
Sunday, July 26, 2020


Nadene Goldfoot                                             
Way back in 1994, something was discovered by a mathematician that used letters but not numbers.  Talk about new math!  It was something a person had to be knowledgeable about reading Hebrew, not English letters.  It was a hidden code that Dr. Eliyahu Rips found in the Torah.

It looked something like this to him when he found it. by feeding his computer with the Torah
in its original Hebrew so that the letters would come out pretty even in an even square area.  
                                           i    n    t     h    e    t    h    i    r     d
                                          m  o    n     t     h   f     r     o   m    t
                                           h  e    e     x    o   d    u     s    o    f 
                                           t   h    e     c    h   i     l      d    r    e
                                           n  o    f      i    s    r    a     e    l     f

By doing such things as reading from left to right or right to left or up and down in either direction, skipping one space or two or three, etc, in a pattern, he found new words this way.  He even read diagonally and used skipping and found words.  
Yitzhak Rabin (1922-1995) Israel soldier and statesman,
born in Jerusalem, served in the Palmah and 1948 War of Independence,
commanded a brigade to end siege of Jerusalem.
In new IDF army, chief of staff in 1964. elected in 1992 leader of the Labor Party and became Prime Minister.
assassinated at age 73

Michael Drosnin, writer, had heard about Dr. Rips and so flew to Israel on September 1, 1994 with information that Rips, who also lives in Israel, had discovered.  It was that Rips had discovered the Prime Minister of Israel's name, Yitzhak Rabin, encoded in the Torah with the words ASSASSIN THAT WILL ASSASSINATE crossing his name the other way.  One way was going across and the other was up and down.  
Yigal Amir
Amir was born in Herzliya, Israel  to an Orthodox Yemenite
Jewish family, and was one of 8 children.  He did his military service in the Israel Defense Forces as a Hesder student, combining army service in a religious platoon of the Golani Brigade with religious study at Yeshivat Kerem B'Yavneh.  He seemed to be more devout than his peer group.  

The very next year on November 4, 1995, Rabin was assassinated.  He was shot in the back. The murderer was a man who believed he was on a mission from G-d and had to do it.  The assassin was Yigal Amir, a 25-year-old former Hesder student and far-right law student at Bar-Ilan University. Amir had strenuously opposed Rabin's peace initiative, particularly the signing of the Oslo Accords, because he felt that an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank would deny Jews their "biblical heritage which they had reclaimed by establishing settlements". Amir had come to believe that Rabin was a rodef, meaning a "pursuer" who endangered Jewish lives. The concept of din rodef ("law of the pursuer") is a part of traditional Jewish law. Amir believed he would be justified under din rodef in removing Rabin as a threat to Jews in the territories

Of course Rivkin flew to Israel to warn Rabin, who didn't believe it and didn't take precautions.  Protests were going on about the Oslo accords.  "Rabin dismissed such protests or labeled them chutzpah. According to Gillon, Rabin refused his requests to wear a bulletproof vest and preferred not to use the armored car purchased for him. Left-wing supporters organized pro-peace rallies in support of the Oslo Accords. It was after one such gathering in Tel Aviv that the assassination took place". 

This was not the first assassination found .  Anwar Sadat and both John and Robert Kennedy are both encoded in the Bible.


"Professor Eliyahu Rips  is one of the world's leading experts in group theory, a field of mathematics that underlies quantum  physics.  It has been confirmed by other famous mathematicians at Harvard, Yale, and Hebrew University.  It has been replicated by a senior code-breaker at the U.S. Department of Defense.  It has passed 3 levels of secular peer review at a leading U.S. math journal."  

Ilya (Eliyahu) Rips grew up in Latvia (then part of Soviet Union). His mother was Jewish and from Riga, the only of nine siblings that survived the war; the others were killed in Rumbula and other places. His father, Aaron, was a Jewish mathematician from Belarus; his wife, children and all of his relatives were killed during the Holocaust."

