
Wednesday, March 31, 2021

How Change in Climate Resulted in Our Mental State of Mind and violence

 Nadene Goldfoot                                           

      Protests over George Floyd's death on May 25, 2020  in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA  A police car burned in Brooklyn on Saturday night after clashes between demonstrators and officers.  100 years ago in 1920  the high was 84 and low was 62.   The day George died was 78 high 65 low.  A difference of 100 years is not enough to show a global warming taking place.  It was a hot day when the police interacted with George, though.  Minneapolis's highest and lowest weather we know since 1819: 
Highest Temperature112 °F (44 °C)May 31, 1934Maple Plain
Lowest Temperature4 °F (−16 °C)May 1, 1909
May 2, 1909
Pine River

Protests Over Racism and Police Violence

Protests have erupted in at least 140 cities across the United States in the days after George Floyd, a black man, died in police custody. Some of the demonstrations have turned violent, prompting the activation of the National Guard in at least 21 states.

Credit...Chang W. Lee/The New York Times

An unsubstantiated claim but an interesting one is that a rise in average temperatures by just one degree leads to a 30% increase in violence.  

Think about it.  The direction of change is clear:  Every upheaval in climate conditions like increased rain and flooding or drought leads to social upheaval and violence.  Let history show  us:

1948-1800 BCE:  Drought in Canaan causing Jacob and family to migrate to Egypt

11th century BCE:  a powerful climate change took place in the Middle East like returning to the starting point of history.  The 11th century BC comprises all years from 1100 BC to 1001 BC. Many human societies were literate in this period,  1050 BC: Philistines capture the Ark of the Covenant from Israel in battle. (Approximate date)1040 BCDavid, King of Israel, is born. (This is Christian dating-as Judaism has David born in 1010 BCE).  
1206 BC1187 BCEvidence of major droughts in the Eastern Mediterranean. Hittite and Ugarit records show requests for grain were sent to Egypt, probably during the reign of Pharaoh Merenptah. Carpenter has suggested that droughts of equal severity to those of the 1950s in Greece, would have been sufficient to cause the Late Bronze Age collapse. The cause may have been a temporary diversion of winter storms north of the Pyrenees and Alps. Central Europe experienced generally wetter conditions, while those in the Eastern Mediterranean were substantially drier. There seems to have been a general abandonment of peasant subsistence agriculture in favour of nomadic pastoralism in Central Anatolia, Syria and northern Mesopotamia, Palestine, the Sinai and NW Arabia.

4th century CE:  Asians began moving West towards Turkey in trying to reach Hungary and the Balkans.

5th century:  Thousands migrated to Europe;  Huns, Visigoths, Burgundians, Franks and Vandals, moved because of climate and other reasons.

7th century: Islamic horsemen rode from Arabian Peninsula and settled throughout the Mediterranean Basin.

11th century:  Eastern basin of the Mediterranean Sea underwent a climatic shock and warm Mesopotamia suffered cold waves.  The Nile River dried up and Egyptians went hungry and thirsty.  Entire tribes began migrating and as a result, Fustat, the capital, was destroyed.  Many fled a cold front in Russia and Siberia and moved toward Iraq and Middle East.

13th century:  Mongols-Genghis Khan and Timur arrived in Iraq and destroyed everything in sight.

1914-1918 WWI

1918-1919 Flu Pandemic 

1934: Globally the year 1934 was cooler than the 20th century average.The year 1934 was a very hot year in the United States, ranking sixth behind 2012, 2016, 2015, 2006, and 1998. However, global warming takes into account temperatures over the entire planet, including the oceans. The land area of the U.S. accounts for only 2% of Earth's total surface area. Despite the U.S. sweltering in 1934, that year was not especially hot over the rest of the planet. Globally, 1934 temperatures were actually cooler than average for the 20th century.    

1939, 1941-1945 WWII                               

Climate change skeptics have pointed to 1934 in the U.S. as proof that recent hot years are not unusual. Choosing the year 1934 is an obvious example of "cherry-picking" a single fact that supports a claim, while ignoring the rest of the data. In fact they have to cherry pick both a location (the U.S.) and a year (1934) to find data that is far from the global trendGlobally, the years 2014, 2015 and 2016 are the hottest on record, so far.


Portland, Oregon July Temperature from 2016-2019

High °FLow °FYear

1955-2015  Population growth in Middle East over the last 60 years has been unprecedented in the history of mankind.  

2015:  Wave of migrants flowing into Europe.  These refugees are a global phenomenon reminiscent of past historical migrations, like when the Jewish People went out of Egypt on their way to the Promised Land or the movement of ethnic peoples that brought about the downfall of the Roman Empire.  

Migration happened then between 300,000 -800,000 war refugees;  climate refugees, migrant workers leaving poverty-stricken Africa, war-ravaged Middle East trying to reach Western Europe.  


Population of Middle East and North Africa doubled from 1950-1980.  It doubled again in 28 more years from 1980-2008.  


1979:  Melting of Ice in Polar regions: Sea ice melting since 1979 is 'enormously outside the bounds of natural variability' and clearly linked to humans burning fossil fuels, research shows.                                                          

1995-2015:  800 lakes in Africa dried up causing 100-200 million people to leave the African continent and its conflicts and corrupt leaders.  

2015:  1 billion people live in Africa .  In one decade, this number will increase by another 1/2 billion.   As of March 27, 2021 it is 1,363,973,822 which makes up 16.72% of the total world population.  Jews make up 0.02% of world population.   

2015:  400 million people  live in the Nile Basin.  Water in the Nile is drying up.  A huge number of infiltrators from Sudan, Eritrea and Ethiopia began their voyage out of the area.  

2015: 400-450 million people live in Europe of which 25 million are Muslims;  2020 estimate was 448 million.   

2020-2021, ?  COVID 19 Pandemic bringing life to a standstill , 2.8 million deaths by 3/31/21 

2021:  747,974,811 million people in Europe

May 2021-a swarm of billions of cicadas will rise after incubation of 17 years in 15 states including Washington DC when earth reaches 64 degrees, harmless but noisy insects.  

What's been happening lately?   We have seen a lot of marches, demonstrations like Black Lives Matters, marches turning into riots and destruction such as in Portland, Oregon, and the prophecy of the End of Days and the Coming of the Messiah, foretold in all 3 religions of Judaism, Christianity and Islam.  They prophesied well, for the climatologists foretell a rising of the temperature and melting of ice in the Artic which is happening.                                            

Iran is threatening Israel with missiles from Syria, Lebanon, China is restless and so is Russia.                                   

 Mexican refugees claiming refugee status again and are entering the USA under Biden by droves now that Trump and his wall are out of the picture.  Update, Feb. 16, 2021: According to a CBP status report dated Jan. 22, two days after Trump left office, the U.S. constructed 458 miles of “border wall system” under Trump. That included 373 miles of replacement barriers for primary or secondary fencing, and 52 miles of primary wall and 33 miles of secondary wall in locations where there were no barriers before.

Biden did halt construction of new border barriers immediately upon taking office. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers said it “suspended all bollard barrier and gate construction January 21, 2021, and suspended all work on border infrastructure January 23, 2021.”


Report, October 19, 2015, by Arnon Soffer, p. 6-7. Demographic doom,of%20the%20total%20world%20population.

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