
Friday, November 27, 2020

Tracing Abraham Back to Noah and Where He Lived Part XI

 Nadene Goldfoot                                              

A life-sized model of Noah's Ark  landed in San Diego, California.
According to Genesis 8:4, the Ark came to rest "on the mountains of Ararat." Early commentators such as Josephus, and authorities quoted by him, Berossus, Hieronymus the Egyptian, Mnaseas, and Nicolaus of Damascus, record the tradition that these "mountains of Ararat" are to be found in the region then known as Armenia, roughly corresponding to Eastern Anatolia.
Larger than a football field and holding 5,000 people --this 

replica of Noah's Ark will eventually dock in Southern California, the director of a Pasadena-based Christian foundation said in 2016.  Dutch carpenter Johan Huibers built the massive, five-floor ship four years ago in the Netherlands as a religious attraction and, in partnership with the Ark of Noah Foundation, is raising money to fund a world voyage.                                             

Our genealogy begins with Seth, Adam's 3rd son son, who lived for 912 years.  The sons of Seth have been identified as the nomadic Sutho tribes mentioned in the neighborhood of the Palestine-Syria century BCE.  They seem to have been related to the Hebrews.

 Noah, a descendent of Seth,  was a very righteous man, deserving of having many descendants.  In (Genesis 6: 2) It says: "My spirit shall not contend evermore concerning Man since he is but flesh;  his days shall be a hundred and twenty years," Yet people will live far more than 120 years.  Noah will live for 950 years.  He had 3 sons:  Shem,  Abraham's ancestor; Ham, father of Canaan;  and Japheth. Noah planted a vineyard when he reached land and soon became drunk.  Ham, a small child,  saw his father Noah naked in his tent and told his brothers outside.  Shem and Japheth covered up their father and walked away backwards so they could not see him in this condition.  Noah was so angry later that he cursed his small son saying that he shall be the slave of the other brothers.  Noah lived 350 more years until he died at 950.  


     A painting of Noah's Ark, said to be constructed from gopher wood

He is told to get gopher wood for building an ark.  Where did that grow?  "The Jewish Encyclopedia believes it was most likely a translation of the Babylonian gushure iṣ erini, cedar beams, or the Assyrian giparu, reeds. The Aramaic Targum Onkelos, considered by many Jews to be an authoritative translation of the Hebrew scripture renders this word as qadros, cedar. The Syriac Peshitta translates this word as arqabox". I'll accept Cedar trees, which we know grew in Lebanon, and probably other places over 4,000 years ago.  

"Cedar of Lebanon. An ancient evergreen symbolising purity and everlasting life. The distinctive evergreen cedar, which comes originally from the Middle East, has long been associated with everlasting life. It can grow to a great age – some thriving cedars are known to be over a thousand years old." I'm going to say that Noah was living in Lebanon space, and this took place way before their King Hiram.  

The dimensions of the ark were large, so cedar could have been used.  They measured in cubits so 18 inches equaled a cubit. 450x75x45 feet=1,518,750 cubit feet.  Each of its 3 stories had 33,750 sq. feet of floor space for a total of 101,250 sq. feet. Noah was 600 years old when he first boarded his ark when the earth was flooded.  This happened in the year of 1656 from Creation.  When he left the ark, the land was not named.                                         

              Mt. Ararat, Turkey is where people think the ark landed.  

It's thought that they landed in today's Turkey.   Experts claim they've snapped underground images of a mysterious ship-shaped object discovered half a century ago in eastern Turkey.Now a film crew led by long-time ark hunter Cem Sertesen say they've image whatever's down there, according to the Turkish Anadolu Agency.

The team claim they'll reveal the pictures, obtained by "sending electric signals underground via cables", in a forthcoming documentary about the Ark.  According to legend, Noah loaded two of every animal onto a 150-metre long ark to save them from apocalyptic flooding.                        

In the Book of Genesis, the mountains of Ararat in what is now eastern Turkey is the region in which Noah's Ark comes to rest after the Great Flood.  This Durupinar Site is:   a large aggregate structure on Mount Tendürek in eastern Turkey. The site is 3 km (1.9 mi) north of the Iranian border, 16 km (9.9 mi) southeast of Doğubeyazıt in the Ağrı Province, and 29 kilometres (18 miles) south of the Greater Mount Ararat summit, at an elevation of 1,966 to 2,004 m (6,450 to 6,575 ft) above sea level.

The size and shape of the structure has led to its promotion by some believers as the original Noah's Ark, but geologists as well as some creationists argue that it is a natural formation. The site is near several officially-unnamed peaks, though locals call one of the nearby peaks Cudi Dağı in Turkish, and Çîyaye Cûdî in Kurdish, which David Fasold linked to Al-Ǧūdī, the place named in the Quran as the final resting place of Noah's Ark. Some researchers place Mount Judi in another location farther south, near the Turkish/Iraqi border.


