
Monday, July 13, 2020

Who's Riding on the Coat Tails of Antifa? Anti-Semites In Denial As the Good Guys

Nadene Goldfoot
Antifa Rally
Throughout 2017 a group known as Antifa has engaged
in riots and violent protests at events across the country.

One hears of Antifa occasionally on TV.  What is it?  Who is it?  What do they stand for?  You can spot them as they wear the color, black.  The color unites them; they are not there from a call on their phone under a leader.  They come into the group as a group of special friends.  Then these various groups are one-that is like a mob.  
Antifa is an anti-fascist political protest movement in the United States comprising a diverse array of autonomous groups that aim to achieve their objectives through the use of both non-violent and violent direct action rather than through policy reform. 

We are a country based on settling issues through policy reform. Therefore, what are they doing?  It's Democratic.  This is a nation built on the Democratic ideal and not on mob rebellion  

What are fascists?  Fascism  is a form of far-right, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, as well as strong regimentation of society and of the economy which came to prominence in early 20th-century Europe.  The Italian government was fascist with Mussolini. So was Germany.

Their aim is to create a mobilized national community.” This definition of fascism helps to explain why Antifa—as professed “anti-fascists”—have been particularly focused on clashing with white nationalist groups, such as the alt-right, the KKK, and neo-Nazis.

 They are made up of a lot of bigots. What is bigotry? Intolerance toward those who hold different opinions from oneself.  

The  term, ANTIFA, originally was an abbreviation for Antifaschistiske Aktiona German communist movement from the 1930s. The movement is modeled on militant leftists who  brawled with fascists in Germany, Italy, and Spain in the 1920s and 1930s. The groups—and the name—were revived in the 1970s, 1980s, and 1990s, when anti-racists within the punk rock subculture in Britain and Germany mobilized to defeat neo-Nazi skinheads infiltrating the music scene. “Via punk, groups calling themselves anti-racist action—and later, anti-fascist action or antifa—sprung up in the United States,” says Peter Beinart (Peter Alexander Beinart is an American columnist, journalist, and liberal political commentator. A former editor of The New Republic, he has written for Time, The New York Times, The New York Review of Books among other periodicals, and is the author of three books)

In 2016, the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security said that Antifa's activities were "domestic terrorism".  President Obama did not act on this observation or their conclusions.  

Hundreds of protesters gathered at the Justice Center on the 4th of July to protest systemic racism and police violence. Protesters cooked, danced, burned American flags and set off fireworks before Portland Police and federal law enforcement used tear gas and impact munitions to disperse the crowd.

Jonathan Levinson/OPB
Is that why Portland, Oregon has seen for the past 6 weeks, every night, tons of people marching through the city to the downtown area and demonstrating, turning to violence and destruction against the businesses there at nightfall?  Among this group of possible naive people enjoying themselves or thinking they are bringing on a better environment for all, are people with Antifa, up to creating havoc to bring on their standards.  “There’s a very big difference between protests and the kind of mayhem that we’ve seen every night,”  Police Chief Chris Davis said.  They are not using tear  gas unless a level of damage is reached, and that seems to be reached around 11pm. from what I've seen on TV.   
Federal law enforcement officers, along with PPB, dispersed hundreds of protesters from the Justice Center and federal courthouse on the 4th of July during protests against systemic racism and police violence.
And what are their standards in life?  Me-thinks that it includes some  anti-Semitism.  With people who haven't had to live with anti-Semitism, they never see it happening, but people like me can.  We notice it happening.  For me it was comments at high school in the cafeteria sitting with "friends."  
We have noticed the anti-Israel sloganeering seen at rallies, the calls of many supporters to "Occupy AIPAC," and the promotion by many of anti-Jewish conspiracy theories.  We see many embracing the  OWS.  The OWS means:  Occupy Wall Street. AIPAC stands for The American Israel Public Affairs Committee,  a lobbying group that advocates pro-Israel policies to the Congress and Executive Branch of the United States.  I'm a proud member of AIPAC.    


"Occupy Portland
 was a collaboration that began on October 6, 2011 in downtown Portland, Oregon as a protest and demonstration against economic inequality worldwide. It is inspired by the Occupy Wall Street movement that began in New York City on September 17, 2011."  But for 6 weeks?  Every night?  

