
Monday, June 15, 2020

Political Words Changing Ideology

Nadene Goldfoot
             The Israel of Kings Saul and David 1100-970 BCE

"While most of the world refers to the West Bank as “occupied,” the more accurate description is “disputed” territory.  Occupation refers to foreign control of an area that was under the previous sovereignty of another state. In the case of the West Bank, there was no legitimate sovereign because the territory had been illegally occupied by Jordan from 1948 to 1967."
West Bank is a made-up political name for Judea-Samaria.  The change was made by Jordan and those in agreement with the neighbors of Israel who wanted to drive the Jews into the sea and take the land, land the Muslims had since the Ottoman Empire days of 400 years already,  and had done nothing with it. It is a descriptive name, for it means the land West of the Jordan River.  By using this "West Bank," the reasoning is to erase the fact that it was part of Israel's original Judah.  

Judea-Samaria  is a made-up political name for Judah of the southern end of Israel by the Romans, the land the tribe of Judah-changed to Judea by the Romans, which was one of the 12 tribes of Jacob that was given by Moses through Joshua after entering Canaan.  It was the largest of the tribes and the only one in existence today as the Jewish people are from Judah through their ancestors. Probably some of the people of Benjamin, a neighboring tribe of the 12, are mixed in with the Judeans called Jews.  All 12 tribes were the sons of Jacob, so should carry the same Y haplogroup.  Through the centuries, others have intermixed to a certain degree.  

Samaria was the capital of the Northern part of Israel.  Israel had divided between North and South after King Solomon had died  in 920 BCE.  That was about 3,000 years ago.  This capital was built by Israel's King Omri on a hill bought from Shemer.  The site was perfect, dominating a wide countryside.  The city of Samaria consisted of 25 acres.  The name, Samaria, is also used to describe the entire northern region of the central highlands of the the ancient land of Israel, as in Judea-Samaria.  

Palestine is a political name created by the Romans.  They had taken Jerusalem and burned both the city and the Temple, destroying much in 70 CE after occupying Jerusalem for over 100 years.  The Judeans had been barred from living there ever since.  
Bar Kokhba, revolutionary leader of Davidic dynasty, nephew of Rabbi
Eleazaar of Modiin; thought to be the Messiah by Rabbi Akiva as
he held Jerusalem for 3 years 132=135.  

By 132, a general of the Israelites had risen up, Aluf Bar Kokhba, who led his army back to Jerusalem and had taken and held it for 3 years.  This made the Romans extremely angry, something they hadn't foreseen, but they won in the end in 135 CE and then renamed the land with the name of the Israelite's greatest enemy in the past, the Philistines which was also Romanized to Palaestina.  Since then, like many terms, it's anglicized to Palestine.  

Hearing these terms is rankling to those of us who do not use them, but instead prefer the honest terminology instead.  To us, it is the erasure of our heritage, our history.  Our history is important to us; it it part of who we are, and we've been stomped into the ground long enough by anti-Semitism, by the Nazis.  

All this history can be checked as it comes from the Torah, which happens to be the FIVE BOOKS OF MOSES that make up the first part of the Tanakh (Bible) in this case, THE OLD TESTAMENT.  The section KINGS, is where these facts were found.  

Laws are also important to understand.  It is also necessary to distinguish the acquisition of territory in a war of conquest with a war of self-defense. A nation that attacks another and then retains the territory it conquers is an occupier. One that gains territory while defending itself is not in the same category. This is the situation with Israel, which informed King Hussein that if Jordan stayed out of the 1967 War, Israel would not fight against him. Hussein ignored the warning and attacked Israel. While fending off the assault, and driving out the invading Jordanian troops, Israel came to control the West Bank.
"Under international law, occupation occurs when a country takes over the sovereign territory of another country. But the West Bank was never part of Jordan, which seized it in 1949 and ethnically cleansed its entire Jewish population. Nor was it ever the site of an Arab Palestinian state."

Why is it that the UN and so much of Europe continue to use political terminology meant to ignore Israel's position and side with the Muslims?  One of the best explanations defending Israel I've noticed has been Professor Kontorovich, expert on international law.     


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