
Saturday, September 12, 2020

Going Way Back in Time For Our Original Land and DNA, Part IX

Nadene Goldfoot                                       

The Torah (Old Testament in Genesis)  is describing Eden where the Garden was.  A river came from Eden to water the garden and it was divided into 4 parts; the first being Pishon that circled Havillah, where the gold was.  The 2nd river was Gilhon, circling the land of Cush (Cush is traditionally considered the eponymous ancestor of the people of the "land of Cush," an ancient territory that is believed to have been located on either side or both sides of the Red Sea. ... As such, "Cush" is alternately identified in scripture with the Kingdom of Kush or ancient Ethiopia.).  The 3rd was Hiddekel, going east of Assyria, and the 4th is the Euphrates.  So this is the Tigris and Euphrates and the city of Abraham's birth was Ur, on the Euphrates River.  This is where the Garden of Eden laid.                                                   

A researcher stated, "Now I have to disagree about Sumer(Old Babylon) being the cradle of Civilization because even the people that made Babylon progress due to the tribute of the Akkadians, Assyrians,& Amorites all migrated from Southern Arabia. Linguistic analysis and Geneology will show that the Amorites were western Saudi Arabia and The Akkadians Eastern Saudi Arabia. So that means that left the region of Somalia and Ethiopia.  

The aboriginal people of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers did not prosper until their arrival . So these nomadic tribes would of have to bring some knowledge to start their civilization in Mesopotamia. One Important fact is that Nubia was a civilization before Egypt,and Punt was Egypt's Grandfather.

Sumeria  is the earliest known civilization in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, emerging during the Chalcolithic and early Bronze Ages between the sixth and fifth millennium BCE (5,000 BCE -4,000 BCE).  It was the region of South Babylonia named after people who were not Semitic but who had migrated there in prehistoric times and founded a series of city-states.  Its culture was the basis for the Babylonian civilization and influenced the Semitic inhabitants of ACCAD .  Cush and Nimrod are connected to the Sumerian traditions.  

The Land of Punt (EgyptianPwente.png pwnt;  was an ancient kingdom. A trading partner of Ancient Egypt, it was known for producing and exporting gold, aromatic resinsblackwoodebonyivory and wild animals. The region is known from ancient Egyptian records of trade expeditions to it. It is possible that it corresponds to Opone on the Horn of Africa, as later known by the ancient Greeks, while some biblical scholars have identified it with the biblical land of Put (Libya and Morocco) or Havilah.  Havilah (Hebrew: חֲוִילָה‎ Ḥawilah) refers to both a land and people in several books of the Bible; the one mentioned in Genesis 2:10–11, saying that Havilah is where the gold is;  while the other place thought to be in Africa and mentioned in Genesis 10:7.Put is named as one of the sons of Ham:  Cush, Mizraim, Put, and Canaan.     

Akkad existed in the Babylonian period and was the northern region of the valley between the Euphrates and the Tigris Rivers, which contained Babylon, Sippar, and other important cities.   Akkad was a city of Babylonia and was mentioned in Gen. 10:10.  It is where Sargon the Great lived.  Akkadian is a Semitic language.  It was thought to be Assyrian being inscriptions in the cuneiform script were found in Assyria.  The  Akkadians were the first people to use it in writing.  Akkadian was spoken from the 4th millennium BCE and served as the language of diplomacy and commerce throughout the Middle East until the Greek conquest.  It resembles Hebrew and Aramaic in structure and vocabulary but differs from them in the derived forms of its verbs,  in the use of tenses, and syntax and in the fact that its gutturals lost their distinctive character.                                         

How far back can we humans go in recorded history?
According to the Jewish calendar, Moses was born in Egypt in 1391 BCE and died outside of Canaan somewhere in 1271 BCE.  The Naked Archaeologist, Simcha Jacobovici,  whose work I admire and agree with, names the Pharaoh that is unnamed in the Torah as Ahmose I, Pharaoh of Egypt.  He has been dated to have reigned from 1550 BCE to 1525 BCE.  Jewish and Gentile dates are off about 100 years only, figuring that Ahmose was a pharaoh at the age of 50 for starters.  Moses, the prince, could have easily had the name of Moses, taken from AhMOSE.  

Pharaohs go back to 3250 BCE to Hedju Hor.  That's 1700 years before Moses, at least using the date of Ahmose's reign.  

Midianites  were the descendants of Midian, who was a son of Abraham and his wife Keturah. "Abraham proceeded and took a wife whose name was Keturah. She bore him Zimran, and Jokshan, Medan, Midian, Ishbak, and Shuah." (Genesis 25:1–2, (Tanakh).  Midianites were a Beduin tribe related to Abraham (Gen.25:2) so they could have come Westward with Abraham from Ur, or perhaps even sooner.  Its members traveled with caravans of incense from Gilead to Egypt, and later to other countries  Moses fled from Pharaoh to Midian and married the daughter of Jethro there.   At the end of the desert period, the princes of Midian cooperated with Moab against Israel (Num.21:29). 

