
Saturday, August 8, 2020

Tehran's Revolutionary Guard's First Attacks Against Christians

Nadene Goldfoot                                                 
Clothing of typical Iranian Muslim women, the Chador
             Iran is the 6th highest populated country in the world of about 76,923,300 in 2011 or which 98% were Muslims made up of Shi'a and Jafari, and is a stated Islamic state with a military power of 545,000. They
have been trying to penetrate into Israel, and sniping continues.  
It can be heard across the border into Israel.   
A Christian woman being warned by Muslim woman about her clothing;
All are required to wear the black Chador like herself.
You know something is brewing when Iran suddenly turns against its minority group, Christians,  living in Tehran, its capital.  Usually it's the Jews first turned against in any given situation, but there are very few living here now if any.  So the Christians are next in line. Christians are growing in number today in Iran.   “A very conservative estimate puts the number of Christians in Iran at 100,000.  The generally-accepted estimate is 370,000. Some believe there are 700,000, some over a million.”    
Jews in Tehran synagogue in 2015
According to some news outlets, there are thousands of Jews living   in  Iran today and they feel safe and are happy, but I can't believe this.  "Iran is home to the Middle East's largest Jewish population outside of Israel. While they are free to worship, they face some limitations."  Before the Revolution when the King was ousted, there were 100,000-150,000 Jews living in Iran.  Afterwards, there were on 12,000-15,000 thousand Jews left.  I imagine most were older people that stayed.  
My own cousin married an escapee from Iran who left on a camel over 20 years ago at about age 16, and today is a doctor in New Jersey.  It's a long story.  If any Jew said what they thought, they would also be rounded up and never heard from again, I'm sure.  This is the country who wants to kill all Jews who brought about the state of Israel. 

Iranian-born broadcaster Rani Amrani of Israel's Farsi-language RadioRan explains why the Jewish community in Iran, one of the oldest in the Middle East, is "sitting on a powder keg."  Some, like Ariel Gold, are very leftist, being against Zionism and the establishment of Israel.  She likes her own religion of Judaism, however, but being Iranian, can't seem to make the connection, even through her Torah. Brain-washed or frightened, or just plain leftist, runs her thinking in dealing with her environment.   
The Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps is a branch of the Iranian Armed Forces, founded after the Iranian Revolution on 22 April 1979 by order of Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

Intelligence agents from Iran's Revolutionary Guard were raiding homes of Christians last month which Mohabat News reported. This occurred in the Sadeghiyeh district of Tehran Tuesday evening, June 30th, 2020.  One of those arrested was a 46 year old woman, Malihe Nazari, married with 2 sons age 22 and 15.  At least 12 other Christians were arrested in the same operation which went on to Wednesday morning.  Karaj and Matayer cities were also in the raid; making 13 Christians taken in the raid.  
Evin Prison in Tehran, Iran 

Malihe is a member of a women's only house-church known as "Yek Delaan" or "One Heart"which has dozens of middle-aged women belonging.  Malihe's house was searched and some of her personal belongings were taken, including her computer, mobile phone and many books.  The agents told her family that she would be taken to Evin Prison.  

Her husband and sons went to visit her the next day but found Malihe's name on the list of detainees but weren't able to see her.  The next day she was able to make a brief call home to say that she was all right.  Her oldest son is ill, battling cancer for the past 2 years.  

.Resource: from 2011
JBS, TV news. 

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