
Wednesday, May 12, 2021

Update on the War of Hamas Driven to Turn Israel Into "Hell"

 Nadene Goldfoot                                       

 I just heard ABC News on TV say that this war of Hamas in Gaza and Israel was over the Israeli treatment of Palestinians.  That's rot!  They've been treated just like all Israelis as long as they're not trying to kill anyone, and that Hamas has been doing daily by shooting rockets into Israel.  This is a well-planned attack, egged on by Turkey and Iran.  You don't suddenly have a stash of rockets and missiles that they have and are thrusting upon  what turns out to be all of Israel and not just the usual border towns of Sederot and Ashkelon.  The whole country is being hit.
Update: 12:48pm 630 rockets were fired at Israel last night around 8pm, but just now the number has doubled to 1200 and not stopping:  
Update: 5/13/2021:  12;27pm  over 1500 rockets have now been fired into Israel that are able to hit all of Israel including Tel Aviv.  7 Israelis have died, one 5 year old child by pieces of rocket that came threw the window.  
Update: 5/14/2021  7:48am: Fighting between Israel and Hamas escalated in what has become the heaviest flare-up since the 2014 Gaza war. At least 119 people were killed in the Strip and eight in Israel, in the most intensive aerial exchanges for years. For Israelis who have 15 seconds to get to a bomb shelter after a siren warns, and a bomb shelter, this is what has kept the death casualties down for them...because of being attacked so often, they are prepared-G-d willing.Up to now, spending 5 days in bomb shelters, afraid to leave them to bring in food...and we think that Covid 19 is disruptive in our economic life...For Israel and Gaza, they now bear both Covid 19 and its offsprings  and War,
Update: 2;27pm; 5/16/2021:  The Israeli military said the civilian casualties were unintentional in that 42 Palestinians, 10 children were killed. It said its jets attacked a tunnel system used by militants, which collapsed, bringing the homes down. 10 Israelis were killed including 2 children.  You cannot compare deaths; like comparing apples and oranges-Israel protects its civilians while Gazans expose them or put them in line with danger.  All of Israel is frozen still, cannot function as it stays out of danger in bomb shelters and this is the 7th day. Total death of Gaza is 192 including 58 children.  That's on the Palestinian head.  Israel did not suddenly attack Gaza.   Gaza's terrorists, Hamas, were the aggressors.  
Update: 3:25pm 5/18/2021;  So far this morning 3,200 rockets fell into Israel with about 58 falling into Gaza itself, killing their own people.  Central Israel including Tel Aviv is being hit and southern Israel.  

Israel carried out hundreds of air and ground strikes in Gaza, as Palestinian militants fired more than a thousand rockets at central and southern Israel. 


Palestinians living in Israel, which are 20% of the population, have all the amenities of all  citizens of Israel except one thing;  they are not required to serve in the IDF.  Is that so unusual?  There are a few who realize their history and history of the Middle East and are great citizens, but most are simply so brainwashed with hate by their parents and from their schools that what we see now is the result of such a build-up  every time Hamas has lobbed a rocket into Israel, Israel has retaliated by hitting the mechanism of it, and trying very careful not to kill any Palestinian citizens in Gaza.  When this has suddenly increased in size, Israel  has retaliated in kind.  This has turned into a war,  a real-life war, not a tennis match of lobbing back and forth.  With this surprise to Israel, or at least to me, Israel hit a large building but only after warning of their coming act, so as not to kill anyone.  Nothing up to now had been slowing down the shootings from Hamas.  Something had to be done.  Hamas has threatened Israel to turn it into hell as the bombing blitz killed 9 children.   

Here we have a difference in cultures.  No Jewish mother would be proud to sacrifice her children, but I've seen this happen from the Palestinian side.  This is what brainwashing has accomplished, both from the military venue and from religion.  I'm sure it has to harm a mother deep down somewhere in their psyche; it's just too hard to swallow, but it has been happening.   I believe the mother or mothers of those 9 children purposely stayed and did not leave the building after Israel's warning.  The rest of the Hamas military are all too happy about it, something they want to provoke.  It's something to pin on Israel, a negative act so they can tell their people and the world how bad Jews are.  What is "hell" is hearing such lies about a people who practice the opposite view of life.  It's what drives me to my computer to cry about such lies.  

 Israel's military said it carried out air strikes in retaliation for rocket attacks from the coastal strip, which came in the wake of clashes at the al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem.

As for that, At least 163 Palestinians and six Israeli police officers had been hurt in clashes in Jerusalem, Palestinian medics and Israeli police say.

Most were injured at the Al-Aqsa mosque, where Israeli police fired rubber bullets and stun grenades as Palestinians threw stones and bottles.

Tensions have been rising over the potential eviction of Palestinians from land claimed by Jewish settlers.  Potential eviction.  This was caused by gossip, one of the evils in Jewish belief that we are not to indulge in.  It's big-time use is among the Palestinians;  another difference in culture.  This is a law abiding country and there are laws in Israel.  

1967 's Six Day War caused a difference  in law of the last 20 years previously in that Israel gained land by winning the weirdest war ever that was so lop-sided against Israel in numbers.  All of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount where several mosques now sit, are part of Israel, but Israel has graciously allowed power to Jordan in dealing with the Mount.  My question is where  they  were when Jews were being attacked by Muslims?   Jews were not allowed to pray all these years from 67 to now on the Temple Mount where the Muslims had built their Mosque over the remains of our 2nd Temple !  Israel kept to that.  So did the rabbis, who discouraged Jews from being there as the Holy of Holies area of the Temple had already been desecrated.  

