
Monday, August 10, 2020


Nadene Goldfoot                                           
I have to comment on the possible 250,000;  thousands of idiots in Sturgis, South Dakota who are congregating right now without masks,  on Harley Davis motorcycles for a huge rally right in the middle of our one and only more horrible pandemic of the coronavirus COVID 19.  At a time when most of us are following rules given out to stay secluded in our homes to rid our planet of this invasion on our earth of such a deadly virus; where it has taken us only to go from people who have caught it from 4 million to 5 million in just 17 days, and G-d knows how many have already died from it in the past 6 months, people are still congregating.  To date, 738,210 worldwide have died from the virus.  19.9 million have the disease.  12.1 million have recovered from it.  The USA has seen 165,554 die from it.  

Israel's update today has had 53,540 confirmed cases; 58,934 recovered; and 606 deaths.  A source where people caught it easily was in the synagogue.  This is a tiny nation of  only 7 some million.  
This whole family is susceptible to COVID 19

It has been found that Blacks and even more, Hispanics are most vulnerable to this outbreak.  To top that, anyone who is elderly, or has any physical problem, is also more vulnerable than the average person.  These are the ones dying first.  

We have come a long ways, living through many disasters.  The Stone Age of cave men ended anytime from 87,000 BCE to 2,000 BCE.  We became hunters and then gatherers and lived in bands some 45,000 years ago.  We've gone through the Iron Age and then the Bronze Age and now live in the Age of Alexa!  We're as modern as can be.  Yet some are still showing signs of their herding instinct and cannot follow directions that will save their own  lives!  

Those that will not follow these safety precautions of our leaders,  who want to have people to lead as the outcome will not last long.  Even if they catch this disease and live through it somehow, they will be left with physical problems for life; problems with their lungs and heart, especially as science has already discovered.  The fact is that some people have researched for themselves and have found out what labs are discovering in autopsies, etc.  It's not a pretty outcome.  You don't want to catch this disease.  Those breaking the rules and not wearing masks, or keeping the 6 feet of distance are calling out wanting their freedom back foolishly.  They are acting free but are tempting death, and that is not the freedom they really want, is it?  If not their own death, they are killing others with immunity systems less strong by aiding and abetting this virus.  

We did have a terrible pandemic at the end of world war 1 and people wore masks then.  Somehow, that strain was horrible enough, but not as bad as this one.  We've fought measles, typhoid, infantile paralysis, and those germs are at bay, but still lurking.  We keep them away, but right now measles and tuberculosis are also making a comeback.  See, we need to always take precautions, and work at keeping our environment safe. Even the plague has not been completely anniliated.  Most recently, a 16-year-old girl from Oregon was sickened and hospitalized after apparently being bitten by a flea on a hunting trip. 
    We've lived through 2 world wars, but this is even worse in many ways.  It's a world invasion like an invasion from Mars, only it's a virus invasion from earth.  It's upsetting how we live day to day, certainly.  Now it's going to take very creative positive thinking, thinking outside the usual box, and the result is going to have to be  complete change in our thinking. 
Parents teaching their children
and Parents working from home

 We need to adapt to the situation like man has always needed to adapt.  Life as we knew it in January may not come back until all learn to be compliant because what one does affects another.  It can cause death. 


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