
Friday, August 21, 2020

Out of This World Wisdom : Judges and Officers in All Your Cities

Nadene Goldfoot

"Judges and officers in all your cities"                                                                         

The Torah, the 1st 5 Books of Moses, was written down by Moses during his 40 year trek from age 80 to 120 from Egypt to Canaan's boundary.  He in turn had been receiving information to write from G-d, like a radio receiver.  At least this is how we understand his wisdom that has lasted all these over 3,000 years, for how could one man from such an ancient age, have been so wise?  This is our tradition in that he received all the information  for him to write down that we call the WRITTEN LAW for it first was received on Mt. Sinai which he had to climb alone.  He was also given information there we call the ORAL LAW.  Included in this Oral Law was every exposition of this Law, including the entire talmudic literature and commentaries.  

This week's portion for us to read is exceedingly amazing.  It is found in Deuteronomy 21: 1-2)  at the end with exact instructions for all of us about what to do in Eretz Yisrael, land G-d told us to possess, and that is why it is so special to us:  that if you find a dead body in a field, and you don't know who killed him or how he was killed, you, the police and judges shall find out all about it.  This is a responsibility of the community.  
Example:  The Chinese ambassador to Israel was found dead in his apartment in Israel in May, 2020.  Du Wei had been found dead in his apartment north of Tel Aviv, an Israeli official told BBC News.  The official said Israeli police had launched an investigation but initial findings suggested no foul play.  Mr Du, 57, was appointed ambassador in February, having previously served as envoy to Ukraine.  The ambassador was married and had a son but his family had still to join him in Israel.  He was living in Herzliya, some 10km north of Tel Aviv.  Israel's Channel 12 TV, quoting unnamed medical sources, said initial indications were that Mr Du had died in his sleep of natural causes.  Upon arrival the man self-isolated himself due to COVID 19.
He was suffering from being from China and the accusations he was receiving. 

Du Wi, ambassador to Israel from China 
Tourists in Israel
We were founded on justice and compassion, responsibilities and privileges to care for everyone.  All of us;  our president or king, the Supreme Court and pundits or newspaper headlines need to be concerned  about the strangers in our land and their welfare.  
Black Jew, Druze, Christian and Muslim Israeli citizens all in IDF.
Israel Defence Force

This should even include the minorities in our land as well.  

This is pretty much common-place for us today, but one must realize that Moses 's life span was from 1391-1271 BCE,   at least about 3,391 years ago.  Our brains have developed with each new revelation over the years, adding on more dendrites as they use their brains more, and at different levels.  We all didn't figure out how to get to the moon, but a few of us did, called scientists, did because of wondrous abilities of math and science.   I do accept the fact that we arrived here with elements of Neanderthal DNA in our homo sapien bodies, but not that we stemmed from apes.  There were many trials of creating man, and apes were one that stayed as apes, and our branch was a little different from those that weren't acceptable, and which died out, with Neanderthals having intermixed enough with us to leave their DNA, and another group, Denisovians,  as well from the same time-span, or later.  Today we improve our own brains by using them more, studying, figuring out problems, challenging them.  This in turn can affect and be passed on to our descendants, giving them a head-start.  
Cohens at the Temple 
What's amazing about this small portion of Torah is that it speaks of an unsolved murder and an axed heifer.  The leaders in the community nearest the corpse must take  a special heifer and kill it with an axe that hits the back of its neck, and this act must be done in  a valley.  A Cohen must be nearby for they were responsible of ministering to the people, teaching them on how to be with every grievance and every plague.  They were the teachers of the Torah.  Somebody wasn't listening to them.  

A heifer is a young female cow that has not born a calf yet.  
The leaders of that community must approach the heifer and wash their hands over the dead heifer and then swear that they didn't kill the heifer or see who did it.  They were not to have any murders happen. Killing is one of the 10 commandments we are not to do.   If people do what is right, it should not happen.  They were to atone for the citizens that they just redeemed in this way. To do that, they now also were expected to find the killer.   

In reality, they were all murdering a heifer, for this was was something that also was not allowed.  To kill a cow for meat, the kosher law had to be followed, and this was not anything like it.  So these leaders were all guilty of murder now.
                                                         This was quite a role-playing lesson for the leaders of this community in that they couldn't let murderers get by but needed a way of finding killers and prosecuting them.  This happened in the time of human sacrifice, so needed a role-playing lesson.  It is a hard portion to understand, and most people may have just scanned through without understanding.  
The Tair Rada Murder Case in 2006 in Golan Heights, Israel
as yet unsolved sufficiently
"In December 2006, 13-year-old Tair Rada of Katzrin, (Jewish town in Golan Heights) reportedly decided to skip the last period of that school day. She stayed outside in the schoolyard with friends for a while, before going back into the building to get a drink of water. She was last seen by several students going up a staircase leading to a mid-floor of 10th grade classes. Later that afternoon, when she failed to return home, her mother contacted the police, and a search began. That evening around 7 p.m., she was found murdered in a locked stall in the girls' bathroom—her throat slit twice and multiple additional cuts to her face, torso, and hands.                             
Tair's high school

