
Sunday, September 6, 2020

!0 Miracles Trump and Jared Kushner Helped to Bring About Plus the Abraham Accords and Mistakes Made

 Nadene Goldfoot                  
Updated 1/20/21                    

Trump was the opposition to Hillary.  He was able to accomplish much for Israel, more than any other previous president. He had the guidance of Jared Kushner.   These steps were very important to Israelis.  

1.  The “recognition of Israel’s capital, Jerusalem.
2. Opening the American Embassy in Jerusalem
3.  Recognizing Israeli sovereignty over the Golan Heights.” These were key decisions made between December 2017 and March 2019.
4. Changed US policy on Israeli communities in the West Bank,  
5. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has given Israel clear support for operations against Iran’s presence in Syria and elsewhere.
6. Numerous high-level military visits have taken place to Israel in recent months, including the visit of Centcom chief Gen. Kenneth McKenzie as well as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Gen. Mark Milley and Air Force commander Gen. David Goldfein, who all came in November. And the Deputy Chief of the IDF General Staff Maj.-Gen. Eyal Zamir visited the US in mid-December. 
7. He also appears to see Israel as one of America’s key and reliable allies, having not mentioned many other countries positively in the letter.
8. Unprecedentedly pro-Israel policy moves, such as quitting the Iran nuclear deal                                                       
9.  U.S. decision effectively backing Israel’s building of settlements in the occupied West Bank, long awaited.   Labourers work in a construction site in the Israeli settlement of Ramat Givat Zeev in Judea-Samaria November 19, 2019. It is five kilometers northwest of Jerusalem. The town was founded in 1977 on the site of the abandoned Jordanian military camp, adjacent to the site of ancient Gibeon.  Israel won this land after war of 67 so had to wait 50 years to avoid condemnation to build needed apartments.  
10.  His peace treaty is bearing fruit with the leadership of son-in-law Jared Kushner in making peace with United Arab Emirates who may be followed up with their associates.  This comes from Trump's making friends with Saudi Arabia.    Abraham Accords have brought 4 countries to the peace table to date.                                                                           
                           Mistakes with Israel

1. Decision to stand aside as Turkey sends troops into Syria and fights Kurds allied with Washington has some Israelis wondering whether they too might eventually pay a price for his impatience with Middle East engagements. Kurds were helping to fight against ISIS.  They were friends of Israel; and our closest match of DNA.  This was a shock. 
2. Israel has had to put off annexation plans of area C, their part since the Oslo Accords, of Judea-Samaria, from pressure in Washington, etc.  "Israeli settlers in the West Bank, many of whom live in areas that Israel hopes to annex as part of the deal devised by Washington."  Between Covid 19 and the new peace arrangement with UAE, it is on the table but no one is serving it.   The pair "do not have Israel's security and settlement interests in mind. All they care about in this outline is promoting their own interests ahead of the upcoming election,” he added, appearing to refer to the U.S. presidential election, say some people needing Israel's protection there that would be provided through the annexation.   
3. Any plans involving Jerusalem's status of today; Israel's undivided capital.  This is sacrosanct to Israelis.  Never again shall it be divided or out of Israel's hands.  (G-d willing).  This would be a terrible mistake.  

None of us are perfect.  Weigh what is important to you, somebody that promises a lot and is a slick speaker or someone who is a doer, a work horse, a workaholic who gets things accomplished.  Netanyahu had to do just this; to cede territory so precious as area C , Jewish towns in Judea-Samaria or not mess with peace with Arabs. He of course chose peace.  Saving a life always comes first.   Trump has many faults; constant messaging; sending of tweets; ignorance of science; preference of votes over knowledge; Whatever your yardstick for measurement is, look at all sides.  This is going to be a hard election for both the candidates and the voters.   

Of course, Trump lost the election but it was extremely close, so close that a riot occurred two weeks ago with extremists storming Congress and entering; destroying as much as possible as they entered.  The nation is shook with such a shock to our Democracy.  Unfortunately, this impulsiveness, come about from the shock of losing, I imagine, will destroy a record of good works, especially for Israel's sake, as well as his own nation of the USA.  Trump will be remembered now, as people are shouting, the worst President on record, impeached twice.  Now the capitol is surrounded by more National Guard than has been in Afghanistan and elsewhere on this very day of inauguration of Joe Biden as president.    

Title Edit: 1/20/21
Resource:  From my previous blog; Continuous Russian Probe-

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