
Saturday, May 15, 2021

Before Mother's Day, Biden Awarded Money to Palestinians Not Received From Trump

Nadene Goldfoot                                          

How generous Biden was.  He saw trouble brewing amongst the Palestinians and decided to give them United States dollars to the tune of  $235 million in US aid. that Trump had withdrawn.   This was one of the changes in policy with the two parties.  The accusations Biden was receiving acted as a certain amount of pressure to do this, no doubt.  

But, does anyone think about the reasons why it was withdrawn by Trump other than Trump was a Republican and Obama was a Democrat?  The behavior of Palestinians were not showing favoritism in following the rules of being a responsible neighbor to Israel.  That's the reason.  They keep bombarding Israel with daily rockets, driving people into their bomb shelters, and this has been happening all long, not just at the time of Jerusalem Day. 


     The first cut; 80% of original Promised land cut by English holding mandate


  Palestinian demand got Judea-Samaria in 1949 after Israel's 47-48 war of Independence

The Palestinians want to take over 1/2 of the land Israel was first allocated from WWI, and that half, Judea and Samaria,  is  now called the West Bank. I say that a number was done on the promised Jewish Homeland to have divided it up in such a way, and it leaves me tongue-tied, but be it as it may,  Jerusalem sits in the indentation of the land, and East Jerusalem is the prize that they claim since the population is made up of Palestinian Arabs in East Jerusalem.  They want this section to be their capital.  They have not showed signs of an expected readiness level to handle such a responsibility.  They continue to harass and bomb Israel.  They rarely pay Israel the utility bill, for they do not have such plans of their own.  They spend all their money on weapons to use against Israel, instead.

"The recognition of a new State or Government is an act that only other States and Governments may grant or withhold. It generally implies readiness to assume diplomatic relations." (It's not a sign of diplomacy to bomb the "hell" out of Israel !) 

"The United Nations is neither a State nor a Government, and therefore does not possess any authority to recognize either a State or a Government. As an organization of independent States, it may admit a new State to its membership or accept the credentials of the representatives of a new Government."

Israel, knowing that no other country would put up with such neighbors without reacting, have had to deal with it alone.  It's only when the Palestinians start getting their just desserts that they step up to the plate and do something, swing towards the Palestinian side to help them, thinking that poor illiterate people would change with lots of money and power.  Yes, they do change, without guidance into meaner people than ever according to our present state of affairs.  Some theories don't work.

Two-thirds will go to the UN's agency for Palestinian refugees, Unrwa, which has suffered a financial crisis since it lost $360m of US funding in 2018.

Mr Biden wants to "restore credible engagement" by the Palestinians in long-stalled peace talks with Israel.

Palestinian leaders accused Mr Trump of being heavily biased towards Israel.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the US plans included $75m in economic and development assistance in the West Bank and Gaza, $10m for peacebuilding programmes through the US Agency for International Development (USAid), and $150m in humanitarian assistance for the UN Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (Unrwa).  

This was how the $235 million would be divvied up.  I think they should call back the $10 million that was to be used for peacebuilding programs.  How much do you want to bet that it was spent on rockets already?   Then you can take that $150 million for humanitarian assistance and find homes for them in Northern Africa or else it might go for rebuilding the tunnels that Israel just bombed.  They'll need that $75 million to rebuild in Gaza places that were in good standing;  and do mean were standing, but this time with the proviso that they are to be used for people's living and not for hiding weapons.  One thing that's happened in the past, whatever gets destroyed in their gambit of attacking Israel, they find the money replaced quickly by such sympathetic places.  

Now I know where the money came from to buy all these rockets that the Palestinians were itching to use against Israel.  At least 60 days worth.  I fear they want to use them all up, too, and are shooting clusters of them at a time.  Thanks for the info BBC.  

Such a situation provokes a careful answer.  I would give an alcoholic money as a gift for his birthday.  He will turn around and buy a bottle of alcohol with it.  The answer, we all think,, is to give him food or clothes instead.  Guess what, and I've seen this happen.  They will turn around and trade the gift for money in which to buy the alcohol.  What can be done, then?  It's a great problem, but in this case, what is bought is not swallowed by the one you are trying to help.  It is used to buy ammunition to kill Jews.  This trade is lethal.  




1 comment:

  1. biden. pretty much wrong about everything. in this instance his stance is extreme and very dangerous for the jewish state. :(
    can't say i didn't see it coming......
