
Monday, December 14, 2020

Liars Causing Hatred Of Jews and Israel: Anti-Semitism-Part 2

Nadene Goldfoot

I have tried to find the cause of anti-Semitism every time I hear of another incident, and lately such attacks have been growing the past few years when one would think they'd finally die;  especially since WWII.  The religion of Judaism, created by Abraham and Moses, deals with fairness;  honesty, ethics.  I've found that what is true can be turned about 180 degrees by that person's neighbors and told lies about which will be believed!

Jews abide by the laws of Moses that are mostly about ethics, how we treat others, and not about death or what happens to our bodies.    The laws emphasize that people are not to eat blood as part of the ethical code of conduct.   Jews go to great lengths to NOT EAT BLOOD.  In the laws of kashrut, which means to eat only kosher food, meat must be be from certain animals only, like cows and sheep.  Then the animal is killed in the most humane manner so as not to cause fright or pain.  Then the meat is cleaned off, soaked and rinsed in salt water to remove any blood, and besides that, the main artery that carries blood must be removed; either that or only certain parts of the animal, parts that have the least to do with blood are allowed to be eaten.  This means that the most expensive parts of steaks are NOT kosher; not to be eaten.  Like I say, Jews go to great lengths to NOT EAT BLOOD.  This is part of our conditioning to be ethical always. 

 A 1,000 years ago, this blood libel was used as an accusation about Jews; that we would take the blood out of Christian children and use to make matzos, or for any reason at all.  Blood from animals are not to touch our lips let alone from humans!  How horrid, how stupid can people be to believe such rot!  But they were; and they still are.  

Yet, stories that are unbelievable are told and believed about Jews to cause their deaths.  

Through the 20th century, Muslim antisemitism has run amuck, continuing to be brutally expressed throughout this period, actually a 180 degree change from the past.  Albert Memmi French-Jewish novelist of North Africa, cites my examples:


1. Casablanca, Morocco in 1907 was the scene of a huge massacre of Jews that took place, along with the usual horrors; such as rape, women carried away to the mountains and G-d knows what, hundreds of homes and shops burned....(note-the men are not attacked as in a war; only the weak-the women, are the target-humans who cannot protect themselves against others)

2. Fez, Morocco in 1912 a big massacre of Jews.

3. Constantine, Algeria in 1934 a big massacre where 24 Jews were killed, almost 100 seriously injured.

4. Aden, Yemen 1946 over 100 Jews dead and 76 wounded;  looting, rapes, arson, 1,000 houses destroyed, 600 stores looted.

5. Tripoli, Libya, November 4th and 5th in 1945  a massacre of Jews

6. Algeria's towns of Zarzour, Zaouias en Algerie, Foussaber, Ziltain, etc, when girls and women were raped in front of their famiies and the stomachs of pregnant women were slashed open and the infants were ripped out of them; children were smashed with crowbars...All this can be found in the newspapers of the time, including the local Arab papers.   Some of this is echoed by the Nazis, and became the treatment many times of Jews.

Dennis Prager and Rabbi Telushkin have provided me with these references in his book, Why the Jews? which shows they have been asking themselves the same question that I have been asking myself.  Why?  Why such maddening, horrible hatred?  What have our ancestors or ourselves done to such people?  There is no definitive answer.  It's all from lies that people have believed, swallowed hook, line and sinker.  And why would they do that?  I can't help thinking it's that they want to agree with this, that this serves some service to themselves to have someone to blame--the scapegoat.  Why not the Jews?  It's a small group who doesn't fight back but takes it and just dies.  Frankly, I don't know why they then find they can't live with themselves, that their own heart should tell them what is right or wrong in their acts.  

Israel was created on May 14, 1948 by Jews for Jews as a haven after 2,000 years of being scapegoats.  Jews have not accepted themselves here as being unequal or inferior to their Arab neighbors, and I am agreeing with Prager and Telushkin that here lies the problem of the Arab-Muslim hatred for Israel, though I must have to say that this hatred is melting with the miracle of 4 Arab countries coming around and making peace with this very tiny country.  This most likely is because the first country to be big enough and brave enough to do it is also one of the tiniest of Arab countries, run by an intelligent and youthful leader who has the foresight to do it.  The others must be of the same mind.  They can see that peace will be full of benefits for themselves instead of standing on the wrong side and cheering on or involving themselves in hatred for no good reasons.           

