2013 he was also appointed Minister of Jerusalem and Diaspora Affairs.

Naftali Bennett is an Israeli politician who served as Minister of Diaspora Affairs from 2013 to 2019 and as Minister of Defense from 2019 to 2020. He has led the New Right party since 2018, having previously led The Jewish Home party between 2012 and 2018.   Bennett announced on 30 May that he would serve as prime minister in a potential unity government until September 2023, at which point Lapid would take over.

This is something when you have a Reformed and a Modern orthodox Jew working together to make Israel  and even better place than it is, or at least keeping it together in one piece.  Usually Israel has had one person at the helm but now we are juggling two.  When Netanyahu was trying to create a budget, the thing today is to consider how money is divided between religious and secular matters.  


The thirty-sixth government of Israel will be the next expected cabinet of Israel, and is expected to be formed after the 2021 Israeli legislative election.

On 2 June 2021, a coalition agreement was signed between Yesh AtidBlue and WhiteYamina, the Labor PartyYisrael BeiteinuNew HopeMeretz, and the United Arab List.

If the government is confirmed in the Knesset, it will have two prime ministers during its duration. Namely, under a rotation agreementNaftali Bennett of Yamina will serve as prime minister until September 2023, when he will cede the position to Yair Lapid of Yesh Atid, who would hold office until November 2025. In addition, the New Right/Yamina and Yesh Atid would become the fourth and fifth parties, respectively, to lead an Israeli government – following Mapai/Labor Party (1948-1977; 1984-1986; 1992-1996; 1999-2001), Likud (1977-1984; 1986-1992; 1996-1999; 2001-2005; 2009-2021), and Kadima (2005-2009).


                Yair Lapid giving a speech at Sapir Academic College in November 2015

In 2016, Lapid presented his platform, the "Seven Point Plan for Israel", which includes:

1. A robust security doctrine, 

2. A regional conference with Arab states based on the necessity of separating from the Palestinians, 

3. Reforms of the political system to clean up corruption,

4. A State of Israel that strikes a balance between its Jewish and democratic character, 

5. A strengthened law enforcement system, an economy propelled forward by innovation, 

6. Increased emphasis on education and science.

7. Under Lapid,  Yesh Atid claims to spearhead the fight against corruption in Israel. The "Nachshon Plan", unveiled in 2017, stipulates that any person found guilty of corruption will be banned from serving in public office. To prevent political bribery, it also abolishes "coalition funds".'


          Bennett at the pre-election foreign-policy debate at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 8 January 2013

In spite of his expressed right-wing views against a Palestinian state, while engaged in coalition negotiations for a unity government with Yair Lapid and other party leaders following the 2021 Israeli legislative election, during which he was offered the Prime Ministership, Bennett agreed to a policy of not annexing any territory in the West Bank and to not build any new settlements while serving as Prime Minister in a potential unity government

       In January 2013 Bennett said, "There is not going to be a Palestinian state within the tiny land of Israel", referring to the area from the Jordan River to the Mediterranean Sea. "It's just not going to happen. A Palestinian state would be a disaster for the next 200 years."

In June 2013, Bennett said that Israel must learn to live without separation of the 2 States

    Bennett suggested in June 2013 that Israel must learn to live with the Palestinian problem without a "surgical action" of separation to two states: "I have a friend who's got shrapnel in his rear end, and he's been told that it can be removed surgically, but it would leave him disabled... So he decided to live with it. There are situations where insisting on perfection can lead to more trouble than it's worth." Bennett's "Shrapnel in the butt" quickly became widely known as representing his view of the Palestinian problem.

Update: 6/7/2021 3:30pm  But Bennett is also different in fundamental ways from all 11 men — and one woman — who will have preceded him as Israel’s leader. Assuming his coalition government does not fall apart before it can be sworn in, Bennett, 49, will be Israel’s first prime minister to identify as religious, rather than secular. And he will be the first to have lived in one of the Jewish settlements in the Israeli-occupied West Bank, which are illegal under international law.