In 1921, the area was detached from the original plan under the Palestine Mandate and put under the rule of ABDULLAH(1882-1951) the 2nd son of Hussein, sherif of Mecca from Saudi Arabia.  Britain allowed this to happen.
Moab today is Southern Jordan (Transjordan).  They were the kinfolk to the Israelites as they were traditionally descended, like the Ammonites, from Lot (Gen.19:37).  Their language was akin to biblical Hebrew.  They settled in their land which had been captured from the Rephaim ( ancient people inhabiting Transjordania in the ti;me of Abraham (Gen.14:5).  Some of them apparently settled near Jerusalem in the "Valley of Rephaim" or Emim (Deut 2:10-11) during the patriarchal era.  

Ammonites were an ancient people of Ammon in Transjordan.  Their capital was Rabbath Ammon, and today is known  as  Amman, Arabic ʿAmmān, biblical Hebrew Rabbath Ammon, ancient Greek Philadelphia, capital and largest city of Jordan, still the capital.  It is the residence of the king and the seat of government. .  They too, were a Semitic tribe that were related to the Israelites (Gen.  19:38).  Their main period of development was the 13th to 8th centuries BCE.  After that, they declined, being eventually absorbed into Arab tribes.  

After the Israelites occupied Canaan, they were frequently attacked by the Ammonites who suffered defeats at the hands of Jephthah and Saul.  David annexed their kingdom but they regained their independence and attacked Judah several times ((II Chron 20:27:5:  II Kings 24:2).   

Canaan was the name for Syria in the 15th to 13th centuries BCE.  It is also applied to the coast of what was called Palestine after 135 CE.and before that, Eretz Yisrael or Judah and Israel.  Before the Israeli conquest with Moses leading and Joshua having to finish the Exodus in 1271 BCE,  the country was divided into small city- states.  The Israelites called the land Eretz Yisrael (The Land of Israel) and the northern part Aram (ie Syria).  

The Canaanites who lived in Canaan traditionally descended from Canaan, son of Ham, son of Noah.  They were divided into 11 groups of people who occupied the area between the Nile and the Euphrates (Gen 10:15-19).  By origin, they appear to have been a mixture of Horites, Hittites, and Hebrews, dating back to the Hyksos period (17th century) when Egypt was invaded and the ruled by this group of Semites after the destruction of the Middle Kingdom of Egypt.  Hyksos ruled in Egypt from 1720 BCE to 1580 BCE and during this period, the Children of Israel entered the country of Egypt and were favorably treated.  The period of bondage is believed to have begun after the expulsion of the Hyksos.  The word-Hyksos is apparently Egyptian, meaning "rulers of the foreign lands"

The Hyksos ruler, Manetho, thought it meant "shepherd kings," and used it for a name for his people.  

Horites originated South of the Caucasian mountains who invaded Syria and Eretz Yisrael in the 17th cent BCE.  They fused Akkadian mythology with their own tradition and were responsible for transmitting Sumer-Akkadian culture to the Hittites.  They lived near Mt. Seir in Abraham's time but their territory was conquered by the Edomites. (Gen  14:6; 36:20-30;  Deut 2:12,22).  Egyptian documents from the 16th cent call Eretz Yisrael as "Haru" when before it had been known as "Rutenu."  Scholars have identified the Haru with the Horites and believe that they were pushed back by the Amorites and Canaanites to the Mt. Seir region whence they were later driven by the Edomites.  

Edomites  were also Semites who come from Edom or Idumea, as it is also called. They were the descendants of Esau, twin brother of Isaac, son of Abraham.   They lived in the territory of Mt. Seir which had a mountainous terrain and was easily fortified.  It was also fertile land.  It lay south of the Dead Sea and bordered the Red Sea at Elath and Ezion Geber.  Esau was a hunter and so were the Edomites.  Isaac wasn't, remember?  They dispossessed the Horite inhabitants of Seir and organized themselves along tribal lines headed by a chieftain which later turned into a monarchy.  Their traditional enemies were the Israelites, so we still see the battle between Esau and Isaac being played out in this generation.  They continued to be enemies until they were unknowns in history.  

Amorites  are mentioned in the Torah several times.  They were settled on both sides of the Jordan River, and especially in mountainous regions.  Moses had to conquer 2 Amorite kingdoms: Heshbon and Bashan. At that time they were no longer a pure West Semitic element but mixed with other  strains in Israel, especially with the Horites and Hittites.  They were the people who lived in Canaan before the Israelite conquest. They made up the whole population of Canaan  and were annihilated or assimilated by the Israelites.  From the middle of the 2nd millennium BCE (1948 BCE) there was an Amorite state in central and southern Syria incorporating the Lebanese Mountains and important harbor towns.  It constituted an important link between Egypt and Mesopotamia and, after a long struggle between Egypt and the Hittite kingdom, and was annexed to the latter.  THE WAYS OF THE AMORITE is a term applied in rabbinic and medieval literature to folk-practices alien to the spirit of Judaism.  