                  Hajj Mohammed Amin El-Husseini (1893-1974)

The Arab hatred for Jewish nationalism was so intense that during World War II, most Arab leaders were pro-Nazis.  Among them was mufti Haj Amin el-Husseini who in 1929 had helped organize the large-scale murders of the ultra-Orthodox, non-Zionist Jews of Hebron.  The mufti was an ardent supporter of Hitler and spent much of the war in Nazi Germanyl.  The irony of this man is that he was selected as a leader, the high commissioner, in 1921 by England's Jewish Sir Herbert Samuel and Husseini  had wanted to be a big fish in this little pond of Palestine.  



By 1936 he became chairman of the Arab Supreme Council when he organized the Palestine disturbances for which he was sentenced to exile in 1937.  He fled to Lebanon, and during WWII, participated in Rashid Ali's pro-Axis coup in Iraq before going to Europe, where he assisted Hitler and was largely responsible for the liquidation of the Jews in the Moslem areas of Bosnia.  In 1946, he escaped to Egypt.  After 1948, he set up a short-lived "Palestine Government in Gaza, then later in Cairo, Egypt. 

Many Arab nations did formally declare war against Germany in WWII but they did so in 1945 when it was obvious that the Germans were going to lose.  They may have done this in order to be eligible for entry in the United Nations.  Extensive Arab sympathy with the Nazis continued even after Germany's surrender. The Egyptians and Syrians welcomed Nazis to their countries and offered them the opportunity to further implement the FINAL SOLUTION by assisting in their efforts to destroy Israel and wipe out the Jewish community living there. 

Before WWII on August 17, 1936, the French newspaper Le Mende, quoted the government-controlled Damascus Daily, Al-Manar, as observing:  "One should not forget that, in contrast to Europe, Hitler occupied an honored place in the Arab world....Journalists are mistaken if they think that by calling Nasser as Hitler, they are hurting us.  On the contrary, his name make us proud.  Long live Hitler, the Nazi who struck at the heart of our enemies.  Long live the Hitler, the Nasser of the Arab world.  

On June 9, 1960, after Israeli agents captured Adolf Eichmann, the Nazi official who had supervise the murder of 6,000,000 Jews, the Beirut Daily, al- Answar carried a cartoon depicting Eichmann speaking with Israeli Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion.  Said Ben-Gurion:  "You deserve the death penalty because you killed 6 million Jews." Eichmann replied:  "There are so many who say I deserve the death penalty because I didn't manage to kill the rest."  

On April 24, 1961, the Jordanian English-language daily Jerusalem Times published an "Open letter to Eichmann," saying-"But be brave, Eichmann, find solace in the fact that this trial will one day culminate in the liquidation of the remaining 6 million to avenge your blood.  

All this has brought about the ancient "BLOOD LIBEL.  

In 1962, the Egyptian Ministry of Education reissued Talmudic Sacrifices by Habib Faris, a book originally published in Cairo in 1890.  The editor says in his introduction that the book has "an Explicit documentation of indictment, based upon clear-cut evidence that the Jewish people permitted the shedding of blood as religious duty enjoined in the Talmud. This is the way they put over a huge monstrous lie.  Nothing could be further from the truth!                           

                         Yasser Arafat (1929-2004)

Wait, the lies are getting closer to our time.  On April 24, 1970, Fatah radio (Fatah is the political group of Arafat-terrorist leader of Palestinian Arabs) and the radio is under the leadership of Yasir Arafat, said:  "Reports from the captured homeland tell that the Zionist enemy has begun to kidnap small children from the streets.  Afterwards the occupying forces take the blood of the children and throw away their empty bodies.  The inhabitants of Gaza have seen this with their own eyes."  

  Again, how can people believe such lies!  I might even ask, "Why are small children playing in the streets, unsupervised?"  Arab children don't need fairy tales to scare them happily at story-time;  they've created their own tales with Jews taking the place of the wolves or evil witches, leaving them to fear their neighbors outrageously.  This is what's left for Israel to try to have a state of Palestine next to them and hope all stays peaceful.  Someone has rocks in their head.  Instead of working towards such a goal, the Palestinians have pushed themselves away from such peaceful expectations.  It's like having a deadly firecracker company move in next door.  


Why The Jews?  Dennis Prager & Joseph Telushkin,_Morocco

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