Occupy Portland
Part of the Occupy movement
Occupy Portland, first day.jpg
Protesters gathered in Portland's Pioneer Courthouse Square to Occupy Portland on October 6, 2011
DateOctober 6, 2011 – December 12, 2011
45.5159°N 122.67745°WCoordinates45.5159°N 122.67745°W
MethodsDemonstrationoccupationproteststreet protesters
Arrests and injuries
Arrested10 (initially);[1][2] 27 (October 30)[3]

Antifa includes people from the extreme left of political leanings as well as the middle line of left.  The extreme group is made up of people hostile to Israel and Jews all over who practice traditional Judaism.  That's the kind who are attracted to such a group, giving them a chance to vent their hatred.  

A big anti-Semitic activity we see now is BDS (Boycott, Development and Sanctions).  This is all aimed at Israel and Jews all over in particular.  It is a group action to put an end to jobs that help Israel in any way, stopping businesses who sell to Israel, such as Caterpillar Tractors, putting sanctions on such people if necessary, developing any aid to Israel.  The aim of it all is to back the Palestinians who want to take over all of Israel and have their Palestine, for that would be the outcome of it all.  It was originated by just such a person.  

Anti-Semitic activities have been happening in a large way on the campuses of universities and colleges for several years, and they are happening because of the doings of liberal BDS advocates, who can involve and add to their assistance, the  leftist faculty stooges, and Islamists.  It has not been the Neo-Nazis or the white supremacists groups.  They're not connected to the academics of campus life like the leftists, who probably are the professors as such places in the first place.  

Now we're getting down to the naive ones; the progressive Jews, the ones on the Left, which might be 50-80% of the 6,000,000 Jews of the USA, for Jews traditionally have belonged to the Democrats, thinking of the assistance they received from Theodore Roosevelt during WWII.  Many of them feel this way as well about their own religion, changing over the years from their immigrant grandparents.  This generation is now complicit with non-traditional marriage, single-payer healthcare-not wanting to lose their Obamacare program.  They also are the ones advocating for the Palestinians over the Israeli Jews; go figure!  Why?  They are always for the underdog, the position we Jews have been in, and so despite the side they were born in, root for them, no matter what they have done, no matter what who deserve; just the underdog.  Isn't that what Americans do in their basketball and football games?  The thrill of seeing the underdog win is the thrill of it all.
                                                   The Liberal Jew even makes the claim that their agenda is a Jewish one, and true, our Jewish values are to make the world a better one-accomplished by doing mitzvot, for one (good deeds).  Then they seem to imply that any deviation from their stand of being Democrats or even part of Antifa raises the specter of anti-Semitism.  

However, we turn around and see these Antifa people, these extremists, burning an  Israeli flag outside the 2016 Democratic National Convention without anyone stopping them from Antifa or any leftist group.  This isn't okay.  

American Jews  have lived in Israel, and I myself have dual citizenship. I lived there from 1980 to Thanksgiving 1985.   How do you think we feel?  Jews from Israel are living in the USA  How do you think they feel when they see such an action?  A Yiddish curse always comes to my mind at such a time:  "May all your teeth fall out except just one, and in that may you have a giant toothache!" You know, with all this using of drugs, it could happen to many!  I notice their lack of teeth. They seem to also lack Saykhl.   

People who are against Zionists (people who are for  creating Israel), and say that Jews are evil and the cause of all their woes often turn out to be the leaders of progressive political groups.   Antifa's movement, though seemingly without leadership, claims to oppose all forms of bigotry, including anti-Semitism when they have been the biggest activists of it all!  It's like the days of the Occupy Wall Street Movement when they were anti-Semites in action, too.  It took place from  September 17 to November 15, 2011.
Liberal Jews have not lifted a finger or their lips  to speak out to their peers for promoting global Jewish conspiracy myths or seeking alignment with Islamists dedicated to destroying Israel and exterminating the Jews.  Nor do we hear from them to defend Israel.  No, but we sure do hear our fellow Jews speaking out against them, and I find that one reason why is their lack of knowledge about today's events as well as our past history.  Our educational system is left in the hands of the TV set, exclusively, or in the minds of such Jews as Noam Chomsky, the linguist turned commentator.  
"Likewise, they should condemn BDS and acknowledge that a majority of their party has indeed abandoned Israel".  A child said to me years ago, "Oh, don't worry about it.  It's nothing. It means nothing."  This nothing has developed into a something, like a missile sitting in Syria aimed at Israel is a nothing.  It has brought out hatred of Jews, if anything.  

