
Saturday, January 16, 2021


 Nadene Goldfoot                                            

                                                             Judaea-  Judea

This land of Israel is land that rightfully belongs to the Jews; Jews who lived here 3,972 years ago.  I'll tell you why.  There's lots of documentation.  

Jews had lived here on this very land, brought here by Moses 3,600 years ago on the Exodus. It was land they had lived on before, when Abraham had entered Canaan and their descendants, Isaac and then his son Jacob had lived there.  

Their descendants had established the kingdom of Israel with King Saul 3,051 years ago and it so remained until  the Assyrians attacked and took many captives away 2,742 years ago, later called the Lost 10 Tribes who were most of the northern tribes of Israel. Israel was left with their remnant population, the largest tribe of the 12 which was Judah and some of Benjamin and the straggling others, either too old or too young or out of harm's way at the time.  

Israel continued on-now being called Judaea, carrying on with Jerusalem as their capital which had been thus since their King David from 3,031 years ago had created for Israel's capital. The Romans renamed it "Judaea."  Judaea was still Judah as it always had been until the Babylonians attacked 2,607 years ago and took a great many of them away, ironically having replaced the Assyrians who had held the same land the Babylonians had this time.  The Babylonians in other words, had replaced the Assyrians, literally.  However, this time they finally allowed these Jews the right of return to Jerusalem, and rebuild their Temple which the Babylonian leader Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed.  The Jews returned  in 538 BCE which was 2, 559 years ago.  


They rebuilt the temple from 538-515 BCE- 23 years of working on it.  

Jews held onto Judah until the Romans destroyed it in 70 CE by burning Jerusalem and the 2nd Temple and killed thousands and thousands of Jews while taking prisoners as many as they could capture.  This happened 1,951 years ago.  

For these some past 2,000 years, Jews have been praying 3 times a day for their return to Judah;  to Israel.  They have tried intermittently to do so.  Not enough Jews were on the land to form a state, country or empire again.  They simply continued living there as before, best as they could do.  

They saw their temple turn into a Roman  center of military activity and after the destruction the same site turned into a Roman Temple .  Since then, during the Moslem Period, a mosque has stood there, called the Mosque of Omar-on the very same site where the 2nd Temple had stood.  To keep the peace, Moshe Dayan gave the Muslims the right of policing the area.  As that turns out, Jews are kept from praying on or even near this area. 


 What has become dear to Jews now is the Wall, first called the Wailing Wall,  now the Western Wall, the wall around King Herod's Temple that still stands in Jerusalem.  He had worked on the Temple remains and he rebuilt or refurbished it.  It is sacred because the site of the Holy of Holies is figured to be at the western end and this includes it.                                                   

      The first to be at the wall in 1967, and they danced!  

 This part of the wall was under Jordanian rule, meaning Jews could not come here until 1967's war's conclusion.  The war was not over the wall, but the wall returned to Israel hands because all her surrounding nations had attacked her and Israel won, miraculously!  

 Some Jews had been able to hide from the Romans and had remained; people they could return to.  The land was never without Jews living there, but so very many had lost their lives, especially in the Roman attack.  The Jewish general who lived through it all was Josephus, and he continued to live by obeying the Romans by writing the history of this war on the Jews, and it lives on.  

Before the rest of the world started to write, the Jews were writing, and their history was recorded for posterity by Moses who led them to their land and told them that G-d said that this was where they were to live. (Scholars now recognize that writing may have independently developed in at least four ancient civilizations: Mesopotamia (between 3400 and 3100 BCE), Egypt (around 3250 BCE which was 5,271 years ago),  This was their land.  He gave them laws to follow given to him by G-d,  and the laws have lived onto this very day.  

Along with our history of Moses, we gathered the history of Egypt, as it included Moses since Moses was from the Jews taken as captives during the time when Jacob and his family had entered Egypt and remained slaves of Egypt for 400 years.  Moses, at age 80 had returned to Egypt from the desert to bargain with the pharaoh along with his newly found brother, Aaron,  also born in Egypt.  They had been separated when Moses was a baby, placed in a reed basket in the Nile to escape the pharaoh's decree to kill all Jewish babies.  This piece of news is also documented in Egyptian history.  Moses did have reason to do what he could as a member of the royal family of Egypt to free the Jews.  

Jews have a history longer than any other people alive today; first being one of the oldest people to be alive today.  All the others have died out or have been assimilated into other groups, including the Jews themselves.  They are distinctly Jews (of Judah), the original Israelites, now proved by DNA.                         

     Bar Kokhba fighting the Romans 132-135 CE over Jerusalem

The land of Israel was taken by the Romans who renamed it "PALESTINE"  1,886 years ago in 135 CE in a fit of anger when the Jewish general, Shimon Bar Kokhba,  had retaken Jerusalem and held it for 3 years.  

