
Friday, May 28, 2021

So It's Come to the Pot Calling the Kettle Black: Iran's Threats Over Jerusalem

 Nadene Goldfoot                                                

    Aerial view of the infamous Temple Mount where rioting occurred just before May's 11 Day War.  

Iran is now threatening Israel over Jerusalem.  If there is anymore fighting there, Iran will step in.  Israeli police had to step in to stop the rioting and all that goes with rioting on the Temple Mount during that seems to be one of the sparks that set off the 11 day war with Hamas in Gaza.  

According to Palestinian reports, "Hamas leader Ismael Haniyeh said that Israel would “pay a price” for the clashes at the mosque, "Islam’s 3rd"  holiest sites.  Iran is backing this up by reiterating that the threat will also include Iran punishing Israel as well.  It just reminds us that it is Iran who supplies Hamas with weapons to use against Israel.  

What they are asking for, pie in the sky, actually is that Israel can do nothing to any attack coming from Palestinians on the Temple Mount or any other place in Jerusalem, such as East Jerusalem, the neighborhood made up of Palestinians.  Any attempt to quell such attacks coming from Arabs, such as stone throwing, knifing of Jews, bombs, fire attacks, fighting, bombs, etc. will be met with war.  

The hilltop on which it sits is the holiest place in the world for Jews as the site of the two biblical temples — making it a flashpoint for nationalist sentiment and violence between Israelis and Palestinians.                          

Now that the 11 day war is over, Blinkon from the USA has visited and seen the problem areas and is still pressing for a 2-State Solution.  He's rewarding the Palestinians with money and materials saying it's not for Hamas but for the Palestinians (?) and HE expects this to be actually carried out.  Who in the world is going to police it?  Not the Palestinians themselves, or even the PA.  The reasoning is beyond my comprehension.  


        Israel map;  Golan Heights not occupied but part of Israel.  8,000 sq miles country, exceedingly small, and chopped up.  Giving Gaza for peace did not bring peace but war with daily attacks of rockets into Israel.  Taking the Golan in 1967 when Israel won against all odds, the miracle of the century, was a strategic blessing.  It's a very high place where bombs could be dropped down on the plain, and by taking it, stopped those attacks.  Just remember, the biblical Israel took place in Judea-Samaria (West Bank).  Whoever drew these plans up (England)(Arabs)  were meshugana.  

In July 2012, a government-commissioned report from a three-member committee, called Levy Report, asserted, based on a number of reasons, that there is no legal basis under international law to refer to Judea and Samaria as "occupied territory". Article 43 of the Fourth Hague Convention of 1907 is the basis of the Levy committee's opinion.

What France and the USA expect, now, that Gazans who have been under the direction of Hamas since Obama's visit to Cairo in 2009 will suddenly sing Kum By-Yah and make nice with Israel is ludicrous- a dream.  The 2-State solution did look good once upon a time, but is not workable in real life;  too many complications, too many variables.  

When the USA can solve their own problems of riots and their racial problems, then maybe that will be a cue for Palestinians to make peace and accept Israel in the Middle East, ignore Iran's "assistance" and while I'm dreaming, that Iran will suddenly have Ayatollahs who are peaceful as well and stop financing terrorism.  Such backing of Palestinians are getting now from the USA is the kind of slap on the back that tells them, as they read into things, that all is well with what they have been doing to Israel and to keep it up.  Their claim of winning the 11 day war, saying that Israel only wiped out only 5% of their tunnels, all their boasting says that this calm or cease fire right now will not last forever.  They're just getting revved up.


France, a leading Christian country in Europe, pushing against Israel and warning that they are becoming an apartheid state is the straw that broke my camel's back.  "Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Wednesday denounced French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian for saying earlier this week that Israel is at risk of “long-lasting apartheid” if a Palestinian state is not established."  

Netanyahu rejected Le Drian’s comments as “an insolent, false claim that has no basis. In the State of Israel, all citizens are equal before the law, regardless of their ethnicity. Israel is a beacon of democracy and human rights in our region… We will not suffer any hypocritical and false moral rebukes on this matter.”

This is an old saw that had already been used against Israel.  The truth is that Israel is the opposite of an apartheid state.   Also, as I think about South Africa and Israel and compare the two, South Africa was at peace with their neighbors and not in the midst of defending herself constantly and they did practice apartheid.    Israel is on the defensive 100% all the time.  They don't have time or patience to be apartheid to Arabs.  They do their utmost to give them the treatment like all Israelis get.  If its so bad in Israel, they could always move over to Jordan which is made up mostly of Palestinians, anyway.  Or they could travel to 48 Muslim majority nations.  They have a choice.  Israelis have no other choices, not even Russia, or England.  I suppose the USA is the only open country today for Jews.  However, those in Israel intend to stay put.  They will not be frightened away.  They understand why Israel was created again and its importance.  

They even have been allowed their own schools too much, in my opinion,   "Israeli schoolbooks were deemed superior to Palestinian ones with regard to preparing children for peace, but the study in 2009 praised both Israel and the Palestinian Authority for producing textbooks almost completely unblemished by "dehumanizing and demonizing characterizations of the other". The study appeared to undermine a charge, often used by Israel to delegitimize Palestinian claims that they were ready for statehood, according to which Palestinians were "educated to hate". With regard to maps, 4% of Palestinian maps mark the Green Line, or label the area west of it as "Israel", 6 out of 10 omit borders, while another third include the green line without reference to Israel; 76% of Israeli textbook maps fail to distinguish the Palestinian territories and Israel, and the Palestinian areas lack labelling, implying that the Palestinian areas form part of Israel."  That study was done 12 years ago.  It's time for another, not only textbooks.  

I don't know if this study includes TV children's programs or not that I have 

personally watched, but they were slanted against Israel.

This either shows that France and all the many other countries in step with his comments, want Israel to be destroyed, as surely being rewarded as a state would bring them more arms to use against Israel and more clout to use against them as if they don't have enough of both now as it is.  The 20% Arab population in Israel now has every benefit of a 1st class citizen.  They have their own political parties in voting on Israel's issues.  They have every right, and you know, they even look like most Jews.  There is little color distinction to make their lives more complicated.  The only thing they don't have right now is that they don't have to serve in the IDF, though many groups do serve gladly, insisting on serving, both males and females.  

This is not the time for a 2 State Solution.  It's time for the Palestinians and any other Arab group who attended the Khartoum Conference in Africa in 1967 who swore the 3 NOs,, that of never making peace with Israel, to amend that statement and change it to accepting Israel as a nation among their own nations as it once was so long ago.  Hatred is only gaining loss of life, and loss of land and loss of food, clothing;   life's little luxuries. 

It's time for this kind of change, not for rewarding bad behavior and attacking Israel.  


TV7 News 5/28/2021

1 comment:

  1. "The 2-State solution did look good once upon a time, but is not workable in real life; too many complications, too many variables. "

    israel expected to give up the lion's share (as in allowed next to nothing for viable sustained life as a nation) for a very unverifiable peace, with people who want her eradicated, is no solution. never was, never will be. and those that push and punish israel over it are not letting the issue go away either :(
    no other nation has been put through something to this degree and other nations need to stay out of israel's business. she is a worthy nation, a nation that contributes great blessing and benefit to the world, yet gets flak from nations full of unchecked human rights abuses. galling to say the least.

    this won't end well unless people pull support from iran, and palestinian leadership, who are bent on forcing israel into the ground.

    sickening. and so wrong-headed it make makes your head spin.