"When Trump condemned anti-Semitism in the wake of cemetery desecrations a few months ago, he did not falsely equate it with Islamophobia as Obama’s minions were wont to do.  Nor has he ever treated Israel as shabbily as Obama did so blatantly for eight years."   On Obama's last day in office, he did something daring- he did not enter a UN election vote for Israel.  He dared to show his real colors; his vote was not for Israel.   He's been the president hardest on Israel that we've had, and Trump has been the best.  That's the difference between these two.  
Alt Right Demonstrators in Virginia
Everyone seems to be some sort of demonstrator.
Is this some sort of psychological herd instinct? 
David Austin French, an American attorney, political commentator, and author; A fellow at the National Review Institute and a staff writer for National Review from 2015 to 2019,  answers with: 

The alt-right is a combination of ideology and tactics,” David French said Friday at the Aspen Ideas Festival, co-hosted by the Aspen Institute and The Atlantic. “Ideologically, the alt-right is white nationalist. It is post-constitutionalist. And it is often quite pagan … Nobody knows how big it is … if it numbers in the thousands or the tens of thousands … It’s not a huge number of people.”

'If mainstream liberals are honestly concerned about rising bigotry and threats to free speech, they shouldn’t reflexively lay all blame on Trump and the Alt-right, (and the Alt-right could also be anti-Semites because they may think we're not purely white). They should instead acknowledge the left’s complicity – from its long history of anti-Semitism to its current assault on dialogue and dissent – and their own role in enabling both.  And they should pledge to do better."

I had a thought.  To be Jewish happens to be a religious belief and our people come in all colors.  We're not ALL Ashkenazis.  We're also Sephardis and Mizrachis.  We don't care about color-only how good they follow our precepts, our 10 commandments if not all 613 ones.  Our belief system includes reform (left) conservative (middle ground) and Orthodox (all 613 commandments).  Color may be a preference but not an exclusion.  We are a unique group who more than not have family ties, even if we are unaware of it as DNA is showing us, and why the Tanakh/ Bible mentions our family ties.  We're a family and a religion and we welcome others in our midst.  It was the Christians who put a stop to that when they first organized, so it's usually through intermarriage that it happens.  I just wanted any of my Jewish family and friends to see this and understand our background.  

With the group, Black Lives Matter, please don't include anti-Semitism in your  deserved frustration and anger.  To a Jew, any Jew, left or right, all life matters-even a cow who should not be a witness to her calf being killed for meat after she has been milked.  Oy vey!  Did any group mention the Socialists?  

I spoke too soon.  After checking, I found this disappointing information,

"As its charter makes clear, Black Lives Matter itself is structurally anti-Semitic. It accuses Israel of being an "apartheid state" and believes US military aid to Israel is the foundation of America's problems." "Over the Shavuot festival on May 30, members of Black Lives Matter, (BLM) carried out a pogrom in Fairfax, the oldest Jewish community in Los Angeles, largely populated today by ultra-Orthodox Jews. They vandalized five synagogues and three Jewish schools. Most of the Jewish businesses on Fairfax Avenue were looted. "  A controversy over anti-Israel statements in the Movement for Black Lives political platform shows the long history of tension between Jews and blacks in the U.S.  While many Jewish leaders disagree with this framing of history and the current situation on the ground in Israel and Palestine, what seems to matter to them almost as much is being singled out. While the platform names a number of nations, claiming they’ve been victimized by the United States’ colonial-style foreign policy, it condemns only one foreign government: Israel. 

PS: Something for Black Lives Matter: and their stand on Israel; please read this-and be sure to read its comment by a Black reader:

1 comment:

  1. I was in the dark about Black Lives Matter. Here's more to who they have connected with: from Gatestone Institute.
