
Friday, December 4, 2020


 Nadene Goldfoot                                             

                                         Parchin, Iran's military facility
                     Parchin explosion and Shiraz blackout

At noon on 25 June 2020, an explosion hit in the military complex of Parchin, 30 kilometers southeast of the capital Tehran. Within the same hour a power outage affected half of the southern city of Shiraz; housing major military facilities. Officials declared the explosion a gas storage accident and said that an explosion had hit the power station in Shiraz, causing the blackout. Western analyst stated that the explosion in Parchin had occurred in a missile storage facility, with hidden nuclear detonation technology work.

A Western analyst claimed the explosion in Parchin was caused by an Israeli cyberattack, while a senior Iranian commander said he could not comment whether the explosion was a cyberattack until there was a conclusion on the issue. Citing an unnamed senior source, the Kuwaiti newspaper Al-Jarida reported that the facility was destroyed in an airstrike by Israeli F-35 stealth fighter jets. 

 On 30 June 2020, American and Israeli officials speaking to The New York Times said they "had nothing to do with" the explosion in Parchin. 

 It was only 5 years ago that the world had a final deadline with Iran about its nuclear program scheduled for June 15, 2015.  This negotiation was supposed to be the last one resulting in a final deal to curb Iran's nuclear capabilities in exchange for partial and gradual  lifting economic sanctions against the Islamic Republic.  There are the 2 sides;  P5+1 group of the USA, Russia, China UK, France and Germany, and Iran.                                                                    

               Parchin:  Cylinder and Shield 

There had been 13 years previously of problems with Iran:  deceits, lies, cover-ups, evasiveness, military threats, sabotage, assassinations, agreements and their breaching by Iran in order to enhance its military nuclear capabilities and become a nuclear threshold state.  

First, one should know that there was a revolution in 1978-the Khomeini Revolution, and though many Jews left Persia/Iran in 1948 for Israel, many had stayed under the Shah who had to leave on January 16, 1979.  Then many Jews felt uncomfortable under this strict Islamic regime and left for Israel and the West if possible.  Their numbers dropped from 80,000 in 1978 to 20,000 in 1989.  We have a relative who escaped with other teens on camels from the biblical city-Shushan.  

August 2002:  People's Army releases details about the construction of a nuclear reactor to produce plutonium at Arak  and a uranium enrichment facility with centrifuges at Natanz. Israel first learned of this, maybe by Mossad, and forwarded it to the Iranian opposition  group.  This increased fears that Iran was conspiring to uil nuclear weapons under the pretext of a  CIVILIAN PROJECT.  

February 2003:  Iranian President Muhammad Khatami said they had the Natanz facility and agrees that inspectors from the IAEA visit the site and other facilities.  Now the International Atomic Energy Agency can be on the scene.  


                                    Ayatollah Ruholla Khomeini, man behind presidents

June 2003:  IAEA report is that Iran has violated its international nuclear obligations and agreements.  

October 2003: Iran, threatened with UN Security Council, agrees with EU-3 TEHRAN DECLARATION to suspend all uranium enrichment.  US backed agreement.


August 2005: President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, hard-liner;  ignores agreement and restarted uranium enrichment activity and construction of the Natanz reactor.  Constant serious threats to Israel. The range of our missiles covers all of Israel today.  That means the fall of the Zionist regime, which will certainly come soon.  In 2012: NEW YORK (Reuters) - Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Monday Israel has no roots in the Middle East and would be “eliminated,” ignoring a U.N. warning to avoid incendiary rhetoric ahead of the annual General Assembly session.

Iran also reportedly has an arsenal of cruise missiles. In March 2005, Ukraine admitted that it had exported to Iran cruise missiles that are capable of reaching Israel and carrying nuclear weapons. In 2001, 12 Soviet-era X-55 cruise missiles with a range of 3,500 kilometers were exported to Iran. Israel is also concerned that Tehran is developing its own cruise missile to evade interception by the Arrow, the IDF’s anti-ballistic missile defense system (Jerusalem Post, May 6, 2008).

