
Saturday, January 23, 2021

The Verbal Enemy Israel Fights Against: BDS

 Nadene Goldfoot                                     

                          A demonstration held to Boycott Israel in June 2020

The demonstrations are set to take place in Chicago, San Diego, Brooklyn, Los Angeles and San Francisco, as well as in Toronto, Madrid and Valencia. Among the groups organizing the events are Students for Justice in Palestine, Jewish Voice for Peace, and American Muslims for Palestine.The leadership is all part of BDS.  This event was called because Israel saw the need to vote on an extension of Israeli sovereignty to parts of the West Bank (Judea Samaria). Do they realize that this area is divided legally through the UN into parts A,B, and C and that Jews do live in C?  

Just what is this BDS, the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions” movement against Israel?  What do these 3 words mean and how is it hurting Israel?    First, it's  THOUGHTS AND ACTIONS from a group:  The  BDS “National Committee” includes the Council of National and Islamic Forces in Palestine. This council includes several groups designated by much of the world as terrorist organizations: including Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine. So the group of terrorists against Israel's existence have teamed up to run Israeli's out of their country for their own take-over.

From the leader's own words:

1) Omar Barghouti, co-founder, BDS:

Definitely most definitely we oppose a Jewish state in any part of Palestine.  No Palestinian, a rational Palestinian, not a sellout Palestinian, would ever accept a Jewish state in Palestine.

Where is Palestine?  There has only been the land the Israelites held that was lost to the Romans.  The Romans took Jerusalem in 70 CE by burning their 2nd Temple, originally built by King Solomon.  The Jewish general, Bar Kokhba, had regained Jerusalem in 132 CE and held it for 3 years before being killed in battle, and the Romans were so angry with their slip in allowing it to happen, that they-in their anger, renamed the land Palaestinia, named for the biggest enemy the Jews had had, the Philistines.  There has never been a state or country of Palestine.  The land had been Israel, and after Solomon died, it divided into Israel and Judah.  2,000 years have gone by and the Jews have managed to regain their ancient land when World War I ended in 1918 by having many meetings and conferences with the League of Nations, the first UN. Then the UN also sanctified Israel.   Though Jews were living on the land ever since the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 CE, they now had enough people there to make a state.  The League of Nations told England that they could have a 30 year mandate with the direction to help the Jews to create a Jewish Homeland-feeling that they deserved to have this wasteland as they showed they wanted it so badly.  Jews had to wait from the end of that horrible war to May 14, 1948 to announce the birth of Israel-a renewed Israel with so many wonderful goals in mind.  The first, of course, was to have as a haven for all Jews in the world suffering from anti-Semitism such as they had been.  

Yet the enemies of Israel in the BDS movement thought differently:

2) John Spritzler, author, BDS leader and activist:

I think the BDS movement will gain strength from forthrightly explaining why Israel has no right to exist

They have refused to acknowledge  the validity, the rules and regulations that Jewish leadership had gone through to make their very existence legal and acceptable to the world.  They had had it up to you know where with encountering anti-Semitism everywhere.  England itself had forced Jews to leave their land in 1290 and didn't let them back in till people had changed their views a little by 1655--a total of 365 YEARS!   And they were holding the Jew's chance to create a Jewish Homeland, a haven for Jews-after over 2,000 years!  

Why were Arabs so adamant against having Jews on the land?  It wasn't as if they were invading THEIR cities or country.  They were creating their own out of their own ancient land that was veritably empty?  


              Emir Faisal, b: May 20, 1885-d: September 8, 1933,  third son of Hussein bin Ali, the Grand Sharif of Mecca, Saudi Arabia,  who had proclaimed himself King of the Arab lands in October 1916.

The answer to that might be the $64 dollar question.  A very well-educated, well-spoken and a leader of the Arab people was all for the Jews' return.  Emir Faisal was all for it.  He felt this way for months until his people, uneducated, prone to hysterics, violated his well-meaning motives.  Feisal of course expected something in return for all he had done with the League of Nations and the British, and he became king of 2 surrounding countries to Israel.  One was mandated by the French that didn't work out, Syria.  Then he was king of Iraq.    Faisal I bin Hussein bin Ali al-Hashemi was King of the Arab Kingdom of Syria or Greater Syria in 1920, and was King of Iraq from 23 August 1921 to 1933. He was the third son of Hussein bin Ali, the Grand Sharif of Mecca, who had proclaimed himself King of the Arab lands in October 1916.

