
Sunday, November 1, 2020

The Muslim Uyghurs of China : Evidently a Wanted People For Horrible Purposes

 Nadene Goldfoot                                           

Uyghur man of Kashgar, China
He and his people are Muslims of which the Chinese people are not, so they are minorities in China.

is on the Silk Road of China. The Silk Road is very famous as the road Jewish traders took and learned to be such great businessmen. Might it even be the path taken by the Assyrians who took prisoners the northern 10 Tribes of Israel way back in 721 BCE?
This is the period where Khazaria was to come from and the idea that there are Ashkenazic Jews that had been from Khazaria which was later taken over by Russia, but it was a country they had adopted Judaism as their national religion of the royals and any others who preferred it over other religions The R1a and R1b Y-DNA (paternal DNA) haplogroups are commonly found among Uygur men. These are also frequently encountered in Europe.  

Update 6/25/15: R1a1R1b, and R1a1a or R1a-CTS6 is the Levite haplogroup.  Read for more information. Jeff Wexler discovered this line of Ashkenazi Levites.  Analyses posted here. R1a1 is common among Ukrainians-thought to have originated there, Russians, and Serbs (Slavic speakers in Germany, as well as among Central Asian populations with admixture possible with Ukrainians, Poles or Russians.
 A later 2005 study by Nebel et al., found a similar level of 11.5% of male Ashkenazim belonging to R1a1a (M17+), the dominant Y-chromosome haplogroup in Central and Eastern Europeans.; R-M269; R1b1a2a; R-V88 are found among Jews.  R-L47-from R1a, Jewish  (from my "What haplogroup we be?")

Some Uygur men carry the Y-DNA haplogroup J, which originates in the Middle East (Western Asia).  (The Cohen gene is J1.  An older version is J2).  Other Y-DNA haplogroups that Uygurs often carry are within the C, N, and O Y-DNA haplogroups.

"The Uygurs (Uyghurs, Uighurs) have fascinated me for years. For one thing, their faces display an interesting blend of Caucasoid and Mongoloid physical traits. Also, they make a bagel-like bread (girde nan, meaning "round bread" in the Uygur language).

Their language belongs to the Chagatay division of the Turkic linguistic family and is closely related to the Uzbek language. Uygur has been written with several distinct alphabets.

The Uygur homeland in east-central Asia is an occupied land in present-day northwestern China (the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region, informally known as Eastern Turkistan) where Uygur nationalism and language are suppressed by the authorities."

"The StandWithUs Center for Combating Antisemitism(CCA) is appalled by the Chinese government's continued atrocities against its Uighur Muslim population. Dedicated to fighting the world’s oldest hatred, antisemitism, the CCA also stands with other minorities who are systematically targeted and discriminated against. 

The Chinese government’s treatment of the Uyghurs/ Uighurs - which includes forced sterilization of women, murder, physical and psychological torture and abuse, forced labor in detention and “reeducation” camps - is an egregious example of a systematic attempt to destroy and break the will and identity of an entire group of people. The CCA calls upon the United Nations Human Rights Council as well as countries around the world to officially acknowledge and condemn these atrocities and to insist upon an end to this genocide. Silence in the face of such barbarism serves only to embolden its perpetrators."

Hillsdale College in Missouri tells us that very few people in the USA have heard of these people, but the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) of China is helping in the abduction of Uyghur women for sexual use by Chinese soldiers--or even worse., if that is possible. The government harvests the organs of the Uyghur population for sale both in China and abroad which has been a false accusation world-wide about Jews. China's act has become a multi-billion dollar industry: the Uyghur organs, since they are uncorrupted by alcohol or pork-no nos in the Muslim religion, are especially desirable to wealthy Muslims in the Middle East and elsewhere.

Disney has come out with a new movie, Mulan, parts of which were filmed just a few miles away from some of these camps. Disney thanked the Turpan Municipal Bureau of Public Security, responsible for imprisoning the Uyghurs, for its help during filming. ( This is like the people living a few miles from camps during the Holocast who could smell the fumes of burning bodies yet denied knowing what was going on.) Did the movie people know?

What are the Uyghers? " Uigurs, are a Turkic-speaking minority ethnic group originating from and culturally affiliated with the general region of Central and East Asia. The Uyghurs are recognized as native  to the Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in Northwest China. They are considered to be one of China's 55 officially recognized ethnic minorities. The Uyghurs are recognized by the Chinese government only as a regional minority within a multicultural nation.  The Chinese government rejects the notion of the Uyghurs being an indigenous, a first or native group.

Mihrigul Tursun says she and her son are victims of Beijing's growing crackdown on Muslim majority Uyghurs in China's far western Xinjiang region, where a US State Department official says at least 800,000 and possibly up to two million people may have been detained in huge "re-education centers." China's Foreign Ministry vehemently refuted Tursun's allegations, describing her story as a "compete lie, told with ulterior motives."

Since 2015, it has been estimated that over a million Uyghurs have been detained in Xinjiang re-education camps. The camps were established under General Secretary Xi Jinping's administration with the main goal of ensuring adherence to national ideology.  The Chinese government maintains its actions in Xinjiang as justifiable responses to a threat of extremism due to the East Turkestan independence movement and resulting frequent terrorist attacks such as the Baren Township riot1997 Ürümqi bus bombingsprotests in GhuljiaJune 2009 Shaoguan Incident, the resulting July 2009 Ürümqi riots2011 Hotan attackApril 2014 Ürümqi attackMay 2014 Ürümqi attack2014 Kunming attack and the 2015 Aksu colliery attack.   Critics of China's treatment of Uyghurs have accused the Chinese government of propagating a policy of sinicization in Xinjiang in the 21st century, calling this policy an ethnocide or a cultural genocide of Uyghurs.

The Uyghurs are living in many areas.  12,123,000 are in Xinjiang, China.  223,100  in 2009 were in Kazakhstan.  48,543 were in Kyrgyzstan, and 50,000 were in Saudi Arabia.  Others are in a few other Muslim countries like Pakistan and Jordan.  

What the Chinese are accused of doing it too horrid for people wanting factual facts, but evidently we in the West have not been privy to this nor can we hardly believe that people would do such things, though there is the Holocaust to spotlight atrocities and inhuman behavior towards another minority group-be it out of fear or out of jealousy that had developed into an ugly hatred.  We need to come to the aid of these people.  I'm sickened by it.  Our government, according to the CNN report, has known all about the accusations and denials going on.  


Hillsdale College,,minority%20within%20a%20multicultural%20nation.

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