
Monday, September 14, 2020

Back to the Past: A Part of Our Genealogy

Nadene Goldfoot                                         
Sumer is the earliest known civilization in the historical region of southern Mesopotamia, emerging during the Chalcolithic and early Bronze Ages between the sixth and fifth millennium BCE or 5000-4000 BCE.  Terah and Abram left Ur because of idolatry and the practice of human sacrifice.  Human sacrifice was a rare practice among the cultures of ancient Mesopotamia. Our best-sourced occurrences are the archaeological remains from the royal death pits at Early Dynastic Ur (c. 2600–2450 BCE) and textual records of the substitute king ritual that was practised at least from the early second millennium BCE down to the time of Alexander the Great.   Abram was from the second millennium BCE. It is also recorded in Genesis about the sacrifice of Isaac that was prevented so as never to be done again.                                               

In tracing our roots before such times as living in Ur, which only goes back to 5,000 BCE, one remembers the stories of Atlantis, a country 9,000 years before Plato's days.  Atlantis is a fictional island mentioned in an allegory on the hubris of nations in Plato's works Timaeus and Critias, where it represents the antagonist naval power that besieges "Ancient Athens", the pseudo-historic embodiment of Plato's ideal state in The Republic.  Plato lived from (424-348 BCE).  Athens is the capital of Greece. It was also at the heart of Ancient Greece, a powerful civilization and empire. The city is still dominated by 5th-century BCE landmarks, including the Acropolis, a hilltop citadel topped with ancient buildings like the colonnaded Parthenon temple. The Acropolis Museum, along with the National Archaeological Museum, preserves sculptures, vases, jewelry and more from Ancient Greece.

" The founders of Atlantis  were half god and half human. They created a utopian civilization and became a great naval power. Their home was made up of concentric islands separated by wide moats and linked by a canal that penetrated to the center. The lush islands contained gold, silver, and other precious metals and supported an abundance of rare, exotic wildlife. There was a great capital city on the central island."

In the story, Athens repels the Atlantean attack unlike any other nation of the known world, supposedly bearing witness to the superiority of Plato's concept of a state. The story concludes with Atlantis falling out of favor with the deities and submerging into the Atlantic Ocean

A number of scholars investigated the possible inspiration of Atlantis from Egyptian records of the Thera eruption, the Sea Peoples invasion, or the Trojan War. Others have rejected this chain of tradition as implausible and insist that Plato created an entirely fictional account, drawing loose inspiration from contemporary events such as the failed Athenian invasion of Sicily in 415–413 BCE or the destruction of Helike in 373 BCE. Plato's vague indications of the time of the events—more than 9,000 years before his timeand the alleged location of Atlantis—"beyond the Pillars of Hercules"—has led to much pseudoscientific speculation. As a consequence, Atlantis has become a byword for any and all supposed advanced prehistoric lost civilizations and continues to inspire contemporary fiction, from comic books to films.
During the early first century, the Hellenistic Jewish philosopher Philo wrote about the destruction of Atlantis in his On the Eternity of the World, xxvi. 141, in a longer passage allegedly citing Aristotle's successor Theophrastus:
... And the island of Atalantes [translator's spelling; original: "Ἀτλαντίς"] which was greater than Africa and Asia, as Plato says in the Timaeus, in one day and night was overwhelmed beneath the sea in consequence of an extraordinary earthquake and inundation and suddenly disappeared, becoming sea, not indeed navigable, but full of gulfs and eddies.