Jews have been fighting anti-Semitism ever since Abram became Abraham and believe in ONE UNSEEN GOD while in a world of people who believed in many gods and made statues of them to help their belief along.  Moses, former adopted Prince of Egypt,  verified this belief by freeing them from slavery in Egypt and giving them laws to live by.  Other people had laws to live by as well, but never as well-defined as these.  They had 613 to follow.  Though the number was huge, they were not that difficult to follow to the Israelites who were so grateful to be freed after 400 years of being in Egypt where slavery was their only existence that they knew.

BDS singles out Israel, and only Israel, for a campaign to put an end to its existence as the world’s only Jewish state and uses it as the reason for all their own social ills. This is how they get the world to stop doing business with Israel, hoping to ruin the country economically instead of the usual rockets, mortars and missiles that they had been using-and using unsuccessfully. 

 To boycott means to stop using that store.  

To divest means to deprive a business, to strip of equipment,  to take away from this business-business or country of deprive Israel of customers, people, communication-anything that helps stop using... as Ireland is divesting from fossil fuels.  Here it means pretty much the same way we use to stay away from....

To have sanctions means to  use this method to force Israel to desist or yield whatever is helping it to be successful.  For instance we have sanctions on Iran to slow down their uranium manufacturing need to put in warheads of missiles to attack the USA and Israel for starters.  The Arab countries are included, so 4 now have made peace with Israel-a result not foreseen by Iran.  There are no sanctions on Israel except through BDS-people listening to gossip and lies to warp their attitudes towards the Jewish country and not understanding the situation they are presented with from the Palestinians-many of which have become the terrorist groups fighting against Israel-Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine.


   Samaria, name of the former capital,  was originally Israel which included Judah.  Assyrians attacked and took away the best of the population-10 northern tribes-10 of the 12 sons of Jacob.  Judah, the largest tribe,  was left along with some Benjaminites; home of Jerusalem.                              
               Fatah and Hamas political party members, former terrorists  who compete with each  other for power, still vying for it.  

 Hamas is not only a terrorist group, it is the political party the Arabs voted for in Gaza.  Gaza is being ruled by terrorists. Just this year of 2-21, 3 rockets were fired into Israel from Gaza. Last year in 2020 on December 26 to November 14th, 2 rockets were shot over Ashkelon, another fired toward the city and 2 fired toward Ashdod and Kibbutz Palmachim.  

Today, Hebron is the largest city in the West Bank, and the second largest in the Palestinian territories after Gaza.  It has a population of 215,452 Palestinians (2016), and between 500 and 850 Jewish settlers concentrated on the outskirts of the Old City of Hebron.  If and when Judea and Samaria becomes "Palestine" which is an aim of the Palestinian Authority run by Abbas, Hebron, which is in Judah, will be lost to Jews.  The Palestinians say they will not allow any Jews in their state, even though there are 20% of Israelis who are Arabs.  I doubt if even tourism would be open for Jews in order to visit the tomb.   In 2018, hundreds of rockets were fired at Israel during the Gaza-Israel clashes of November 2018. As of 13 November 2018 at least one civilian fatality has been reported in Ashkelon, with 70 reported as wounded. The man who was killed was a Palestinian who had moved to Israel from occupied Hebron.  Hebron, a historic Jewish city 18 miles south of Jerusalem, has been taken over by the Palestinian Arabs.  Jews do live there in the Kiryat Arba quarter east of the city.  This is the cite where Abraham had bought land which was the Cave of Machpelah so that he could bury Sarah, his wife and niece. Since Jews and Arabs both came from Abraham, being distant cousins, it's held holy to both.  It has always been one of the 4 sacred cities to Jews;  the others being Jerusalem, Tiberias and Safed. To think that in 1890, 1,500 Jews lived in Hebron and had a yeshivot and religious schools here. 

PS 1/24/21  Another article in this same Jerusalem Report is BDS and the new anti-Semitism by Robert Horenstein: Community Relations Director of the Jewish Federation of Greater Portland, Oregon p. 8.  


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