
Wednesday, March 10, 2021

The New Political-Religious Judean Defense Forces: The Zealots

 Nadene Goklfoot

 from ABC's TV movie, The Masada-Romans discovering the bodies of the Zealots.  

It so happened that Judah, the Galilean and Zadok, the high priest founded the political party of the Zealots in  the year 6 CE.  Zadok was a Sadducee and he demanded non-compliance with the Romans who were demanding that a census be taken in Judah which was for assessing the property of the Jews.  It would also acknowledge the Jews as subjected subjects of Rome.  

The Zealots took on religious ideals of their own and proclaimed G-d as the sole ruler of the Jewish nation.  They struggled with 2 powers;  that of foreign rulers such as Rome and their own Jewish people-the more wealthy who seemed to be obeying Roman law , taking them steps away from Judaism.


The Zealots were oppressed terribly by the many governors of Judah, and increased their numbers.  One of their best leaders had been Eleazer ben Dinai who was executed by Felix Antonius, a governor (Procurator) in 73. He had been involved in border conflicts with the Ammonites and the northern Israelite Samaritans.  Felix had captured Eleazer and his men  in a ruse   (52-60) and as a prisoner, was sent to Rome where he died, possibly on one of their many crosses that lined the Apian Way.                

   Masada,  originally a place of refuge for Herod's family in 40 BCE when beseiged by Antigonus Mattathias.  Later, Herod built a palace on the top.  The Roman garrison was annihilated by Eleazar ben Jair in 66 CE and it became a Zealot fortress until 73 when the garrison of 960 under Eleazar died by their own hand.  

Masada was where Jews committed suicide rather than die by Roman hands. Masada was the last act of the Jewish war. The Jews became scattered into areas around the Mediterranean with many thousands being sold into slavery. Losses: Sicarii, 1,000; Roman, unknown..                               

The movie was based on the book, The Antagoists by Ernest Gann,, now on youtube  

Zealots endangered the Sicarii rebels, named after a dagger they carried under their clothing.  They were murdering their political opponents who desired peace with Rome, knowing what price one had to pay for it that weakened their religious beliefs in one G-d.  The most well-known Sicarii was Menahem ben Jair and Eleazar ben Jair who held the Masada against the Romans until 73 CE.  

When the War against Rome started in 66, the Zealots were gaining members from all the different social strata.  After the conflict started,  Menahem, son of Judah the Galilean, a member of the Sicarii, went to Jerusalem and claimed messianic status but was slain by the captain of the Temple, Eleazar ben Hananiah.  His comrades, led by his kinsman, Eleazar ben Jair, fled the city to Masada.  Their omission from the revolutionary government came as a great disappointment.  The Roman successes in Galilee weakened the government and strengthened the position of the Zealots who terrorized their opponents, becoming terrorists.  They deposed the high priest and elected his successor by lot.   This caused the whole population to rebel against the terror and drove the Zealots under Eleazar ben Simon into the inner court of the Temple.  The Zealots in turn called for the support of the Iumeans who entered Jerusalem and massacred many of the citizens.  

Finally, the Zealots, under their leader, John of Gischala, regained control of Jerusalem and resumed their terrorism.  They were driven back into the Temple by Simon bar Giora, were in charge of the city when the final siege began in 70.                                                     

                         Zealots and Essenes : Quite different  

  After the terrible destruction of the city in 70, some of the zealots fled to the forest of Jardes where the Romans slaughtered them.  Others had fled to Egypt and Cyrene where they tried to stir up trouble but  were largely wiped out.  However, the North African revolt of 115-117 may have been caused by their descendants. Attempts have been made to identify the sect of the Dead Sea Scrolls with the Zealots.   

What would have happened had there been no Zealots or Sicarii and peace was made with Rome, instead?  What would have happened to the Jewish religion?  

Do you see the difference between Hamas terrorism of Gaza  and the Zealots and Sicarii terrorism?  Similarities?  


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