"Rips joined the Department of Mathematics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and in 1975 completed his Ph.D. in mathematics there. His topic was the dimensional subgroup problem. He was awarded the Aharon Karzir Prize. In 1979, Rips received the Erdős Prize from the Israel Mathematical Society, and was a sectional speaker at the International Congress of Mathematicians in 1994."  Rips is a professor in the Department of Mathematics at Hebrew University. His research interests are geometric and combinatorial methods in infinite group theory. This includes small cancellation theory and its generalizations, (Gromov) hyperbolic group theory, Bass-Serre theory and the actions of groups on -trees.
Rips' work on group actions on -trees is mostly unpublished. The Rips machine, in the hands of Rips and his student Zlil Sela, has proven to be effective in obtaining classification results such as a solution to the isomorphism problem for hyperbolic groups."
"In the late 1970s, Rips began looking with the help of a computer for codes in the Torah. In 1994, Rips, together with Doron Witztum and Yoav Rosenberg, published in the journal Statistical Science an article, "Equidistant Letter Sequences in the Book of Genesis", which claimed the discovery of encoded messages in the Hebrew text of the Book of Genesis.  
This, in turn, was the inspiration for the 1997 book The Bible Code by journalist Michael Drosnin. While Rips originally claimed  that he agreed with Drosnin's findings, in 1997 Rips described Drosnin's book as "on very shaky ground" and "of no value."Why he feels this has not been discussed, but it could be that Rips is also a serious Torah scholar and Drosnin wasn't, so it has to do with how Drosnin handled the Torah material.  I imagine that
Drosnin's book sold more copies and Rip's book didn't sell many at all.    
 Since Drosnin's book, Bible codes have been a subject of controversy, with the claims being criticized by Brendan McKay born 1951 in Australia, and others.   Brendan Damien McKay is an Emeritus Professor in the Research School of Computer Science at the Australian National University. He has published extensively in combinatorics.  Using the Bible decryption method espoused by the group led by Eliyahu Rips, McKay quickly found some nine references to Yitzhak Rabin's assassination in Herman Melville's masterpiece, Moby Dick. He also showed that the same technique allowed him to find ostensible mentions of Diana, Princess of Wales, her lover Dodi Fayed, and their chauffeur Henri Paul in the same novel.
This debunking disproof of a theory that the bible encrypts secret messages containing future world history, achieved international fame for McKay outside of his specific field of combinatorics. 
Mathematician Brendan McKay also illustrated this point by finding messages in the English text of Moby Dick that supposedly "predicted" famous assassinations of the past, such as the assassination of John F. Kennedy and the assassination of Indira Gandhi.
               Professor Robert Aumann,  born June 8, 1930 in Germany
                              family immigrated in 1938 to USA. 
 An early supporter of Rips' theories was Robert Aumann, Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics 2005, who headed a commission overseeing Rips' experiments attempting to prove the existence of a secret code from God in the Torah. Eventually, Aumann abandoned the idea and withdrew his support from Rips."   Robert John Aumann is an Israeli-American mathematician, and a member of the United States National Academy of Sciences. He is a professor at the Center for the Study of Rationality in the Hebrew University of Jerusalem in Israel.
One thing I noticed that Drosnin did that Rips may not have liked was refer to the reference as "the bible."  Rips had used the Torah-specifically "Genesis".  He states in his book that it tells the future, and this assassination is the only one found that I know of from the 3 books published that told something that had not already happened.  
Regardless if you are a critic or not, "The 1997 "Ig Nobel Prize for Literature" was awarded to Eliyahu Rips, Doron Witztum, Yoav Rosenberg, and Michael Drosnin, for their work on Bible codes.  
The Bible Code treats the text of the Bible as a word search puzzle: for example, a word may be spelled diagonally moving in a north west direction, or perhaps left-to-right taking every second letter. The more patterns that are allowed, the more words that can be found. Elementary statistics can be used to estimate the probabilities of finding certain hidden messages. 
born 1967 in Ontario, Canada 
The statistician Jeffrey S. Rosenthal shows in his book Struck by Lightning: The Curious World of Probabilities that "hidden messages" are statistically expected and hence should not be seen as divine messages, much less as predictions of the future. 

However, there are people using the code to predict events, and the interest right
 now  is that of the coming years that are thought of as the END OF TIME or 
DAYS. They could be right or wrong.  Either Rabin's prediction hit the jackpot or 
it was pure accident.
Update: 3pm:  Rips told Drosnin in his first book that his first clue about a code 
was over 50 years ago by a rabbi in Prague, Czechoslovakia, Rabbi 
H.M.D. Weissmandel, 
who noticed that if he skipped 50 letters, then another 50, etc, the word "Torah"
was spelled out at the beginning of the book of Genesis.  He repeated this with
Exodus and Numbers and Deuteronomy; 4 of the 5 books of Moses which is the  
Torah.  Drosnin neglected to include "Leviticus," the 5th book in the Torah.  I'm
sure that this had to be part of the trial.  

Drosnin reminds us that it was Sir Isaac Newton  in 1696 who suspected that there was a
hidden code in the Bible that would reveal the future.  He even learned Hebrew
 so that he might find it and spent half his life trying.  

Being the Torah scholar that he is, Rips had shown Drosnin something that Rabbi
of Vilna had written.  "The rule is that all that was, is and will be unto the end of time is included in the Torah, from the 
1st word to the last word.  And not merely in a general sense, but as to the details 
of everything that happened to him from the day of his birth until his end."

The Bible Code by Michael Drosnin, first book he wrote on this subject Eliyahu Rips
 Brendan McKay (1997). "Assassinations Foretold in Moby Dick!". Retrieved 6 October 2019. Brendan McKay interview Rips on Torah


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