
Thursday, September 17, 2020

A Palestinian State Next Door To Israel?

 Nadene Goldfoot                                               

    Picture taken several years ago of the Palestinians uniting as one Palestine.  They all look like Hamas Palestinians. They've had many  disagreements since then and remain apart.  The problem is fighting for supreme power.  

One of the provisions in having the Abraham Peace Accords is to look forward to having a state of Palestine for the Palestinians.  This is a wonderful event and I am thankful to be alive to see it happen, but there are things that people have not been psychologically ready to look at.  Here are the hard facts.  

Gaza Palestinians starting fires in Israel with kites carrying fire
Israel has been getting a taste of what a state called Palestine will be like that Europe and the USA are championing for, and it's not a pretty picture.  Gaza is the example.  

Rockets are still being shot into Israel to this very day.  Israel bent over backwards for the Palestinian Arabs who turned around and chose Hamas, the fighting force of the Palestine Authority, for their leader, and now have been ruled by Hamas, who are terrorists, plain and clear, not neighborly folks at all!                                  

Mahmoud Abbas, born November 15 1935, almost 85 years old.  He is also known by the kunya Abu Mazen, is the President of the State of Palestine and Palestinian National Authority. He has been the Chairman of the Palestine Liberation Organization since 11 November 2004, and Palestinian president since 15 January 2005. He's from the party of Fatah.  Fatah was the fighting group of the PLO at one time.  

Let's look at Abbas, the leader of the Palestinian Authority who maintain residence in Judea and Samaria.  What does Israel have to look forward to as a "good neighbor?"  Abbas was elected in 2005 and was thought to be a "moderate".  He has repeatedly cancelled elections, and remains in office  more than a decade beyond the end of his term.  He does not allow freedom of speech, the right to assembly, or a change in religion.  Critics of his regime are jailed or, even executed at will.  Women' rights are a slight improvement over those in Gaza, but honor killings and other abuses remain common and gays are persecuted based on Koranic prohibitions forbidding homosexuality.                          

                               Hamas in Gaza

Abbas was also thought of as secular, but has become radicalized over the years and openly repeats radical Islamists.  In July 2014, for example, he explicitly said the war with Israel is a "war for Allah," a remark that set off renewed attacks by Palestinians against Jews in Jerusalem. Is this why they have said "NO" to every Israeli offer since 1967?  

The world's obsessive focus on Israeli settlements has allowed Abbas and the leaders of Hamas to oppress their people with impunity.  Human rights organizations and Western governments have turned a blind eye to their abuses and rather than hold them to account, they have been encouraged to continue their undemocratic behavior.  


            Fatah joining in with Hamas in fighting against Israel

  Ismail Haniya  born 29 January 1962) is a senior political leader of Hamas and formerly one of two disputed Prime Ministers of the Palestinian National Authority. Haniyeh became prime minister after Hamas won the Palestinian legislative elections of 2006President Mahmoud Abbas dismissed Haniyeh from office on 14 June 2007 at the height of the Fatah–Hamas conflict, but Haniyeh did not acknowledge the decree and continued to exercise prime ministerial authority in the Gaza Strip. In September 2016, reports indicated Haniyeh would replace Khaled Meshaal as Chief of Hamas's Political Bureau.   He was elected as Hamas political chief on 6 May 2017. 

Hamas Terrorists

In August 2006, on his first visit abroad as prime minister to Iran, Haniyeh said: "We will never recognize the usurper Zionist government and will continue our jihad-like movement until the liberation of Jerusalem". In December 2010, Haniyeh stated at a news conference in Gaza that "We accept a Palestinian state on the borders of 1967, with Jerusalem as its capital, the release of Palestinian prisoners, and the resolution of the issue of refugees." In addition, he said that if the Palestinian electorate approves such a peace agreement with Israel, his government will abide by it notwithstanding previous Hamas positions on the issue.

                Tunnels dug by Hamas to sneak in weapons.

In a speech broadcast on Al-Aqsa TV on 23 March 2014 (the tenth anniversary of the assassination of Sheik Ahmad Yassin), Haniyeh stated (as translated by MEMRI): "Out of deprivation, we shall establish the balance of terror. Out of the ruins, we shall rock Tel Aviv. [With] our bare hands, we shall dig into the rock and do the impossible." The crowd immediately responded (as translated by Al Monitor), "Move forward Hamas, move! We are the cannon and you are the bullets. … Oh Qassam, our beloved, bombard Tel Aviv.


One of the assumptions of supporters of the 2-state solution in the West is that a Palestinian state will be democratic.  These are the descendants of Palestinians who ran from Israel on the orders of their Arab leadership who told them to leave because their army was coming and would kill the Jews.  Then they could take over their homes!  They freely went into  camps run by the PLO and Arab state, used like a chess game is played, pawns for ammunition used against the new emerging Israel.  They have been fed lies all their life, and a few are just now realizing this, I hope. 


                  All of Israel is in the plans as Palestine
Given that no democratic Arab states exist in the Middle East, it is illogical to believe a Palestinian state would be any different.  Look at Abbas's record!  All evidence to this point suggests that a Palestinian state would be  yet another autocratic one that denies its people human and civil rights that Americans take for granted.  Worse yet,  it is likely that a Palestinian state will become an autocratic theocracy similar to Saudi Arabia or another radical Islamic regime modeled after Iran like ISIS !   These are people whose past record in even paying their electric bill to Israel has been a failure!  

United Arab Emirates and Bahrain are not Democratic states.  Their example of rule is with a king in power.  Yet they are not bombarding their neighbors and are living peacefully.  Evidently it can happen.  Gaza is not like that.  We must keep this in mind.

Putting aside the threat of a radical Islamic state on Israel's border, the threat to the liberties of Palestinians are also at stake if the Palestinians are allowed to create another Sharia-based state.  Such an entity already exists in the Gaa Strip where Hamas rules according to its interpretation of Islam and already resembles Iran in its treatment of women and persecution of Christians.  


Those who believe in a 2-state solution, and lament the possibility it has become less likely, should direct their criticism at the Palestinians' growing radicalism, which threatens the well-being of their own people and the security of Israel.  


(Itamar Marcus, "Abbas Calls forWar for Allah," Palestine Media Watch, July 27, 2014). Update: 9/23/2020

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