Mesopotamia (Iraq) Before this land became Iraq, it was known as Babylonia, so I shall go there.  
Babylonia during the days of the Torah was called Shinar or of the Kasdim (Chaldees), like Ur of Kasdim or Ur of Chaldees.  Babylonia was called the cradle of humanity and the scene of Man's first revolt against G-d with the story of the Tower of Babel when all men spoke in the same tongue.  We have the history of Abraham born in Ur migrating to Canaan where he later fought Amraphel, king of Shinar (Gen 14)  Amraphel has been identified with the great Babylonian lawgiver, Hammurabi, but this seems unlikely now.  

Babylon was to the prophets a symbol of insolent pagan tyranny.  Their great and well known leader was Nebuchadnezzar II (604-562) BCE who inherited the Assyrian Empire and after his conquest of Judah from 597-586 BCE.  He was victorious over the Assyrian-Egyptian alliance at Carchemish in 605 BCE and conquered all the lands from the Euphrates to the Egyptian frontier, including Judah.  In 597 BCE, after Judah revolted, he dispatched contingents which captured Jerusalem, and replaced the young king Jehoiachin with his own nominee, Zedekiah, and exiled 8,000 of the Jewish aristocracy to Babylon.  

Goddess Nintinugga, her dog and a scorpion man from kudurru of Nebuchadnezzar granting Sitti-Marduk freedom from taxation, found in the British Museum.  The reign of this  dynasty of Isin was from 1125 BCE to 1104 BCE.  (A goddess to free one from taxes;  how clever so long ago!)  

There was a Nebuchadnezzar I, then.  The name is from the Babylonian Nabu-kudurri-ussur.  
Nebuchadnezzar I or Nebuchadrezzar I, r. c. 1125–1104 BC, was the fourth king of the Second Dynasty of Isin and Fourth Dynasty of Babylon. He ruled for 22 years according to the Babylonian King List C, and was the most prominent monarch of this dynasty.  He is unrelated to his later namesake, Nabû-kudurrī-uṣur II, who has come to be known by the Hebrew form of his name “Nebuchadnezzar.” Consequently, it is anachronistic but not inappropriate to apply this designation retroactively to the earlier king, as he does not make an appearance in the Bible. He is misidentified in the Chronicle Concerning the Reign of Šamaš-šuma-ukin as the brother of Širikti-šuqamuna probably in place of Ninurta-kudurrῑ-uṣur I. 

He succeeded his father, Ninurta-nādin-šumi, and was succeeded in turn by his son Enlil-nādin-apli, brother Marduk-nādin-aḫḫē and then nephew Marduk-šāpik-zēri, the only members of this family known to have reigned during the dynasty.

According to the Torah, our genealogy was already known to be thusly: Noah had 3 sons:  Shem, who we came from;  Ham, and Japheth.  From these 3 came the first 70 people from whom humanity was derived.   The Babylonian Gilgamesh epic contains a parallel flood story, the hero of which is called Utnapishtim.  Many midrashic legends were woven around the story of Noah.  
We did not come from chimpanzees, though that was one of the many types
created.  Almost all (99.9%) of nucleotide bases of our DNA are exactly the same in all people, 97% are the same as the chimpanzee's.  2% of my DNA
is from Neanderthal ancestors.  I have 61% more Neanderthal genes than the other customers of 23&Me, where I tested.  One way I show this is my bad sense of direction.  Another is my fear of heights.  

Humans, specifically the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens, proceeded to colonize all the continents and larger islands, arriving in Eurasia 125,000–60,000 years ago, Australia around 40,000 years ago, the Americas around 15,000 years ago, and remote islands such as Hawaii, Easter IslandMadagascar, and New Zealand between the years 300 and 1280.  

Until about 12,000 years ago (the beginning of the Holocene), all humans lived as hunter-gatherers, generally in small nomadic groups known as band societies, often in caves.
The Neolithic Revolution (the invention of agriculture) took place beginning about 10,000 years ago, (8000 BCE) first in the Fertile Crescent, spreading through large parts of the Old World over the following millennia, and independently in Mesoamerica about 6,000 years ago. Access to food surplus led to the formation of permanent human settlements, the domestication of animals and the use of metal tools for the first time in history.
Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Egypt,
parts of Turkey, Cyprus and Iran are the Fertile Crescent. 

The Fertile Crescent:  is a crescent-shaped region in the Middle East, spanning modern-day Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Israel,  Jordan, Egypt, together with the southeastern region of Turkey and the western fringes of Iran. Some authors also include Cyprus.

Abraham's family must have been in Ur for many generations before he moved.  We know that humans started in Africa and moved out in stages through the Far East and on into the Middle East.  An Ashkenazi Cohen's dna, Mr. Hochfeld,  showed Western Eurasian admixture all the way on his profile on, and Abraham would have been a J1 (Cohen).    West Eurasia is Europe and the Middle East. Historians sometimes add North Africa to West Eurasia because the Sahara Desert divides North Africa from the other parts of Africa and it is as difficult to cross as a sea. 

Read more:
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia,mentioned%20in%20Genesis%2010%3A7.,and%20Punt%20was%20Egypt's%20Grandfather.*****

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