
Thursday, April 29, 2021

Kerry Giving Information to Iran About Israel

 Nadene Goldfoot                                          

A big shock came from one of  New York's most unbending Democratic-siding newspapers .  On Sunday, the New York Times committed a turn about act of journalism in not supporting their favorite team. Former Secretary of State John Kerry informed Iran's Zarif that Israel had attacked Iranian interests in Syria at least 200 times, to his astonishment, Mr. Zarif said, wrote the New York Times. 

The New York Times reported on an obvious violation of the Espionage Act by the   former Secretary of State, former Democrat presidential candidate,    former senator  John Forbes Kerry , born December 11, 1943  in Aurora, Colorado, USA ,                                      

The Espionage Act of 1917  was, “An act to punish acts of interference with the foreign relations, the neutrality and the foreign commerce of the United States, to punish espionage, and better to enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and for other purposes.” It was intended to prohibit interference with military operations or recruitment, to prevent insubordination in the military and to prevent the support of United States enemies during wartime.  What Kerry did was blab information like a gossiper.  What role is he in now? Did he do this on purpose?   

Syria and Lebanon are proxies of Iran used  by the Iranians in attacking Israel.   

Mohammad Javad Zarif is an Iranian career diplomat and academic. He has been foreign minister of Iran since 2013.

'At best, this shows that Kerry is enormously and irresponsibly indiscreet; at worst, he’s exposing American intelligence to an enemy in order to attack an ally.' Tammy Bruce, host of Get Tammy Bruce on Fox Nation. in a twitter and David Ruiz is a senior editor  at Fox News. 

During the Trump Administration, which was only 100 days ago,  Kerry informed the Iranian Foreign Minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, that Israel had been attacking Iranian “interests” — military targets — in Syria throughout the Trump Administration.Therefore this happened during the Trump administration.  Was it already in the public domain?

John Kerry has a personal connection to Javad Zarif.  I've written about this before.  

One of John Kerry's daughters,  Dr. Vanessa Bradford Kerry,  married several years ago  to Dr. Brian (Behrooz) Vala Nahid /(Dr. Behrouz Brian Vala Nahed) , an Iranian-American physician,  son of Nooshin P and Dr. Reza Vala Nahid, .  Part of the wedding preparations included Kerry attending a dinner party given by George Soros, billionaire,  at his Manhattan penthouse. 

 He also met the best man, Mahdi Zarif and his father, Mohammad Javad Zarif, who is today's Iranian Foreign Minister.  Zarif was the chief negotiator during the nuclear talks. 

 "Dr. Kerry and Dr. Nahed, both 32, are residents at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston where they married in her church. She is in her third year of a residency in internal medicine; he is in his fifth year of a residency in neurological surgery."  Dr.Brian, Nahid's father, is a pulmonologist and sleep medicine and critical-care physician, and is the chief of staff at Holy Cross Hospital in Mission Hills, Calif. He also runs a private practice there, which is managed by the bridegroom’s mother.

The information is highly critical of US-Iran relations, including the Iran nuclear deal that Zarif dictated to a hapless John Kerry. A recording of this oral history was leaked to a Persian-language outlet, Iran International, and shared with the New York Times.  Iran International is a Saudi and UK-backed, British-based Persian television station headquartered in London. It is aimed at Iranian viewers and broadcasts free-to-air by satellite. 

There is every reason to think the reason to believe the recording is legit. The Iranian foreign ministry has not disputed the authenticity. The opinions Zarif express are too unorthodox, to unusual to be anything other than frank and honest, and Zarif’s own account of Iranian foreign policy is not flattering to him. It makes him look deceitful  and unimportant and should leave any diplomat wondering why they should even deal with him when he admits that the the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), not the foreign minister, sets foreign policy.  

I thought for sure it was the Ayatollas.  I'm right.  "According to Iran's Constitution, the Supreme Leader (Ayatollah) is responsible for the delineation and supervision of "the general policies of the Islamic Republic of Iran," which means that he sets the tone and direction of Iran's domestic and foreign policies. The Supreme Leader also is commander-in-chief of the armed forces and controls the Islamic Republic's intelligence and security operations; he alone can declare war or peace. He has the power to appoint and dismiss the leaders of the judiciary, the state radio and television networks, and the supreme commander of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps. He also appoints six of the twelve members of the Council of Guardians, the powerful body that oversees the activities of Parliament and determines which candidates are qualified to run for public office.

What this says is that Kerry gave out classified information which is a forbidden act.  Is it true?  If not, why do it?  Who did it?  Why did the New York Times take such a chance in doing this?  Both Kerry and the State Department spokesman Ned Price have denied it.  

Kerry said something like, I can tell you that this story and these allegations are unequivocally false.  This never happened;  either when I was Secretary of State or since.  Is he known to tell the truth always, like George Washington? 

 His immediate family members were reportedly observant Roman Catholics. As a child, Kerry served as an altar boy. Although the extended family enjoyed a great fortune, Kerry's parents themselves were upper-middle class; a wealthy great aunt paid for Kerry to attend elite schools in Europe and New England. Kerry spent his summers at the Forbes family estate in Brittany, and there, he enjoyed a more opulent lifestyle than he had previously known in Massachusetts. While living in the U.S., Kerry spent several summers at the Forbes family's estates on Naushon Island off Cape Cod. That's quite a background.  

