
Saturday, January 30, 2021


 Nadene Goldfoot                                                    

Marjorie Taylor Greene is an American politician, and U.S. Representative for Georgia's 14th congressional district. She has previously expressed support for the far-right QAnon conspiracy theory in Facebook videos, but has since distanced herself from these views.  How can a person view QAnon, the most anti-Semitic group espousing deadly goals for Jews, suddenly distance themselves?  What?  Did she discover she's losing followers?    She has again changed her tune.  She now says she has Trump's full support after talking to him on the phone.  How can I believe this now?  Has the phone call been verified?  

She said she would never apologize amid multiple controversies.  It comes amid accusations that she previously indicated support for the execution of House speaker Nancy Pelosi on social media in 2018, and was seen in a video in 2019 describing people with Down’s syndrome as “stupid”, among other controversial remarks and conspiracies.


Christian nationalists and QAnon followers tend to be anti-Semitic.  Donald Trump's name has been connected to these two groups.  QAnon” is a baseless internet conspiracy theory whose followers believe that a cabal of Satan-worshipping Democrats, Hollywood celebrities and billionaires runs the world while engaging in pedophilia, human trafficking and the harvesting of a supposedly life-extending chemical from the blood of abused children. QAnon followers believe that Donald Trump is waging a secret battle against this cabal and its “deep state” collaborators to expose the malefactors and send them all to Guantánamo Bay.

Those claims have led to widespread criticism from congressional Democrats, some of whom have called for her to be expelled from the Republican caucus and Congress. 

I can't help thinking of the Squad, the group of 4 women  in the Democratic party and in both the House and Senate.  No one spoke up saying that they were against them being against Israel;   Israel-the country that is a friend of the USA.  I'm glad, however, that someone spoke out against Greene who cared nothing for the Down syndrome people.  

                      Top 10 Republican candidates in 2017   

    Top 20  Democratic candidates in "debates"   Biden in top row.  

Our past president, Donald Trump, has been supportive of Marjorie even when it was known that she was with QAnon.  How could he be the most supportive president we have had of Israel; the country, and the Jews therein and yet be supportive of all the groups showing their anti-Semitic sides like QAnon and all the veritable rest of them?  Then, there is the fact that Trump had been a Democrat who ran on the Republican ticket because he knew he couldn't run against Hillary Clinton who was the shoe-in of the Democratic ticket, show he ran on the Republican ticket.  He was not familiar with what they stood for, evidently, and they were not happy about him winning.  

Neo-Nazis, QAnon and Camp Auschwitz:  Hate Symbols and Signs on Display at the Capitol Riots.  You couldn't miss it.  

I'm afraid that these two are examples of people having no backbone, no standards in life.  They go with the flow, whatever will bring them the closest to their own personal goals, and with both these people, it has been votes. Votes are all they care about.   

Marjorie is a case and a half.  Greene was one of the 139 representatives who challenged the results of the 2020 US presidential election in Congress on January 7, 2021, the day after the storming of the U.S. Capitol. She has voiced support for conspiracy theories including Pizzagate, QAnon, false flag shootings as a means for Congress to legislate for gun control, 9/11 conspiracy theories, and the "Clinton Kill List". Her Facebook account has expressed support for executing prominent Democratic politicians. In January 2021, she filed articles of impeachment against President Joe Biden the day after his inauguration, alleging abuse of power, and Donald supports her.     

  Al Gore

Did anyone show her and Donald Trump that Al Gore's run for president was also very close, ending with his loss?  

The 2000 United States presidential election was the 54th quadrennial presidential election, held on Tuesday, November 7, 2000. Republican candidate George W. Bush, the governor of Texas and eldest son of the 41st president, George H. W. Bush, won the disputed election, defeating Democratic nominee Al Gore, the incumbent vice president. It is the fourth of five American presidential elections, and the first in 112 years, in which the winning candidate lost the popular vote. It is considered one of the closest elections in US history.

Al didn't scream and cry about it like Donald has.  He didn't do anything to get even like Donald did in enticing the physical attack on the Senate.  Yet both the Republicans and Democrats have had 17 years to check, doublecheck or replace voting methods to be as accurate as our landing on the moon.  This was the 2000 election we're talking about.  George Walker Bush had a good run as it was, our president from 2001 to 2009-two terms.  

It's believed that Q, the leader of QAnon, is a high-level government person.  They are very very racist.  He's supposed to be Militarily  knowledgeable.  He's connected to aliens from outer-space.  There is no end to what gullible people will swallow.  

Trump has said that Margorie is a Republican Star.  She certainly is getting a lot of negative attention with her stand of being supportive of QAnon , which she now backs away from?  Really?  

Our Oregon Republican Party says the Capitol riot was a false flag meant to discredit Donald Trump.  I heard his words and saw him speak on TV as many of Americans did.  He said these words.  It's verified, on tape.  It was no false flag.  It was shocking, though to see his two-facedness, his narcistic tendency to think only of his pain in losing and lack of feeling for our own USA government that he had been representative of.  Their Resolution suggests that the attack was ‘designed to discredit’ Trump and supporters, and condemns Republicans who voted to impeach.    

By going along with the off-beat,  bouncing off the wall, anti-Semitic group like QAnon only for votes, Donald and Margorie have harmed themselves.  It even hurts his support for Israel, for how can we believe that he truly felt that he had more than votes in mind?  One would hope he truly believed in the validity of what he had spoken up for, like Truman had done.  I had gone along with Trump feeling that he was going to do something good for Israel, and found at least 6 outstanding facts.  Support of a group like QAnon shows me another face, a very disappointing one.  

Resource: Gino Spocchia

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