
Friday, May 1, 2020

They Killed the 2017 Resolution to Recognize Jerusalem as Israel's Capital

Nadene Goldfoot
Israel's Knesset is in Jerusalem.  This is Israel's single chamber parliament and was created in 1949.  It has 120 seats which are filled by proportional representation based on the total vote in the country.  All men and women with Israel citizenship over the age of 18 have the right to vote.  Candidates for election must be above the age of 25.  The permanent building was built in 1966.  

On January 1, 2017, Donald Trump took office as President of the United States after Barack Hussein Obama had been in office for 2 terms for 8 years.  Obama had taken office on January 1, 2009.  At the end of 2017, on December 20th, Trump voted on the United Nations General Assembly resolution drafted by Yemen and Turkey, an emergency session resolution, declaring that the status of Jerusalem as Israel's capital was null and void.  It was called ES-10/L.22.  

        That's taking us back to 70 CE when the Romans forced the Jews to carry
loot from the Temple all the way to Rome.  Notice the Menorah above.  They made this arch in Rome to depict making slaves out of the Jews, forcing them to carry these valuables from the Temple.  This is the ARCH OF TITUS.                                               
This menorah is across the street from the Knesset.
"It is a bronze Menorah 4.30 meters high, 3.5 meters wide, and weighs 4 tons. It is located at the edge of Gan Havradim (Rose Garden) opposite the Knesset. It was designed by Benno Elkan (1877–1960), a Jewish sculptor who escaped from his native Germany to Britain. It was presented to the Knesset as a gift from the Parliament of the United Kingdom on April 15, 1956 in honour of the eighth anniversary of Israeli independence.  (Israel's rebirth was on
April 15, 1948.

We are reminded that the Menorah from the 2nd Temple was taken to Rome and is pictured on the Arch of Titus in Rome for all the tourists to see.  The Menorah is a symbol of Judaism and is frequently portrayed on tombs and monuments of every description.  Jewish homes have a Chanukiah, a
menorah with 9 candleholders for the 8 nights of Chanukah.

This resolution ES-10/L.22 was sharply contested by the United States and President Trump.  It was Barack Obama who did not vote for the last resolution in the UN affecting Jerusalem, causing it to fail.  He had set the example of how much the surrounding states of Israel could get away with.  

            General Assembly of UN in New York on September 17, 2017

Trump wanted this resolution of being able to tell the USA what they couldn't do to fail, so he threatened to cut off financial aid to the countries that voted in favor of it.  That had an impact.  Nine countries voted against the resolution. Thirty-Five countries abstained.  One Hundred Twenty-Eight countries voted for the harmful resolution!  I'll say that again.  128 to 9 against with 21 absentees and 25 abstentions.  It passed.                   
The day before the vote, Trump said: "Let them vote against us...We don't care...this isn't like it used to be where they could vote against you and then you pay them hundreds of millions of dollars. We're not going to be taken advantage of any longer."                           
Nikki Haley was former governor of South Carolina.
Trump selected her as the US Ambassador to UN, one of his
1st and best decisions.  She was remarkable.
She started position January 25, 2017, resigned December 31, 2018
We lost the greatest advocate, but it must be a very frustrating position. 
I miss her SO much!  She was born January 20, 1972.
 Ambassador Nikki Haley warned her country would remember and "take names" of every country that voted in favour of the resolution. The governments of Turkey and Iran denounced the threats made by the US as "anti-democratic" and "blackmail".Haley had sent a letter to dozens of member states that warned Trump had asked her to "report back on those countries who voted against us." Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said "I call on the whole world: Don't you dare sell your democratic struggle and your will for petty dollars" and warned Trump that "he cannot buy Turkey's democratic will with his dollars." He added: "I hope and expect the US won't get the result it expects from there (UN) and the world will give a very good lesson to the United States".                         