— General Mohammad Ali Jafari, (November 2014) 

There is something in the Islamic religion that says you must warn your enemy first before striking.   

June 2006:  IAEA declares Iran a NONCOMPLIANT state. P5+1 group formed of China, USA, Russia and UK, Germany and France  to deal with fear of Iran producing its 1st nuclear bomb.  

December 2006-2010:  UN Security Council passes 6 resolutions demanding that Iran stop uranium enrichment and other activities;  imposes sanctions against Iranian individuals and companies linked to nuclear and missile programs.

    2007:  CIA publishes NATIONAL INTELLIGENCE ESTIMATE-saying that in 2003, Iran had ceased work on the nuclear military program.  Israel's intelligence does not accept this.  Israel says that Iran never stopped its clandestine and covert nuclear military research.  Mossad is known to be the best spies in the world.  They have the most to lose if wrong.

  2007-2011:  Mossad has systematic covert operation aimed at creating physical and psychological havoc.  They have assassination campaign against Iranian scientists and sabotage of equipment and facilities.  This was supplemented by joint venture with CIA and both wrote a code for a virus called Stuxnet which was planted in computers operating the centrifuges in Natanz.  1/3 of centrifuges were damaged.

September 2009:  Intelligence from Israel, US, Britain, others to Obama who revealed existence of a small, heavily fortified, underground enrichment facility in Fordow,  near city of Qom, built for military program.  USA spoke of strikes and so did Israel.  

    2009-2011:  PM Netanyahu and Defense Minister Ehud Barak  lead campaign issuing threats to attack Iran unless the international community tightened sanctions against Islamic Republic.  Israel Air Force conducted a series of exercises like military strikes against Iran. Everyone thought an attack was imminent (only a ruse).



September 2012:  Prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyahu draws a red line on a graphic of a bomb as he addresses the 67th United Nations General Assembly at the U.N. Headquarters in New York, September 27, 2012. REUTERS/Lucas Jackson. Most all Democrats walked out during his turn to speak.  He spoke at Senate in Washington DC, too, and they had done the same thing.  

   2010-2013:  Goal achieved.  Iranian banks are cut off from ties, black-listed by the EU. Over $100 billion in Iranian financial deposits are frozen in banks around world.



                                       Ali Khameni
Spring 2013:  Iran's economy suffers from crippling sanctions.  Ian has lost $160 billion in revenues, too.  Inflation and unemployment rise, local currency sinks, psycho-economic effect on the public grows.  Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei decides to change course.  He green-lights the replacement of Ahmadinead with a moderate Rouhani.  (all under ruse of elections).  

April 2015:  Iran and P5+1 announce a framework deal for 10 years.  No enriching uranium over 5%, dismantle 75% of 19,000 centrifuges in Natanz, remove fissile materials from Fordow, dismantle essential elements of the Arak reactor, no producing plutonium.  Removed equipment under IAEA inspection who will install seals and cameras linked to Vienna headquarters.  Iran is not to produce advanced centrifuges and agree to intrusive inspection by IAEA including suspected military sites.  In return, all sanctions are to be gradually lifted.  

A few weeks later, Iran has begun to use doublespeak.  Talks were led by Foreign Minister Mohammad Zarif and said one thing in agreement but madea different statements.  They declared that the sanctions will be lifted from Day 1, the first day after the agreement is signed and not after Phase 1.  Statements by Supreme leader Ali Kamenei and Rouhani and a non-binding resolution by the Iranian parliament was that military sites are off-limits.  Such statements seem to contradict what was already agreed upon in the talks and make the task of reaching an agreement very difficult.  
                 Bushehr nuclear power plant
The Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant is a nuclear power plant in Iran 17 kilometres southeast of the city of Bushehr, between the fishing villages of Halileh and Bandargeh along the Persian Gulf.  

May 8, 2018:  Trump pulled out of the deal with Iran, saying that the evidence Israel provided last week proves Iran’s real intentions:  “Last week, Israel published documents concealed by Iran showing that Iran” planned to continue its nuclear weapons program.