According to news reports from the evening of the murder, the police's initial estimate was that classmates were involved. This theory was dismissed soon thereafter. On the night of the murder, police detained a homeless person as a suspect. Three days later police detained the school gardener as well. Both were released two days later due to the fact they weren't at or near the school on that day and their alibis were confirmed.
Tair Rada, 13 year old in 10th grade
murdered in her school's girls' bathroom

The surname, RADA, Rada or de Rada (the latter of possibly Spanish and Catalan: topographic name from rada 'natural bay'. .origin) is a surname that is Sephardic. There are many notable people with the surname.
On December 11, police detained and interrogated Zadorov. On December 19, 2 weeks after the murder, police announced in a press conference during prime time television, on the 8 p.m. evening news, that Roman Zadorov, a maintenance man, is held as the most likely suspect and that he had admitted and reenacted the murder. A day later, his attorney informed that he had recanted his confession.
The motive for the murder, as initially stated by the police, was insults hurled at Zadorov after he denied Tair's request for a cigarette. Both her family and friends, however, stated that not only did she not smoke, but she couldn't even stand the smell of cigarettes. They also stated that rude behaviour and cursing were very uncharacteristic of her. That motive was dropped. Police later claimed that the motive was sexual abuse Zadorov suffered by female classmates when he was an 8-year-old in the Ukraine, which caused a rage fit after he suffered continuous pestering by the school's students during his work, but that could not be confirmed. No alternative motive for the murder was presented by police in the indictment.                                  

The case captivated the media and public. It was a tragic, small-town murder that, from the beginning, was dogged by rumors, including that local teenagers had killed Rada and the town or teachers had covered it up, finding an easy fall guy in Zadorov, an immigrant from the former Soviet Union... The 300-page majority opinion upholding the conviction on Wednesday, which included justices Isaac Amit and Zvi Zylbertal, found three major grounds for its decision, despite the disputes over the shoe prints and the knife. Aspects of Zadorov's confession while under arrest to a confidential informant, of his confession to interrogators and his participation in reenacting aspects of the crime were decisive, wrote the court."  

Construction worker, Roman Zadarov was found guilty, his case is appealed and is to go to the Supreme Court by his lawyers. They in turn upheld the conviction.    Roman Zadorov, a Russian immigrant who had worked at the school, was arrested a week after the murder, and, after being interrogated for six days, confessed to the killing and recreated it. During that period, he also confessed to the murder in front of an undercover informant who had been put into his cell.        
Moses ((1391-1271 BCE) had a lisp so Aaron did a lot of the speaking to Pharoah,
here showing that his  G-d was stronger than theirs,
turned his cane into a snake...
Cohens were the ancestors of Aaron, Moses's brother, and were part of the tribe of Levites, one of the 12 tribes of Israel.  Since Moses and Aaron were both Levites, this special group had the genes closest to Moses and were given more responsibilities than Levites or the others.  Cohen means priest, now identified in DNA with a J1 haplogroup of the male line.   Cohens were the chosen body instrument to mediate between man and G-d.  The tribe of Levi was selected for this special job after the experience of the Golden Calf that showed the weakness of the male line elders who gave in to worshipping such an idol like all the other peoples around them in those days.
King Solomon of Israel, son of King David (961-920 ) reigned

The Cohens were responsible for sacrifices at the Temple, hygienic purity, and instructing the people in the Mosaic Law.  The High Priest was also charged with Divination through the Urim and Tummim in a special place in the Temple. Today in the synagogue the Cohens are to read out loud to the  congregation from the Torah.  After them come the Levites, and then anyone, the Israelites, will be asked to read aloud.  As it turns out, in these days, when boys are bar mitzvahed at age 13, the Cohens are prepared to be able to read orally, and so are the Levites as a rule.   Yes, most know this fact which is passed down orally from father to son.  Not all Jews that are Cohens bear the surname of Cohen, however.  I'm happy to report that our Hochfeld family line proved to be the Cohen they knew they were with proof from a DNA test.  

Their J1 first findings are now labeled as J-M267 in a 37 allele test.  Many of the Orthodox Cohens with other surnames include this fact on their headstones in the cemetery.  

To think that men have kept up this part of the law and know of their origins
after all we Jews have gone through these past 1300 years to me is the biggest miracle of all!  It mattered so much to them that their descendants today know this.  And, their even may be people who are of Cohen heritage who do not know this due to all the hell we have gone through.  For example, the hidden Jews who escaped the Spanish Inquisition may have lost track of their heritage, as well as those who suffered the most in the Holocaust, children who escaped it by being farmed out to gentiles who adopted them and even men who gave up trying to carry on their traditions and converted, an easy way out.  

As for the Tair Rada murder case, DNA was used and still it was left unsolved where everyone felt the murderer was found. Doubt was still left by some. Israel does not have the death penalty, so Roman will be in prison.   
Israeli police

You can now see why it is not wise to take away the police in any community as radicals today are calling out for.  They should be required to hand in a plan to keep the community safe from all that can happen without them, required and handed in for  city hall to read.  It's even in the Torah that people need such protection.  Temple Institute
Tanakh,  the Stone Edition:  (Deuteronomy 16:18)
The New Standard Jewish Encyclopedia

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