
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Surname of Goldfoot's History

 Nadene Goldfoot                                          

                             Nathan Abraham Goldfoot b: January 1, 1871, d: July 19, 1912 

                                             Nokhim Avram"Abraham" of Abram Goldfus

                                                 Telsiai, Lithuania;  Portland, Oregon, USA

Nathan immigrated from Telsiai, Lithuania in 1893, and again on 1896 and went to England.  From there he went to Dublin, Ireland and married and I believe, divorced a Lena Goldberg.  From there he went on a ship from Londonderry Port  to Winnipeg, Canada and finally was found in Council, Idaho marrying my Bubbie, Zlata Jermiulowski/e.  

My father, Maurice (Moses-Morris-Maurice) Goldfoot, lost his father to a horse and wagon accident when he was only 4 years old, and our Bubby only spoke Yiddish which I didn't, so our history was lost to us.  It wasn't until I was much older when I took up genealogy as a hobby and found out so many things about our family. 


                                  Rabbi Abraham Goldberg and Rabbi Moshe Twersky

Researchers that have helped me are Mike Posnick and British-born Rabbi Abraham Goldberg of Jerusalem.  I failed to get the information from them as to their connection to the family.  In fact, I didn't know until Goldberg, age 68 was killed in a synagogue in Jerusalem that he was a rabbi.  He, along with other rabbis were killed by a terrorist or terrorists who burst in and slaughtered them. Now I wonder if he was connected to Lena Goldberg.  He was a father of 6 children.  Our email messages just didn't give me a chance to ask more.    Without their help, I would know very little.  

 Before Nathan died, he managed to leave 4 children; Charles, Morris, Elsie and Ann who in turn left 9 children of which Charles left one son and Morris left one son to carry on the surname.  I am using my maiden name preferably over my  married name.  Some of us women are doing that today, sort of joining the Spanish custom of naming.   Morris AKA Maurice's son, David took FTDNA's  Y haplogroup test and is  QBZ67.   He has one other person who he matched with this haplotype on FTDNA after taking the BIG Y test.  

Jews were named without surnames but with their father's name such as David, son of Moses.  The governments found they needed surnames of all citizens to carry on their functions, so this became a requirement, and they posted surnames to choose from and charged money for them.  Gold is the prefix of many Jewish surnames.  Germany was the first to do this, so Goldfus was selected and became a Yiddish surname.  Yiddish is the language the German Jews were speaking, a mixture of German and Hebrew.  It spread all over the Pale of Settlement and outside as well.  Gentiles also have Goldfuss as a surname. I've found a few Jews also using that spelling.  

I've discovered that we match RASHI who had a tree back to King David of Israel.  I tested my DNA first with 23&Me, then transferred my results to Family Tree DNA (FTDNA) and finally transferred my results to GEDMatch Genesis, where most serious researchers find out more.  We belong to the Halpern and Branches group started by Andi Ziegelman and Sandy Aaronson because I matched Andi as a 3rd cousin and matched others in the group enough as well.  

 Another group, iGENEA, did a study on our surname.  That's what prompted me to write this article.  First, a little history on FTDNA, run by Bennett Greenspan who happens to be my distant cousin, another  match.  Here are their results.  

First, FamilyTreeDNA was founded based on an idea conceived by Bennett Greenspan, a lifelong entrepreneur and genealogy enthusiast. In 1999, Greenspan had entered semi-retirement and was working on his family history. He began work on his mother's Nitz lineage. When faced with a roadblock in his work, he remembered two cases of genetics being used to prove ancestry that had recently been covered by the media. These were a study by University of Arizona researchers showing that many Cohen men from both Ashkenazic and Sephardic groups share the same Y-chromosome and a study that showed that male descendants of a paternal uncle of US President Thomas Jefferson (who presumably shared his Y-chromosome) and male-line descendants of his freed slave Sally Hemings shared the same Y-chromosome and a recent common ancestry.   It was early 2000 when Greenspan with his business partners Max Blankfeld and Jim Warren officially launched FamilyTreeDNA.  I signed up in 2013.  

"FamilyTreeDNA is a division of Gene by Gene, a commercial genetic testing company based in HoustonTexas. FamilyTreeDNA offers analysis of autosomal DNAY-DNA, and mitochondrial DNA to individuals for genealogical purpose. With a database of more than two million records, it is the most popular company worldwide for Y-DNA and mitochondrial DNA, and the fourth most popular for autosomal DNA. In Europe, it is the most common also for autosomal DNA." Autosomal is the test to find people who carry some of your genes, too, meaning that you both have a common ancestor and may be anything from siblings to 5th cousins and beyond.  At FTDNA it's called the familyfinder test.  

Family Finder allows customers to match relatives as distant as about fifth cousins. Family Finder also includes a component called myOrigins. The results of this test provide percentages of a DNA associated with general regions or specific ethnic groups (e.g. Western Europe, Asia, Jewish, Native American, etc.).

I think I'm one of the first to find out about the Ashina Royal Dynasty and wrote about it when I discovered it through a Y haplogroup Test of my brother's of his match, Alfred Freddy Krupa, who belongs to this.  Alfred is an artist, teaches art and lives in Croatia.  He lived in a castle there for many years until the government ended that and evidently took it over.  His Y test also shows he is a Q and has a distance of 4 with David, but they share no DNA.  

Between 2007 and 2010, FamilyTreeDNA forged several new partnerships that allowed them to access additional international markets.  The first of FamilyTreeDNA's new partnerships was with the Switzerland-based iGENEA Company. It was formed alongside the closing of DNA-Fingerprint and Thomas Krahn's helping open the Genomic Research Center in Houston. Their website is available in English, French, German, Italian, and Spanish.

Members:  Of iGENEA



The Goldfoot surname project is attempting to find where the line originated from and what countries they have been living in. We have found two members who are Q1b haplogroup and two who are of the R1b1b2 haplogroup. They share the same surname but are not related. They both come from Germany and Bavaria. We have a 73.94% chance of having an ancestor about 600 years ago, in the 1400's. Both Q1b are related. We just found out the results of the two 67 allele tests. 4 generations ago we have a 22.83% chance of being related. 8 generations ago the percent is 67.49%. 12 generations ago is 90.53%, 16 generations ago is 97.77%, 20 generations ago is 99.54% and 24 generations ago the chance of being related goes up to 99.91%. We had a perfect match with 64 out of the 64 alleles. The mutations were in the first set of 25 alleles; one slow mutater and two fast mutaters. It is a theory that the Q1b's are both members of the Ashina Royal Dynasty. We have now found out how connected we are to other Q1b's. We had two people only match a Goldfoot at the 12 allele level, and that hasn't changed. I surmise that Goldfoot (Goldfus/fuss) was a German name first, and later was adopted by Russian Jews when they had to take surnames. That these two Russian Goldfoots are a dna match tells me their surname makes them closer than I had showed on the tests, unless they both had roots in Germany first before going to Russia


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