
Thursday, August 13, 2020

HISTORIC DAY!: Abraham Accords, A Peace Treaty-United Arab Emirates and Israel

Nadene Goldfoot
United Arab Emirates are bordered by Saudi Arabia and Oman on the Persian Gulf
August 13, 2020 will go down in history as the Abraham Accords were just announced to the public.  This is an agreement between the United Arab Emirates,  home to skyscraper-studded Dubai and the rolling, oil-rich sand dunes of Abu Dhabi, the capital, and Israel to have full diplomatic ties as part of a deal to halt the imminent annexation of Area C in Judea and Samaria which is land overseen by Israel anyway since the Oslo Accords in which the Palestinians see as land they want for their future state.  Israel had just postponed doing so because of the complications involved with the COVID 19 virus pandemic.  

The United Arab Emirates are the first Gulf Arab state to to do this and the 3rd Arab nation to have active diplomatic ties to Israel. They share borders with Saudi Arabia and another tiny nation; Oman. The map above shows it in yellow.  Both are very close to Iran. The UAE's rising international profile has led to it being recognised as a regional and a middle power. It is a member of the United Nations, the Arab League, the Organisation of Islamic CooperationOPEC, the Non-Aligned Movement and the Gulf Cooperation Council". It isn't the largest Arab state but one of the smallest, which has a lot of political power.  

The UAE is a U.S.-allied federation of seven sheikhdoms on the Arabian Peninsula. Formed in 1971, the country like other Arab nations at the time did not recognize Israel over its occupation of land home to the Palestinians.

"Among Arab nations, only Egypt and Jordan have active diplomatic ties with Israel. Egypt made a peace deal with Israel in 1979, followed by Jordan in 1994. Mauritania recognized Israel in 1999, but later ended relations in 2009 over the Israel’s war in Gaza at the time.  It is the 38th largest in population with a little over 3 million people and 99.99% Muslim.  

The United Arab Emirates are 31st in population-size out of the 48 Muslim majority countries in the world with a population in 2011 of 5,432,746 with 76% being Muslim of the Sunni persuasion.  Islam is their state religion. Jordan, Israel's neighbor, is 30th.   Saudi Arabia is 14th and Egypt is 5th.  

 They are already visualizing all the benefits both parties will enjoy with this decision,  as the plans have been worked on for the past few months through Trump's peace initiative, which has gone through a metamorphosis to be agreeable for those involved.  A jet will be flying from the Emirate to Tel Aviv and the mosques on the Temple Mount will be visited a lot in the near future.

Saudi Arabia was already changing their attitude by being friendly with President Trump.  Who can't remember Trump dancing with the Saudi men in a circle dance on TV?  They also share Israel's being on the receiving end of Iran's irate fixation on wiping out who they don't agree with,  would rather make Iran's enemy their friend.  (The enemy of my enemy is my friend.)  Saudi Arabia is 100% Muslim populated with 27,601,038.  Jews have never been allowed to step on their soil.   

Netanyahu said that the  annexation of towns and cities in Area C is to still be on the table, but peace comes first.  Trump voiced his hope that this will be followed by more Muslim Arab countries to sign up.  

What the Palestinians feel is still belligerence, with Hanan Ashrawi feeling that the crown prince sold her people out.  Those involved in the peace process felt that they couldn't wait any longer for the Palestinians to feel peaceful, and that everyone wants to step forward these days and improve their life.  This is in their best interests, though they can't see it.  Palestinians are disappointed as they wanted the other Arabs to NOT make peace until they had their own terms and created their own Palestine state.  The Emirates are not waiting around for another 70 years.  "The militant group Hamas, which controls the Gaza Strip, called the deal by the Emiratis “a stabbing in the back of our people.”
"Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan b: March 11, 1961
the Crown Prince of the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and Deputy Supreme Commander of the United Arab Emirates Armed Forces. In 2019, the New York Times named him as the most powerful Arab ruler. In 2020, the New York Times called him "one of the most powerful men on Earth." He was also named as one of the '100 Most Influential People' of 2019 by Time magazineHe is seen as the driving force behind the UAE's interventionist foreign policy and is a leader of a campaign against pro-democracy movements in the Arab World.  He may come to Washington DC for the signing ceremony or may send another prince. " 

In addition to Trump, the main U.S. mediators for agreement were the president’s senior advisor and son-in-law Jared Kushner, special Mideast envoy Avi Berkowitz and David Friedman, the U.S. ambassador to Israel.

 "The joint statement from the U.S., the UAE and Israel said delegations would meet in the coming weeks to sign deals on direct flights, security, telecommunications, energy, tourism and health care. The two countries also will partner on fighting the coronavirus pandemic.  “Opening direct ties between two of the Middle East’s most dynamic societies and advanced economics will transform the region by spurring economic growth, enhancing technological innovation and forging closer people-to-people relations,” said the statement by Trump, Netanyahu and Abu Dhabi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, the day-to-day ruler of the UAE. It said the leaders had a three-way call discussing the deal."
Judea in south, Samaria in north,
eastern side is area C-Israel's domain in white.
Palestinians have been found to be building in Israeli territory.

At first I was mortified that Israel, ready to cede their rightful area C into the arms of Israel proper, was talked into something with a distant Arab state, one that has not been an active enemy like the Palestinians or Syrians.  Now I feel, like Netanyahu, that a chance for peace always comes first.  This may even be the way to change the Palestinians set thinking process and make friends after 70 years of trying and hoping.  Seeing is believing, however, and the next weeks should be exciting for us.  This is a tremendous step and the Crown Prince is a brave soul to be looking so forward in his thinking, an outstanding man among his peers.  Good job; all.  Keep up the good work!!  


1 comment:

  1. Dear Friend,

    The American Jewish Congress celebrates the announcement of the Abraham Accord, a historic agreement brokered by the United States between Israel and the United Arab Emirates for full normalization of relations between the two countries.

    We congratulate President Donald J. Trump, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed for this monumental step towards peace. We salute the American, Israeli, and Emirati diplomats involved, and particularly Israeli Ambassador Ron Dermer and UAE Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba, that succeeded in materializing this agreement.

    The American Jewish Congress has engaged with Arab leaders for decades, trying to promote a culture of cooperation and helping facilitate constructive dialogue. We have always believed that there is only one way to bring positive change to the Middle East – through dialogue and diplomacy. We look forward to the next steps towards the full establishment of bilateral relations between Israel and the United Arab Emirates. The road to peace is delicate and needs determined leadership and vision. Fostering a climate of collaboration is not easy and requires difficult decisions. However, as we always say, peace is worth all the efforts.

    We are witnessing an epochal change of attitudes. It is our hope that this will open a new chapter of peace and prosperity in the Middle East and pave the way for further agreements and developments towards long-term peace.


    Jack Rosen
    American Jewish Congress