The clairvoyant Edgar Cayce spoke frequently of Atlantis and during his "life readings" he claimed that many of his subjects were reincarnations of people who had lived there. By tapping into their collective consciousness, the "Akashic Records" (a term borrowed from Theosophy), he declared that he was able to give detailed descriptions of the lost continent. He also asserted that Atlantis would "rise" again in the 1960s (sparking much popularity of the myth in that decade) and that there is a "Hall of Records" beneath the Egyptian Sphinx which holds the historical texts of Atlantis.
Santorini is a huge volcanic caldera (Credit: Nikos Pavlakis/Alamy Stock Photo)

Most of the historically proposed locations are in or near the Mediterranean Sea: islands such as Sardinia, CreteSantorini (Thera), SicilyCyprus, and Malta; land-based cities or states such as Troy, Tartessos, and Tantalis (in the province of ManisaTurkey); Israel-Sinai or Canaan; and northwestern Africa. 
Atlantis could have been based on another event.  "About 3,600 years ago, a massive volcanic eruption devastated the island of Santorini in the Aegean Sea near Greece. "Myths are largely event-based, in that they are triggered to a large part by an event, or combination of events, that catastrophically impact society," says Bruce Masse, an environmental archaeologist.  "If you are talking about 10,000 years you are really talking about 300 to 400 generations,"  Nicholas Reid,  a linguist at the University of New England in Australia. says. "The idea that you can transmit anything over 400 generations is extraordinary."

At the time, a highly advanced society of Minoans lived on Santorini. The Minoan civilization disappeared suddenly at about the same time as the volcanic eruption."  The Minoan civilization was a Bronze Age Aegean civilization on the island of Crete and other Aegean Islands, flourishing from c. 3000 BC to c. 1450 BC until a late period of decline, finally ending around 1100 BC.  Abraham lived in the 2nd millennium BCE or c.1948 BCE.  

The Early Bronze Age (3500 to 2100 BCE) has been described as indicating a "promise of greatness" in light of later developments on the island. The Bronze Age began on Crete around 3200 BC. In the late third millennium BC, several locations on the island developed into centers of commerce and handiwork, enabling the upper classes to exercise leadership and expand their influence. It is likely that the original hierarchies of the local elites were replaced by monarchies, a precondition for the palaces.

The days of Atlantis were to happen before known civilizations.  Going back further, we come to the Copper Age.  The Chalcolithic period, or Copper Age, was an era of transition between the stone tool-using farmers of the Neolithic and the metal-obsessed civilizations of the Bronze Age. The Copper Age was really a phenomenon of the eastern Mediterranean regions, and occurred from roughly 3500 to 2300 BCE.

I must go back to the Stone Age.  The Stone Age was a broad prehistoric period during which stone was widely used to make tools with an edge, a point, or a percussion surface. The period lasted for roughly 3.4 million years, and ended between 8700 BCE and 2000 BCE, with the advent of metalworking.

"The oldest indirect evidence found of stone tool use is fossilised animal bones with tool marks; these are 3.4 million years old and were found in the Lower Awash Valley in Ethiopia. Archaeological discoveries in Kenya in 2015, identifying what may be the oldest evidence of hominin use of tools known to date, have indicated that Kenyanthropus platyops (a 3.2 to 3.5-million-year-old Pliocene hominin fossil discovered in Lake Turkana, Kenya in 1999) may have been the earliest tool-users known."
We humans (homo sapiens)  "used fire and occupied much of EurasiaHomo sapiens (sometimes also known as "modern humans") are thought to have diverged in Africa from an earlier hominin around 300,000 years ago, with the earliest fossil evidence of Homo sapiens also appearing around 300,000 years ago in Africa. Humans began to exhibit evidence of behavioral modernity at least by about 100,000–70,000 years ago.Abram lived only about 4,000 years ago or in 1948 BCE.  He was like a modern man as far as time goes. Our Biblical records go back to the year 5781 which today is 2020 or 3761 BCE to a time we can say that homo sapiens were more cognizant like they are today, with better developed brains.  

"As with the wheel, cities and law codes, the earliest examples of written literature appear to have originated in ancient Mesopotamia. The Sumerian civilization first developed writing around 3400 BCE., when they began making markings on clay tablets in a script known as cuneiform.  From this I deduce that it's possible that Moses was keeping track of the Exodus on that 40 year trek using a form of Egyptian cuniform or maybe even the Sumerian style.  At any rate it was an early form of Hebrew."  The alphabet came out of the cuniform.  


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