John Kerry has not been a bosom buddy of Israel.  Critics say he is not only a critic but an adversary of Israel.  He hasn't been a supporter.  He would say something like this if he thought the person he was talking to was in agreement with him and was his bosom buddy, and he thought this family connection  of Zarif being the father of the best man at his daughter's wedding made that so. Perhaps that in this real world, it does not make Kerry Zarif's bosom buddy.  Welcome to the Iranian East, Kerry.  And Jews and the Shah were in good relations when the Shah was in, too.  

It is said that Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo,  blasted Kerry  for “actively undermining” U.S. policy on Iran, and, in a tweet, President Donald Trump accused Kerry of holding “illegal meetings” with Iranian officials.  Pompeo said he would leave “legal determinations to others,” but said there was “no precedent for this in U.S. history.”

U.S. officials said that Iran and its proxies (Syria) were preparing an attack on U.S. forces in Iraq, sending an aircraft carrier strike group to the region and deploying Secretary of State, Mike Pompeo, to Baghdad in a show of force. Trump and his aides met at the White House, concerned about a clash between the 2 sides.  The president made it clear that he didn't want war with Iran;  just talking to their leaders, but Kerry blocked that and tells them not to call. 

 "That's a violation of the Logan Act, which could be prosecuted'', commented Trump, but his people were not for that.  The Logan Act is a United States federal law that criminalizes negotiation by unauthorized American citizens with foreign governments having a dispute with the United States. The intent behind the Act is to prevent unauthorized negotiations from undermining the government's position.Trump’s charges against Kerry come as his own administration had heightened tensions with Tehran.

"Facts First: Putting aside Trump’s charge against Kerry, which Kerry flatly denies, here’s what you need to know about the Logan Act. The act was established in 1799 and makes it a felony for individuals who are not authorized by the US government to negotiate with foreign governments which have disputes with the US. Though the term has been thrown around as an accusation several times this century – and has been used more than once by Trump to attack Kerry – there have been few cases when someone has been indicted for violating the act. These cases took place in the 1800s and no one was ever convicted.

Since the act’s creation, correspondence and interaction between Americans – lawmakers, former lawmakers, and citizens alike – has become increasingly common.

​It’s also common for former secretaries of states and diplomats to stay in touch with their counterparts around the world.."                                         

    PM Netanyahu at UN warning about Iran's nuclear progress and true goals in September 2012, nine years ago. Iran has reached that dangerous red line.  Israelis already have been running the 15 second stint to a bomb shelter almost daily lately.  What if one of those rockets were loaded with a nuclear device?  

Now Biden is changing the USA position back to Obama's position.  We should remember that US President Donald Trump withdrew from the Iran nuclear agreement in May 2018, when it was discovered that Iran had been hiding information about their activities.   

Disclosing operations of one's friend to his enemy is an act of espionage.  Kerry has acted as a spy for Iran by giving them secrets. All the rest of the grumbling about Kerry is averting the fact that he was said to have given secrets to Iran that will definitely harm Israel.  That must be investigated as fully as the investigation of any spy possibility.  New York Times has made the accusation.  Being a government official or past government official makes it even more concerning.  Kerry knows a lot.     

I wouldn't be surprised if Zarif's standing with the Ayatollah has diminished for being to close to John Kerry.  That's more like the Alice and Wonderland experience one has with Iran.  Maybe they see him as a loose cannon.  

Update:  I cannot find any  proof of Kerry actually telling Zarif any confidential information about Israel other than what was soon to be in the public domain, either dated or about the origin of the information leaked.  The tape would be in Farsi.  We do not know the translator.  On the other hand, we cannot trust Zarif's comment being truthful, either.  It's silly to trust the Iranians in the first place which we had done in dealing with honesty about the uranium goal or how far they have gone with their enterprises, so believing Zarif puts us in the same position.  Trust and opinion have to be replaced with facts.  This could all be old news.  I'm left with the knowledge of Iran's goal of snuffing out Israel, and they have bragged about it many times.  They are putting into danger the whole Middle East with their goal of having atomic weaponry.  This is the country Israel must be concerned with the most.  They even pay and promote Lebanon and Syria to fight against Israel since they are the closest.    

A tweet cited a 2018 article by the Reuters news agency in which then-intelligence minister Israel Katz said that Israel had carried out over 200 airstrikes against Iranian targets in Syria over the previous two years.  Kerry, former US secretary of state, cites Israeli minister’s 2018 speech mentioning raids, and State Department notes generally that such operations were public knowledge.   Following the exchange of fire on 10 May 2018, Israeli defense minister Avigdor Lieberman said that Israel won't allow Iran to turn Syria into a "forward base" against Israel.

Newest Update: Further research tells me that Kerry is not guilty.  The information was already in the Public Domain when Zarif brought this to anyone's attention.  An Israeli general first announced it, then a Minister of Intelligence announced it further.  It's much ado about nothing.  It was exciting to the Republicans for the moment but dates of who made the announcement and when cleared it up.  It all happened in 2017 when Trump was serving his first year in office.  Zarif was not being truthful.  



— John Kerry (@JohnKerry) April 26, 2021

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