The Red Crescent had opened a field hospital to treat the wounded-near the Damascus Gate on the Temple Mount.  "It adds that its medics have treated 17 people wounded in clashes across Jerusalem tonight, six of whom were hospitalized for what it says were mostly wounds from rubber or sponge-tipped bullets."                                                

The Al-Aqsa mosque complex in Jerusalem's Old City is one of Islam's most revered locations, but its location is also the holiest site in Judaism, known as the Temple Mount-but a place where Jews cannot pray. Some had previously moved their lips in prayer and were arrested by the Mosque officials there.  As an aside, I wonder what it would have caused if the Muslims had been gracious and allowed all religions there to see it and pray?  Perhaps better relations?   Israel started with Mohammad dying in 632 CE .  Our 2nd Temple was destroyed in 70 CE, and then a Roman temple was built later on the site, and now the Mosque of Omar has stood over it since the Musllm period after 632.  

According to later narratives, after the Siege of Jerusalem in 637 by the Rashidun army under the command of Abu Ubaidah ibn al-Jarrah, Patriarch Sophronius refused to surrender except to the Caliph Omar (579-644) himself. Omar travelled to Jerusalem and accepted the surrender. He then visited the Church of the Resurrection (today better known as the Church of the Holy Sepulchre) where Sophronius invited him to pray inside the church, but Omar declined so as not to set a precedent and thereby endanger the church's status as a Christian site. Instead he prayed outside, on the steps east of the church. The first Mosque of Omar was later built at that site, as evidenced by a stone plate with a Kufic inscription found in 1897 in the area of the eastern or outer atrium of the Constantinian (4th-century) Church of the Resurrection, defining this area as a mosque.

The site is a frequent flashpoint for violence, which unfolded again on Friday night after thousands had gathered there to observe the last Friday of the Muslim holy month of Ramadan.

Friday is holy to Muslims;  Saturday to Jews, and Sunday to Christians.  

"Israeli police said they had used force to "restore order" due to the "rioting of thousands of worshippers" after evening prayers."  Force to Israeli police differs from American police or the Bobbies of England.  So are the conditions.  Remember, this happened on Jerusalem Day, not only a holiday but a national holiday of intense meaning, still, far stronger than the 4th of July for Americans. 


Police went into the Temple Mount to disperse rioters who were firing fireworks and stones at the security forces.  There is no way to tell in a mob's riot if what one hears are fireworks or guns.  All was chaos.  It is said  by Red Crescent, the Muslim ambulance service like the International Red Cross, that over 700 people were injured in the clashes.  

WELL!  At least in Portland, Oregon in the daily marches we've had for the past year,, the rioters were not throwing rocks to my knowledge; other things perhaps.  The difference between the Portland situation and this was that Portland's rioters' religion was not a driving force, nor another country or countries.  Americans must understand that there are pre-existing forces acting up in Israel's situation.  Portland 's mayor and government evidently had more than they knew how to handle, and this shows the extremity of acts in Israel.  

I say, it has been a planned operation of attack on Israel, with Turkey and Iran backing.  A climate of over 100 degrees F, with Ramadan ending and bellies hungry, plus JERUSALEM DAY coming from the Jews to celebrate their being there, and we have a CONVERGENCE of reasons why this has happened.  Hatred as been brewing for as long as Israel has been in existence this time around.  This is like a pimple that has ripened and is popping out, something growing, increasing and now, erupting.  Oh, I forgot, the Israeli government has also been in crisis with their election,  voting and changes.  Perhaps someone did not see this coming!  .

The IDF expects more rocket fire at Central Israel after 6 Hamas commanders have been killed.  

An Israeli IDF  killed by anti-tank missile has been identified as soldier Omer Tabib; 6 killed in Israel, 53 in Gaza;   After the riots, an 8 p.m. curfew was placed in Lod.

Israel says many  dead terrorists were hit in Gaza; 

Three high building had been hit by Israel in Gaza in retaliation of hits in Israel.  According to Gaza news outlets, the al-Shourouk tower in Gaza City has been hit by a number of so-called “knock on the roof” attacks, in which non-explosive missiles are dropped on a building to warn those inside to exit before larger bombs destroy the building.  

Israel's Iron Dome was overworked as dozens or more rockets flew in at one time in clusters.  

Resource:  121 Holy Hot Spot

ABC news, 5/12/2021 on TV  (attitude of J Street, quite different from mine) ( my attitude exactly about J Street)

Additional Information:

I just watched The Naked Archaeologisst with Simcha Jacobovici explaining about the Temple Mount and its history on Youtube.  Excellent.  I wish the whole country would and could watch this.  Thank you, jacobovici!  

The Naked Archaeologist was a television show produced for VisionTV in Canada and History International in the US, that was hosted and prepared by the Emmy Award–winning journalist Simcha Jacobovici together with Avri Gilad. The show ultimately reviews Biblical stories, then tries to find proof for them by exploring the Holy Land looking for archaeological evidence, personal inferences, deductions, and interviews with scholars and experts.

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