
Sunday, October 18, 2020

Joe Biden''s Record on Israel While a Senator and Vice President

                              The Kotel (the Western Wall) in Jerusalem, the only place allowed to Jews to pray.  The Temple Mount is the place where Israel's 1st Temple was built by king Solomon of Israel, and rebuilt by returning Jews that had been held by Nebuchadnezzar of Babylonia in 538 BCE which was then destroyed by the Roman Soldiers who had occupied Jerusalem in 70 CE.                                

 Nadene Goldfoot                                           

                                             UN voting against Israel on measure 2334

Joseph Robinette Biden Jr. is an American politician who served as the 47th vice president of the United States from 2009 to 2017. A member of the Democratic Party, he served as a United States Senator for Delaware from 1973 to 2009.

Joe Biden has been in office for 36 years as Senator.  What has he done for Israel?  What's his track record?   Janet Levy of American Thinker has made a long list of things he has done against Israel in her article, "Is a Vote for Joe Biden in the Interest of American Jews?"  I've listed a few of those she had that caught my eye.                                  

     Dancing at the wall when IDF liberated Jerusalem in June 1967.  

1.His biggest error in my eye is pressuring Ukraine in 2016 to vote FOR U.N. Security Council measure 2334, which identified the Jewish quarter of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, and the Western Wall as located in "illegal occupied Palestinian territories," an affirmation that defies historical fact." 

First of all, Ukraine planned on abstaining.  Second-Israel won the war in  1967 and by doing so was able to open up Jerusalem and these places to Israelis for the first time since 1948.  Obama was president then, and this vote was on December 23, 2016, Obama's last act in getting even with Netanyahu and harming Israel. The 4 other nations, China, France, Russia and United Kingdom with veto power voted for it, but the USA abstained, passing it.   Israel has defended itself over this, and so has Professor Kontorovich, an acclaimed international law professor.  

2. Biden is afraid to condemn Black Lives Matter who may in their way think they are defending Blacks against antagonism from the Police but happen to also be anti-Semitic. 

3.  Biden has joined the Unity Task Force with Sanders who wants to reinstate the Iran nuclear deal and give Hamas terrorists of Gaza some of the US aid for Israel.  
4. Biden will go right back to policies that Obama placed on Israel, especially in the UN positions. If anyone felt paranoid, Israel should because the UN has been out to get them.   
5. Biden will open PLO mission in Washington, 
6. Rejoin Iran nuclear deal
7. Bring back Obama's Middle East Policy that favored Iran and Muslim Brotherhood (criminal group in Egypt)
8. Publicly condemns anti-Semitism while okays Linda Sarsour and others who defend Louis Farrakhan who called Jews termites and bloodsuckers as well as praised Hitler as a very great man and blames Jews for their slavery, calling Jews "deceivers" of the American people and even accuses us of 9/11/.  Why did he have more than 60 White House visits while V. President by Al Sharpton, a man who incited anti-Jewish riots in NY City in the 1990's and was heard to say, "Kill the Jews? "   It's just another form of wanting those votes.    
9. His record shows that in 1982 he threatened to cut aid to Israel if "settlements" expanded in Judea and Samaria.  He shouted and banged on the table when Begin wouldn't change his mind for him.  
10. 2010: Finds Biden upbraiding Israel for building apartments in the Jewish section of east Jerusalem.  He also opposed Netanyahu's plan to extend sovereignty over Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria in area C which is allocated to Israel according to the Oslo Accords and where Arabs have been breaking the law by building there.  What will he do in 2021 to Israel's progress if president?                        


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