  1. i share a birthday with yair lapid. only i am 10 years older born in 1953, him 1963.
    both of those men, bennet and lapid, have some gifting in leadership i am sure, but i still feel they are not as stalwart as the ever brave, unflinching netanyahu. israel needs her strongest leaders yet for this time when people are bearing down on that nation that is constantly having to fight for every bit of her holdings. they can't let down for a moment with the wolves at the door that israel deals with.

    the eu (at the moment) acts like it wants to "play nice" but i don't trust them at all. and the un is still a joke, letting people whose nations are fraught with abuses of human rights to sit on panels and counsels to rule against israel while go unhindered in such behavior, have the gall to throw the book at israel...and needlessly. the proof is there that israel has stood on good ground as a good neighbor to the region and to the world. it's all deeply unfair and biased beyond belief.

  2. Tomorrow, Sunday, June 13th, they take over from Netanyahu. We'll see how long a coalition from left to right will stick together. On paper, things always work out well, but in practice, not always. There's the human factor. I think Netanyahu has been the greatest gift Israel has had during the most difficult of times. Oh, I don't trust the EU at all, either. They'll not consider Israel in their plans; only themselves. That's my opinion based on past history. I do not see evidence of change.

  3. i will be watching with much interest. there are prophecies of this very thing i truly believe in the works and politics that will greatly come against israel, not for her at all, though the words may sound smooth there is war in the heart (i borrowed that phrasing and it's premise from israel's great king david who knew all about betrayal) and the compromises that will be made for "peace" will be for a false peace, not the true peace israel has long sought, with her immediate neighbors but also with the world for the the world all over the globe forced her to wander and struck her down to the point of almost extinguishing her, yet God preserved israel-past--but also future, for His name's sake. i believe jerusalem and temple mount will be put on a carving table to take what is sacred-to cut the heart out of israel, her sacred heritage and that would be the attempt to destroy her soul as a nation. the eu will play a huge part of that nadene if i am correct in my understanding of the things that are on the horizon and the men who are replacing netanyahu may be the very ones who make the terrible compromises of her land and her people with globalists who want to take her dignity and her sovereignty as a poke into the apple of God's eye.

  4. i still watch a particular man (who is currently retired yet he is the most unretired man on the planet for all things global (made past deals with israel when it was ariel sharon in power and he twisted sharon's arm behind his back behind closed doors to give up land for "peace"--but there was in reality no peace to come of it). this man's dream for europe (as the revived roman empire that the prophet daniel saw and wrote down in scripture)--i watch him bc he is the one man who has had a heavy hand with israel in the past and put into play the underhanded dealings called the 2 state solution that the world keeps trying to shove down israel's throat--which amounts to no israel at all in their grand scheme of things. that man is javier solana. he is also the one and only man who has made deals with iran like no one else was able to do--he like none other embolden iran who hates israel (and america) and soros and obama do his bidding. america disabled is very much what will bring the global dream to life. the superpower united states of america summarily replaced with the united states of europe. and this is pictured in the prophet daniel's dream of long long ago. this global "kingdom" is rising and almost ready for her place in the sun if i am seeing things correctly from the prophetic. if i am wrong, i am wrong, but thus far much is tracking--still tracking, that he may make a come back to the eu--with a very powerful role to fill as a leader of the entire globe if i am right. we shall see nadene! we shall see! i watch with great interest because his "green papers" are now the very playbook, the (the united states of europe) official playbook, the "white book" the eu goes by. i also believe there will be an exacting toll upon the nation brought on when israel compromises with the "world leader" (who has already had a taste of governing on the world stage when bill clinton leader of the free world with a vested interest in the region at the time stepped aside to let this man (a communist/socialist and global elite) lead in the matter of kosovo that still has bad lingering effects upon europe even today)...perhaps this man (?) may be the one to rise again to take a very elite spot but God will preserve His israel..His chosen and beloved--from such as the man who wants his dream realized--a world of nations that no longer have their own sovereignty (that israel has fought tooth and nail to keep as wonderful netanyahu has done)--God will step in supernaturally to guard and keep what men (maybe those men lapid and bennet???) unwittingly or knowingly, betray, because the Lord's Great name is there. 2 chron 6:6 :
    Yet I have chosen Jerusalem, that My name may be there, and I have chosen David to be over My people Israel.
    that was for then but also for now, for whatever the future holds. king david will have his seed, his descendant, rule in a coming day, once again. it is a promise from the Lord.
    What God has said will be, and to the letter.
    this is more than history to me nadene...this is the story of God and the people who know Him, who trust Him--the story still being written today.
