
Monday, July 27, 2020


Nadene Goldfoot                                             
Trump's 2016 win was predicted before it happened.Before the 2016 elections, at a time when Hillary Clinton was almost universally predicted to win the presidency, Rabbi Glazerson used his Bible-based technique in 2015 to predict a Trump victory.
This came out in Times of Israel on November 7, 2016 but his
prediction was earlier on Youtube.  
It's all very well and good to make fantastic predictions about the future using a computer with a bible code embedded in it, but what are the odds of anything having come true besides that one situation where  Prime Minister Rabin of Israel was warned of an impending assassination and it did come true.  What's happened since then?  

Nothing came up in my search on internet of anything coming true.  I started reading Drosnin's book I again since it has been a long time since I had read it, and found examples right away on page 12.  Later on I checked on Rabbi Glazerson and found his prediction mentioned.  
2. The 1992 presidential election when Bill Clinton was running was checked out 6 months earlier and up came the code showing Bill Clinton's victory.  Connected to CLINTON was his future title, PRESIDENT.   It seems that the  word search has to be shown in the correct pattern with a certain cluster to it.   This came up with a horizontal intersecting a vertical.  

"The 1992 United States presidential election was the 52nd quadrennial presidential election. It was held on Tuesday, November 3, 1992. Democratic Governor Bill Clinton of Arkansas defeated incumbent Republican President George H. W. Bush, independent businessman Ross Perot of Texas, and a number of minor candidates."

Writer Drosnin spent a week with mathematician Rips at his computer with Rips finding things related to current world events that Drosnin asked about.  A comet had been sighted, and Rips found information about it many times in his program.  They also used the program of War and Peace, the book as a counterpoint, and could not find information there about the comet. It was in the Torah, though of Rip's program.  They didn't also check in Moby Dick.  I guess one counterpoint was enough.

3. Drosnin searched using the Bible code on his own several years later checking on facts.  In July 1994 a comet bombarded Jupiter with the force of more than a billion megatons, creating fireballs the size of the Earth.   He had found  it two months before it happened.  It was the biggest explosion ever seen in our solar system.  He had found the Jupiter/comet encoding in the Bible himself.  His computer Bible program was written for him in Israel based on Rips' mathematical model.  The collision was encoded twice; once in Genesis and again in Isaiah, which is part of the Tanakh. The comet, "Shoemaker-Levy," appeared in each book in its full name which were the names of the astronomers who discovered it in 1993.  The impact with Jupiter was graphically presented.  In the Bible code the name of the planet and name of the comet intersect two times.  In Isaiah, the date of the impact as stated in advance on July 16th. This was an event that astronomers were able to predict a few months ahead of time, but the Bible code predicted it just as precisely 3,000 years before it happened. 

Moses wrote the Torah over 3,000 years ago.    "Rabbinic Judaism recognizes the 24 books of the Masoretic Text, commonly called the Tanakh or Hebrew Bible, as authoritative. Modern scholarship suggests that the most recently written are the books of Jonah, Lamentations, and Daniel, all of which may have been composed as late as the second century BCE."  So it was completed over 2,000 years ago.  Isaiah, the prophet prophesied from 740 to 701 BCE. The writings are divided into 2 parts, the 2nd being written from 761 to 740 BCE.  All this was written almost 3,000 years ago.  .    .  

Comet Shoemaker–Levy 9 was a comet that broke apart in July 1992 and collided with Jupiter in July 1994, providing the first direct observation of an extraterrestrial collision of Solar System objects.

4. The dates of the Gulf war were found in the Bible before the war started.  
Drosnin said that "we asked the computer to search for Saddam Hussein.  then we looked for related words to see if they came together in a way that was mathematically significant.  With "the Gulf War," we found "Scuds with Russian missiles" and the date the war would begin encoded with the name "Hussein."  The words formed a crossword puzzle.  Consistently, the bible code brings together interlocking words that reveal related information.  

On 2 August 1990, the Iraqi Army invaded and occupied Kuwait,  This was the start of the Gulf War.  

5. Yitzhak Rabin's assassination was found by Drosnin and this is what caused him to fly to Israel to speak with Dr. Rip, who discovered the Bible Code in 1994.  

They experimented and the crossword puzzles were not found in War and Peace or any other book, and not in 10 million computer-generated test cases. So the formation seems to be very important as to how the words come together.  
Michael Drosnin (January 31, 1946-June 4, 2020).
Michael was born in Brooklyn, NY and died in Manhattan, NY,

son of Evelyn and Edward Drosnin.
educated at Columbia University; journalist.
As I read his first book again after a first read about 22
years ago, it all makes more sense to me now.
He could have died from COVID 19, being it hit New York so hard. 
I am assuming that Rabbi Glazerson is indeed telling the truth, though I cannot
understand his youtube presentation.  I am assuming that Drosnin is telling his truth, though Eliyahu Rips found fault with his book without saying what.  If these predictions have come true as presented, it is indeed amazing!  I am dumb-founded!  

The BIBLE CODE by Michael Drosnin Rabin's assassination 1994

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