Since then, many countries have taken the land but never have lived in it or made it into any other country.  There was no country of Palestine; only the land had this new name.  The land itself was wasted, went into waste of swamps and deserts unattended and was not used for farming except for a few new Syrians who came down and lived there in the late 1800s. 

It was in 1880 that Russian Jews appeared, fleeing pogroms and found that the Ottoman Empire had been holding the land but simply taxing these Arabs who said they were Syrians.  They knew their history and that this was where they were told to live.  The taxes were very high and the Arabs were not making a living on this land.  Jews kept following and building, hiring the Arabs in their endeavors of creating a new country.  Arabs sold the land to the Jews who valued it higher than gold. 

 This was where they were determined to stay for their descendants' sake.  This was their land once more on May 14, 1948.  The cruelty of others had driven them back home.  Yes, G-d does work in mysterious ways!  The cruelty of other nations towards Jews had finally come to the great impasse!  Enough  already.  They were home and so let it be.  The Jewish Homeland  became legal through the League of Nations and the United Nations, the world's center of declarations to help keep the peace on earth and good will towards all men.  

This was the homeland of a people who believed in one G-d amid a world of people believing in more than one force such as the Jews believed. The Jewish G-d had no form, no shape, no idol, different from other beliefs in this way.   They would not treat others as they didn't like to be treated.  They knew what it was like to be treated so cruelly.  They knew only so well after the world tried to eradicate them and all they stood for during the HOLOCAUST from 1939-1945 when 6 million Jews were killed by the Nazis and those who aided and abetted in the many countries they were taken from. 


                             chaff separated from the grain

 For so many people decided they agreed with the Nazis;  those and those who feared for their own lives.  People who were brave and determined people didn't and helped Jews to live by hiding and feeding them.  Like wheat, the people were divided like chaff is from grain.  

Anti-Semitism continues to live on, building up again like in the late 30s.  This time we have our country back  and will hold it with the good graces of our belief system and the good people still existing in the world.  For any people of any religion can agree that it is not a good thing when one people can turn on another and kill them just for their differences in religion.  A mass extermination of a people can never be good to anyone.  The extraordinary thing is that Jews gave to the world the religions they now follow.  Something from Judaism has gone into their own religions. 


1. I am the Lord your God. 2.’You shall have no other gods before me; You shall not make for yourself a graven image; 3. ‘You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain;’ 4. ‘Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy;’ 5. ‘Honor your father and your mother;’ 6. ‘You shall not murder;’  7. ‘You shall not commit adultery;’ 8. ‘You shall not steal;’ 9. ‘You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor;’ 10. ‘You shall not covet.”

How about the Ten Commandments?   Most follow 7 of these commandments and include them in their morality and so into the laws of their towns and states.  This was from Judaism.  Judaism also follows more; totaling 613 laws, many of which any normal people do normally without even knowing it.                                                    

Funny thing is that in living in a country of many religions, the 10 are not allowed freedom of speech.  They cannot be seen posted anywhere; it might offend someone.  So in Israel, at least during Shavuot, it's allowed, I wouldn't be surprised, even though there are multiple religions residing there-the basic religion of the land and why it was created in the first place is that of Judaism.  It is our land of refuge.                                                    

    A synagogue in Portland, Oregon with the 10 Commandments in Hebrew which is allowed.  Only Jews can read it, so it doesn't offend anyone.  (Public displays of religious symbols, including Ten Commandments monuments, are subject to review under the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.)

This photo shows the Ten Commandments written on one of the Dead Sea Scrolls in Jerusalem. (photo credit: AP/Dan Balilty)

The Dead Sea Scrolls include the 10 Commandments and can now be seen as they are included in the display.  They are the oldest ever found.    

1492 was the year of the Spanish Inquisition when Jews were forced out of Spain because they were Jewish.  The ship, the Mayflower, didn't sail those dangerous seas until 1620.  The Mayflower had sailed 128 years after the Inquisition!  This gives you an idea of time-how old the Jewish people are.  In 128 years you can have 5 generations of families.  1492's horrible and bloody Inquisition happened 529 years ago;  the very worst display of anti-Semitism! 

Jews are an ancient people who have survived, knowing many bottlenecks to lose genes of valued family lines but whose own genes carry on those ancient ones.  They know their history for their history is involved in their religion; a religion that values their memories!  It's a religion of the living, of how to live and not harm others, yet now they have to spend their young's lives in defense of these very lives.  



Tanakh, The Stone Edition from ArtScroll Series;  Exodus, 20:1-14

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