
Friday, November 6, 2020

Expectations of Any Successful Two-State Solution of Palestinian-Israel Peace

Nadene Goldfoot                                               

  A Hamas terrorist from Gaza.  

Palestinian Arabs have been fighting against Israel for the past 72 years.  They have not accepted Israel's right to exist.  They have followed such leaders as Arafat of the PLO, a terrorist group, and now Hamas, a terrorist organization and the PA, also the Fatah group, a terrorist group of Arafat's.  They refused the opportunity to create their own state out of Judea and Samaria in 1947-48, expecting to take over all of Israel.  They have refused every opportunity in the expectations of being able to take more.  


                   Yasser Arafat, leader of the Palesine Liberation Organization (PLO)                                                                      of which Fatah comes from 

    Before accepting any plan, Palestinian Arabs must refute any previous belief in wanting to destroy Israel.  It must accept the fact that they are a nation of permanence in the Middle East. This must be shown by being at peace without one incident for a whole year of 365 days.   (my idea).                                                                  

                  Fatah terrorists.  

They must become educated in Israel's history and why they have returned to a land they lost in 70 CE and not continue holding a false belief that Israel is occupying their land.  They must also become educated in the true and factual history of their own people.  Between being able to have their own schools and teaching their own false history and with help from the UN, they have been the recipients of such false information that has kept them in such a suicidal mission.                        

                                  Fatah groups have done their share of fighting

Palestinian leaders must refrain from all forms of incitement to violence.  The Palestinian Authority (PA) must end its longstanding and abhorrent practice of incentivizing terrorism by paying salaries to terrorists and their families.                             

 The Jewish state of Israel must be allowed to live in peace and security if it finds itself living side by side with a Palestinian state.  This state must be demilitarized and devoid of all weapons.  It must not be able to receive weapons such as Gaza has had and does receive now by land or by sea or tunnel.  To guarantee this, it's imperative that previous goals are met first. To achieve a real peace, the Palestinians must understand that violence will never achieve their goals.  It has the opposite affect.


                      Tunnels to secretly arm Palestinian terrorism

I feel talks are a waste of time as their talks have never succeeded and that  education is the only answer.  They can end up like The Debate between Trump and Biden, and  just develop tempers and a rise in voices yelling the reason the other is wrong.  You can't argue with facts. Both sides must learn the facts first; at least be exposed to them, before speaking about it and their needs now.  American Jews have not been educated in much except their yearly holidays unless they majored at college in this history.  Several PhDs, Noam Chomsky and Norman  Finkelstein,   have attacked her book, something they should have discovered and written about but instead defended the Palestinians as the underdog in their hatred and bloodshed against the Israelis.  Such people have harmed any peace process that could have developed.   If anyone has been the underdog, It has been the Jews who have prayed every day since 70 CE to have their homeland of Israel back once again, and they got it back in 1948.  


Those involved in working with either side must read Joan Peter's powerful book, FROM TIME IMMEMORIAL, THE ORIGINS OF THE ARAB-jEWISH CONFLICT OVER PALESTINE.  It's a thick book and will take some time to read.  As it states, to understand what is happening in the Middle East, one must begin with its past.  She, a newspaper reporter, not only traced to the present with the skill of the PhD professor of history by going to sources for her information, and it took time and patience.  She started with the feelings that the Palestinians had been given the sticky handle of the sucker without anything to suck, but instead learned just how wrong she had been and took Israel's side to heart. She couldn't refute her research.   Her book has a huge index. 

Palestinians see Jews as occupying their land.  It was the Jewish land of long ago, and never the land of the Palestinians.  They may have lived there since 1880 or 1881, but it wasn't  country of theirs, it was the Ottoman Empire's land, and they lost it in WWI.   

As the New York Times Book Review said, "The massive research Ms. Peters did....would have daunted Hercules.  In the course of it she turned up a great deal of interesting material from Ottoman records, the reports of Western consular officers and observant travelers and other sources.  Joan died in January 2015.  

   Hamas terrorists teaching a child to become one 

A peace plan has already been set up by the Trump Administration. I hope it meets my expectations.   In case of a change, the Democrat's Biden administration has previously said what it plans to do, such as the Vice President hopeful, Kamala Harris  has said that she has plans for helping the Palestinians, and it sounded like a more Chomsky-like view. (read below under resources).         
In 1948, David Ben-Gurion, who would become Israel's first prime minister, declared the establishment of the State of Israel as an independent homeland for the Jewish people, approximately 3,000 years after the establishment of the first Jewish commonwealth in the Holy Land.  Today it is America's most important ally in the Middle East and thrives as a unique sanctuary of democracy and liberty.  Israel follows the Western traditions of being a liberal democratic state rooted in liberty, the rule of law, free and fair elections and full civil rights for all its citizens.  Israel's Declaration of Independence guarantees "complete equality of social and political rights to all its inhabitants irrespective of religion, rce or sex."  Israel protects the rights of all its citizens, including women, minorities and members of the LGBTQ community. 


The AIPAC Briefing Book 

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