
Wednesday, June 2, 2021


 Nadene Goldfoot                                                 

      Meghan McCain, b: October 23, 1984, Oldest daughter of Senator John McCain, now on THE VIEW.  

"Meghan McCain, John McCain's daughter said on THE VIEW this morning, “it’s very strange to me that Google — who espouses itself to be the most progressive, the most inclusive company on planet Earth or in Silicon Valley — that you have a head of diversity who, if it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it looks like you probably hate Jews or at the very least, have some serious issues with your antisemitic rhetoric.” 

What sort of person would write in his own blog that "Jewish people have an insatiable appetite for war.?  One would think, Hamas, or Hezbollah terrorists, or Iranian officials.  He wrote this in the conclusion of a personal blog post on Nov. 30, 2007 entitled, "If I Were a Jew." 


Instead, it was Kamau Bobb, the head of diversity at Google.  Now, what can we expect from Google?  Did the Google executives in charge of hiring ever bother to google him?  This is not all he has said about Jews.  

 Bobb made “revolting, and antisemitic, comparisons between Nazi actions and that of the world’s only Jewish country. He portrays Jews as bloodthirsty.”

 “All of this begs the question whether (1)  @Google did due diligence when selecting  @kamaubobb for the sensitive position of global Google DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) Director and (2) whether he should remain in these positions.  @Google – what say you?”  

He has a blog that he writes in and he twitters, much of this found in his twitters.  

He has quite a background.  "Dr. Bobb is a STEM education policy analyst, whose body of work is helping to shape a brighter future for education in America. He holds a Ph.D. in science and technology policy from Georgia Tech, and M.S. and B.S. degrees from the University of California, Berkeley."  What is a STEM education?  Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM)

"Currently, Dr. Bobb is a program officer at the National Science Foundation (NSF) in the Directorate for Computer and Information Science and Engineering. He is on a rotation from Georgia Tech, where he serves on the faculty in the Center for Education Integrating Science, Mathematics, and Computing (CEISMC). His role at NSF is to direct and facilitate research in improving computer science (CS) education that will lead to broader participation in the field, particularly of African American and Hispanic students as well as women of all races and ethnicities."

It is tragic that a person who has such skills turns out to be someone indoctrinated in hatred for Jews.  

He told BLACK ENTERPRISE in an interview the following;

 I see STEM education and particularly CS education in a broad national context. The primary argument for diversity in the STEM enterprise centers on national economic competitiveness and equitable employment opportunities in a critical industrial sector.

While I am concerned about students’ abilities to get jobs, I am more interested in their contribution to the American story. One of the descriptions of black and Hispanic students is that they live in the margin; that they are disconnected and marginalized from the core national narrative. Living in the margin means that their lives are relegated to footnotes; to edits that are referenced against the main story. I reject that premise. Their lives–our lives–ambitions, pursuits, challenges, and history are central to the American story.

Technology leaders today are not only transforming the conduct of engagement across multiple sectors, they are rewriting the national narrative. There is extraordinary power in that. I am inspired to pursue equity in STEM education as one path out of the margin. In my view, the goal of STEM education work is the acquisition of power and the ability to write the American story. 

Dr. Bobb brings to his work a passion to ensure that all students, particularly students of color, have access to seats of power in the technology sector that is shaping contemporary American life. His writing on STEM education and culture has been featured in The Atlantic, Black Enterprise, The Root, Edutopia and on the Obama White House Blog. Dr. Bobb holds a Ph.D. in Science and Technology Policy from Georgia Tech and M.S. and B.S. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley.

it is interesting that Kamau Imara Bobb's biography is nothing but a resume.  There is nothing in it that tells where he was born or when, who his parents are, nothing like that at all which most bios do.  


With a little hunting, I found it's possible he was born in 1971.  Here is a picture with a Kamau Bobb at 16  from Midwood high school of 1987 of the boys, above, in outdoor track.  He was married to a Lisa in 2000. 

Why he is so anti-Jewish, anti-Israel still remains a mystery.  He may be brilliant in the use of computers, but he has not used them at all in reading up on the history of Jews and what they have gone through with anti-Semitism.

I, on the other hand, can barely handle this blog, but have used my computers to supplement what I have in a zillion books about our history and have written about what I have learned.  Sure wish some computer geek would pass on my blog article for him to read and learn about. 

Google sure didn't google enough, and could have come up with what I have found before McCain heard about him becoming Google's head of diversity.  We Jews will be repeating the Middle Ages idea of diversity-everything but Jews accepted.  How in the world can a man with such feelings be fair to us?  I have a feeling that he has worked with many Jews in the past-maybe even at Google in a competitive manner, because STEM means the areas that Jews are so proficient in.   Just musing. 

 He writes, baring the fact to me that he does not know a thing about why Israel has been in wars from its inception from 1947-48, 56, 67, 73, or any other battles.  At the least, he needs to take a class about Jewish history.  



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