“This was one-sided deal that shouldn’t have been made. It didn’t bring calm, and it didn’t bring peace.

“In the years since it was reached, Iran’s military budget grew by almost 40 percent while its economy is doing badly. It used new funds to build nuclear-capable missiles and sow havoc in the Middle East and beyond.”

March 3, 2020In a report to member states, and obtained by CNN, the IAEA says that Tehran's stockpiles of low enriched uranium now far exceed 300 kilograms, the limit set by the 2015 Iran nuclear deal. The report notes that Iran has nearly tripled its stockpile of low enriched uranium since November 2019, indicating a significant jump in production.

November 27, 2020 - According to Iran's semi-official news agency, ISNA, Iran's top nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh is killed in an apparent assassination. Fakhrizadeh was head of the research center of new technology in the Revolutionary Guards, and was a leading figure in Iran's nuclear program. Israel is suspected as the assassin.  

 Trump chose not to re‑impose these nuclear-related sanctions, and decided not to violate the terms of the agreement. Instead, he has asked Congress to amend INARA to include specific "trigger points" related to Iranian nuclear- and missile-related activities. If breached, these so-called "trigger points" would re-impose some sanctions, even though Iran remains in compliance with its commitments under the international deal that was reached in 2015.

More broadly, President Trump gave the US Congress and our European allies an ultimatum – "fix" the agreement, with the threat to 'rip it up' should they not do so by the time the next sanctions waivers are due on May 12, 2018. What Trump wants Congress to consider, according to Tillerson, is amending the INARA legislation so that it includes specific “trigger points” related to unacceptable Iranian nuclear- and missile-related activities. If Iran were to carry out any of these activities, it would automatically trigger the reimposition of nuclear sanctions—and thus U.S. withdrawal from the accord—without any congressional action or debate. Since the legislation would cover Iran’s missile program and wouldn’t have an expiration date, the administration believes the law would plug two holes in the current agreement: the fact that certain restrictions on Iranian nuclear activities lapse after 10 or 15 years, and the lack of limits on Iran’s development of missiles.

 Trump asked about a strike  in November 2020, and his advisors told him that " any strike — whether by missile or cyber — would almost certainly be focused on Natanz, where the International Atomic Energy Agency reported on Wednesday that Iran’s uranium stockpile was now 12 times larger than permitted under the nuclear accord that Mr. Trump abandoned in 2018. The agency also noted that Iran had not allowed it access to another suspected site where there was evidence of past nuclear activity.

If decertification ends in a whimper, it’s a very risky step to take for that payoff. The decision not to certify will lead to a prolonged period of uncertainty among America’s allies. It could make European banks and companies more reluctant to do business with Iran, which could harm the Iranian economy and increase opposition to the deal among Iranians. It alone could send a signal, as Murphy warned, “that American presidents cannot be trusted to uphold deals done by prior presidents.” All this might not kill off the Iran deal at once. But it could, as Sullivan put it, spark a series of tit-for-tat provocations by the Iranians and Americans—an inglorious death of the agreement “by a thousand cuts.”

 In conclusion, it looks like we are not under any agreement with Iran.  If we "fixed" the agreement, and how I'm not sure, it wouldn't do any good.  Since it was broken by Trump on May 8, 2018, it's been a broken agreement and even a new President can not fix it.  Iran insists on going back to the 2015 deal that didn't work out.  

Iran will not accept preconditions from a new Biden administration over its nuclear programme and the US must return to a 2015 deal before talks can take place, its foreign minister says.

Javad Zarif said the US had its own "commitments" that must be implemented.

President-elect Joe Biden has said he will rejoin the nuclear deal and lift sanctions if Tehran returns to "strict compliance with the nuclear deal". (If they said they would before, why is he believing them now?)

Both sides appear to want the other to readopt the agreement's terms first.


Resource:  The Jerusalem Report, July 13, 2015;  p. 20 Nuclear Timeline  Excellent 

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