
Friday, October 23, 2020

Sudan, 3rd Muslim Country to Make Peace With Israel

 Nadene Goldfoot                                               

Sudan,  the 8th largest Muslim country in the Middle East, announced today officially that they have made peace with Israel.  In 2011 it was 70 % Muslim.  France had held the mandate over this country at the end of World War I.

Sudan is the country where the Muslims of the Middle East held their conference in their capital, Kartoum, called the Kartoum Conference.  There they had decided on the 3 NOs to peace of any sort.  "The Arab presence is estimated at 70% of the population. Others include North Sudan Nubians, Zurga (South and West Sudan), and Copts."Copts are also the largest Christian denomination in Sudan and Libya.                                                 

Trump said Sudan had demonstrated a commitment to battling terrorism. “This is one of the great days in the history of Sudan,” Trump said, adding that Israel and Sudan have been in a state of war for decades.

At its core, it looks like the deal is really a trade where the US gives Sudan financial help in exchange for recognizing Israel.

Update:  2/5/2021-In another show of support for the normalization deal between Israel and Sudan, a Sudanese politician boasts about the countries’ shared interests.

Sudanese economist and politician Mubarak Al-Fadil Al-Mahdi, chairman of the country’s Umma Party, said he believes that Israel is now a friend of the Arab world and that they share the same interests, specifically when it comes to the Iranian threat.

Al-Mahdi noted that Iran has infiltrated Arab countries like Syria, Lebanon, Yemen, and Iraq with its proxies, thus endangering the region.

Times are definitely changing!


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