
Monday, May 10, 2021

Tragedy for Jerusalem Day in Israel

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                  

CNN has evidently been covering Jerusalem Day, a holiday celebrated in Israel, because it has been filled with attacks of all sorts.  It results from many reasons and people, a convergence of events.

First, it is the end of Ramadan, a Muslim Holiday where people fast all day but eat at night, and this year Israel's weather is over 100 degrees F.  It is Jerusalem Day, a day of happiness for Jews celebrated on Sunday (yesterday) and today, celebrating our history from May 14, 1948 to today with Israel's birth once more.  Turkey's president has been angering adding fuel to the fire with his distortion of history and anger with Israel for existing, Third, the urging of attack must have set off Palestinians at the Temple Mount, and Israel had to step in to stop attacks and take-overs there, so it must have been pretty violent.  Ever since 1967 and Moshe Dayan who okayed Jordan to have power over the Temple Mount, Jews cannot pray there.  Muslim with their several mosques there have run the show.  Yet Turkey's president has been saying things twisting facts about it.  That's because they have no say and Jordan does, perhaps.  So it's been the Palestinians causing the attacks against the Jews. 

Muslims are using the balloon fire method at the same time trying to burn all the fields.  Border police have been shot and injured. 


TV7 Israel News 

New York Times

Gaza Militants Fire Rockets at Jerusalem; Israel Responds With Airstrikes

Gaza officials say nine people were killed. The exchange followed clashes between the Israeli police and Palestinian protesters at Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem after a week of increasing tensions.

Update: 4;50pm PST: Seven rockets from Gaza were shot at Jerusalem, None landed in Jerusalem specifically but landed outside of Jerusalem proper.  An anti-Tank missile landed outside and injured a citizen.  

The question was asked about Jerusalem Day and was is being celebrated.  It's the re-unification in 1967 when Israel won a very lop-sided war with all the surrounding countries attacking and Israel winning.  This surprise made the hope since 70 CE when the Romans attacked and took Jerusalem after a starvation of the city when they burned everything down.  Jews had then finally regained Israel but not  having Jerusalem again as their capital which King David had created..  Arabs had since WWI when England held the mandate over Palestine lived in East Jerusalem so when Israel regained the city in 1967, allowed them to continue living there.  It was these Palestinians and Hamas who attacked Israel in Jerusalem yesterday and today causing  rioting and attacks.  

Update: Music from Jerusalem:

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