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated that Israel rejects this vote before it passes and called the UN a "house of lies".
Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the PLO’s Executive Committee, condemned Trump's warning to countries receiving aid from the US: "Trump should know that there are things that are not for sale or subject to blackmail, particularly issues of principle, legality and morality."
Canada's Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland's spokesman, a country which was seeking re-negotiations of the NAFTA, confirmed its intention to abstain from the vote and that the resolution should not have come to the General Assembly.
US Ambassador Nikki Haley then said that her country was "singled out for attack" because of its recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. She added that: "The United States will remember this day in which it was singled out for attack in the General Assembly for the very act of exercising our right as a sovereign nation,” Haley said. "We will remember it when we are called upon to once again make the world’s largest contribution to the United Nations, and so many countries come calling on us, as they so often do, to pay even more and to use our influence for their benefit." She added that: "America will put our embassy in Jerusalem. That is what the American people want us to do, and it is the right thing to do. No vote in the United Nations will make any difference on that...this vote will make a difference in how Americans view the UN.

Even since King David's days, and he ruled from 1,010 BCE to 970 BCE down to 70 CE when Rome destroyed our 2nd Temple and Jerusalem, this city called the City of David has been the capital of the ancient state of Israel, then Judah.  It is sometimes called ZION, after David's fortress.  It's been known as the city of Righteousness, the faithful city, the city of God, THE HOLY CITY, CITY OF TRUTH.  It's always been known as such and recognized as a Jewish capital. 

The Romans through Hadrian  took over the city and founded a Roman Colony on its ruins.  They called it AELIA CAPITOLINA, a name that has persisted into the Arab Period, but the common name they use is EL-KUDS.  To the Jews, there is reason to say it is their holy city.  There is nothing about Jerusalem in a historical sense dear to the Arabs.  

 King David had captured this city from the Philistines in 1010 BCE and became the capital of the united Israel.  One can read about it in II Samuel 5:6-8;  I Chronicles 11:4-6.  David had dealt leniently with the Jebusites living there but established himself in the city, adding the fortress of Zion and also a House of Heroes for his guard.  Then he constructed a tomb inside the city for himself and his dynasty.                                                           

He transferred the Ark of the Covenant there.  David made Jerusalem the religious center of Israel..  Through his conquests, he made it the capital of his empire that reached from the Red Sea to the Euphrates River.  

His  son, King Solomon, who ruled from 970 to 930 BCE, enriched the city from his commercial ventures and  taxation.  He enlarged the city by adding the Palace and the Temple, while filling the gap between them and David's City with the Millo or filing.  The erection of the Temple transformed Jerusalem definitely into the permanent center of the Jewish religion.  When Solomon died much changed.  The Northern 10 tribes had been taken by force by the Assyrians in 721 BCE and Judah including Jerusalem remained the capital.  The Davidic dynasty remained in power until it's destruction in 586 BCE.  During this period, the city was under threat by by different kings.  King Hezekiah cut the tunnel which was then named after him.  King Uziah strengthened the city walls and added towers and engines.  It was kings Jotham and Hezekiah who made the other wall to encompass his pool.    King Herod built a palace in the NW quarter of the city, protecting it with 3 great towers; the base of one, the tower Phasael, called the Tower of David, is still visible.  

Still standing, the surrounding parts of his outer wall are known as the Western or Wailing Wall. That's where Jews of today go to pray, as the Jordanians will not allow any Jew on the Temple Mount.  They were allowed to rule that part of Jerusalem as a courtesy by Moshe Dayan at the end of the 6 Day War which Israel won.  As a peaceful gesture, he allowed this and look how they treat Jews.   Everyone associates Jerusalem with Jews.  We are wailing once again!!  Luckily, the UN is not a world police force they think they are.  They are there to suggest, not to cause another war.  

The Jerusalem Law of 1980 extended Israel sovereignty over the entire city.  The population of the eastern portion of the city---including the 139,600 Moslems and Christians---had been incorporated into the total population of 493,500 in 1990.  

Jerusalem's 2020 population is now estimated at 931,756. In 1950, the population of Jerusalem was 120,895Jerusalem has grown by 74,004 since 2015, which represents a 1.67% annual change.

The New Standard JEWISH Encyclopedia

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