The ark during the flood that lasted for 40 days and nights, must have carried the inhabitants to Turkey and deposited them in the Turkey-Georgia area.                            

                           Mt. Ararat                      

Mt Ararat is the mountain that has been called by the name Ararat (in the West) since the Middle Ages, as it began to be identified with "mountains of Ararat" described in the Bible as the resting place of Noah's Ark, despite contention that Genesis 8:4 does not refer specifically to a Mt. Ararat. It is the principal national symbol of Armenia and has been considered a sacred mountain by Armenians. It is featured prominently in Armenian literature and art and is an icon for Armenian irredentism. It is depicted on the coat of arms of Armenia along with Noah's Ark. Mount Ararat is located in the Eastern Anatolia Region of Turkey between the provinces of Ağrı and Iğdır, near the border with IranArmenia and Nakhchivan exclave of Azerbaijan, between the Aras and Murat rivers. Its summit is located some 16 km (10 mi) west of the Turkey-Iran border and 32 km (20 mi) south of the Turco-Armenian border. The Ararat plain runs along its northwest to western side.Ararat is the third most prominent mountain in West Asia.

An elevation of 5,165 m (16,946 ft) for Mount Ararat is given by some encyclopedias and reference works such as Merriam-Webster's Geographical Dictionary and Encyclopedia of World Geography. However, a number of sources, such as the United States Geological Survey and numerous topographic maps indicate that the alternatively widespread figure of 5,137 m (16,854 ft) is probably more accurate. The current elevation may be low as 5,125 m (16,814 ft) due to the melting of its snow-covered ice cap.



Georgia, nearby in Caucasus MtsThe Caucasus Mountains are a mountain system at the intersection of Europe and Asia. Stretching between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, it is surrounded by the Caucasus region and is home to Mount Elbrus, the highest peak in Europe. 

Peak nameElevation (m)Prominence (m)Country

The territory of modern-day Georgia was inhabited by Homo erectus since the Paleolithic Era. The proto-Georgian tribes first appear in written history in the 12th century BC.] The earliest evidence of wine to date has been found in Georgia, where 8,000-year old wine jars were uncovered.    We have the story of Noah getting drunk! Archaeological finds and references in ancient sources also reveal elements of early political and state formations characterized by advanced metallurgy and goldsmith techniques that date back to the 7th century BC and beyond.  In fact, early metallurgy started in Georgia during the 6th millennium BCE, associated with the Shulaveri-Shomu culture. (The ark very well could have landed in Georgia. Mt Elbrus was the highest peak to run into! ) Georgia had been taken over by Russia, but again is independent.  Crossing the Caucasus Mountain range was an important section of the northern arm of the Silk Route. There was one pass on the southeast end in Derbent (known as the Caspian Gates or Gates of Alexander), and multiple passes throughout the range.

 Former astronaut James B. Irwin, who has made several trips to Mount Ararat in

 eastern Turkey in hopes of finding the remains of Noah’s Ark, says he is giving up

 the search for good.

″I think I’ve done all I can to attract attention to the ark. I think it is time others take

 up the search,″ Irwin said Saturday.

Irwin, 56, and seven others were detained by Turkish officials for one day  in 1986  

on suspicion of espionage while the group looked for the ark.

Parts of Turkey is where the men with the DNA (Y haplogroup) of Q originated).  Our father, tested by my brother, is Y haplogroup QBZ67. 

 The most common haplogroup in Turkey is J2 (24%), which is widespread among 

the Mediterranean, Caucasian and West Asian populations.  J2 seems to be an

 older form of J1, which is also the haplogroup of the Cohens, the direct line of

Aaron brother of Moses, that goes back to Abraham and then Noah.   

Update: On ages of people; Sumerians used a different 

base-12; and 60.  We have 60 seconds to a minute; a dozen (12) eggs, 

12 months to a year; so divide Noah's age of 950 

years by 12 and you get age 75 years and 2 months when he

died.  Yet, Terah, his father died at age 205, making him 17 at death. A 

2nd look shows me that Terah's father, Nahor, was 29 when Terah was 

born, which is base 10. After Terah's birth Nahor live 119 more years and

had more children.  Terah was 70 when Abraham was born. So Terah was 

figured with base 10 and he just lived an unusually long life compared to

our life spans.  Or, the writer did not write about age with the accuracy we

are used to.  Methuselah, grandfather of Noah, lived for 969 years, the 

longest recorded in the bible.  That would be 80 years and 9 months of 

age.  Methuselah was the son of Enoch and father of Lamech.  


Youtube on Ur.  sumerians

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